The summer competition entry portal is now open. To enter, you need to register an account. While we use this platform a lot, you cannot use an old or SABSOSA log-ins. Once you’ve registered you can enter a beer(s) and return later, log in and enter or edit more beers, print labels and pay.
This is a Belgians competition. If you’re entering a Belgian, select one of the specific BJCP categories. If you’re entering a non-Belgian beer choose ‘other’ (the last item in the drop-down menu) and use the BJCP 2015 categories to indicate in the box what style of beer it is. E.g. 13A. Dark Mild.
The best of show and medals will only be awarded to the Belgians entered. Other beers will be judged as normal with judges sheets available in the portal after completion.
Bottle drop is currently only at BeerBelly, our meeting on March 18 or on the day by 12.15pm.
While this was a Belgians comp, the club opened this competition up to more styles with the benefit of all entry fees set at $7 and all going to a bush fire and wildlife related charity. It also allows more members to have a go at judging which is a great learning experience.
We always need judges and stewards. Indicate your willingness to help in your entry or send an email to
Judging will be held at The Gilbert St Hotel from 12pm. We estimate the presentations will be around 3pm. If you can, come down for the event from 3pm. We’ll put one some snacks and the bar will no doubt have a great line-up of beers to enjoy.
March meeting
We are at the Wheaty on March 18 and we’ll be doing the off-flavours training kits that were postponed in November.
Hills breweries tour
Watch out for an announcement and tickets for the Hills breweries tour on Saturday, April 18. The bus tour will go to Urailda Brewery, Silver Bark Brewery, Lot 100 (Mismatch) and Left Barrel Brewing with brewery tours and meet and greet from the brewers. Numbers are limited so be quick. Cost $TBC.
Also fast approaching is our BeerBQ on May 2. That might not seem soon but this is a reminder to think about what you want to brew for it and schedule it in.
More dates in the Club Calendar.