About SABC

Since its beginnings in 2012, the South Australian Brewing Club (SABC) has grown to be the largest club in the state holding regular meetings, events and competitions throughout the year.

Its membership is made up of men and women of all ages and brewing experience who collaborate and share knowledge to improve members’ homebrewing.

The club hosts a regular monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of the month. We’re lucky to have the support from The Wheatsheaf Hotel that has the space to fit the 40 regular attendees and allows us to bring our own homebrew for member tasting and discussion.

Smoked beer clarityFrom time to time we meet or hold special events at other venues and breweries in Adelaide and around the region.

In the last few years, the club was invited to a brew day at Left Barrel Brewing, held a car park brew at BeerBelly Brewing Supplies, toured West End Brewery, exclusive tours of Lady Burra, Little Bang and Sweet Amber breweries and hosted a bus tour of Southern Vales and Hills breweries.

SABC also holds two club competitions a year with a quality prize pool with judging by BJCP accredited judges. We also host the State Amateur Brewing Show of SA (SABSOSA), SA’s largest brewing competition attracting over 350 entries.

SABC members have won equal second place in the Australian Amateur Brewing Competition and SA as a state was placed second. This really shows the strength of brewing in SA and SABC’s place in helping amateur brewers improve their craft.

We offer regular prizes in raffles and bulk buy deals on ingredients as well as community support to help members improve and enjoy their brewing.

SABC on FacebookYou can read our newsletter emails on our website main page and follow our Facebook page.

We welcome members from all over South Australia. Find out more about joining the club here.

Send the club an email  info@sabrew.com

SABC at Forktree Brewing, Carrickalinga
SABC at enjoying beers, burgers and the view at Forktree Brewing, Carrickalinga
Jade from Wheaty Brewing Corps presents to SABC members
SABC meet at The Wheatsheaf Hotel on the third Wednesday of the month.


  • President: Lachlan Johnson
  • Vice President: Sam Beard
  • Treasurer: Leon van der Linden
  • Secretary: Gus Kingston
  • Competitions Director: Gerard Flynn
  • Head Judge: Gary Waters
    Website Manager: Julien Gibson
  • General committee members: Nick McAuley, Chris Kerr.

The committee meets bi-monthly and welcome club members to come along and get involved in organising and running activities. Our AGM is generally in July.