Winter comp winners, new committee & August Meeting at The Suburban Brew

Greetings brewers. We hope you are enjoying the ‘dark beers’ season. The club met last week for some housekeeping, awards announcements and upcoming events. We also tasted an excellent barleywine that was the result of a member-led barrel project. Delish.

Here’s a big summary of what’s happening below. Get your spex out and read on.

Winter Competition: ‘The Euros’ Results

Congratulations to Russell Saint for winning the Belgian class and Best of Show with his Belgian Single. Other class winners include: German: Kieren Vercoe (German Leichtbier), English: Nat Warnock (English Porter), Scottish: Ben Key (Scottish Export), Irish: Brenton George (Irish Stout).

See the full results on the competition’s page. The judges’s score sheets are available to download. And of course, Spain won the football.

Upcoming ABCSA State Competition

The entry portal and website will update in early August. Key dates to remember:

  • Bottle Drop: closes at drop-off locations, COB August 31 or by 12pm Saturday at The Irish Club.
  • Judging: Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8 at The Irish Club, Carrington Street

The portal will also invite judge and steward registrations. We need help to run the competition, so any time you can give is appreciated. There’s still time to brew a comp-winning beer. Good luck!

AGM / Committee Update

The Annual General Meeting was held at the club meeting as required by its constitution. The minutes including treasurer’s and president’s reports will be available soon.

Lachlan Johnson was elected as president. He’s supported by:

VP: Sam Beard, Treasurer: Leon van der Linden, Secretary: Gus Kingston. The General committee members are: Chief Steward: Nick McCauley, General Officer: Chris Kerr, IT: Julien Gibson, Competition Director: Gerrard Flynn, Head Judge: Gary Waters

The committee meets bi-monthly and welcomes the contribution of ideas and feedback.

August Meeting Venue Change

The August club meeting on August 21 (3rd Wednesday of the month) will be at The Suburban Brew Glynde. Owner and brewer, Tony, a former club member, will give us a tour of his one-year-old facility. This brewhouse produces excellent beers, including the award-winning Sunday Session Ale, which recently won a gold medal at the Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards.

  • Address: 26-30 Provident Avenue, Glynde (not Goodwood!).
  • Transport: Buses 174, 176, or H33 from the city and plenty of on-site parking is available.
The Suburban Brew, Glynde
Mmmm remember sunny warm days at a brewery

Beer tour to Little Blessings Brewing, Laura

The date is getting close, August 3! Join SABC members for a road trip to Laura in the mid-north on the first weekend in August to enjoy beers crafted by our member Craig Blesing at his brand new (old church) brewery!

Limited spots are available, so please RSVP (or email) if you’re certain you’ll attend. Also, let us know if you’re planning a day trip (about 2 hours drive) or staying overnight. Depending on numbers, we may need separate sessions.

For overnight stays, check out the Laura Caravan Park directly across from the brewery. Everyone gets scones on arrival. It’s a delightful place. When we know more, we can coordinate shared accommodation or rides with fellow members.

Membership Renewals

Many of you might not realise your annual club membership has expired. To renew, head to the SABC Shop and pay to keep access to club events, meetings, competitions, discounts and extras, online group and member brains trust. If you’re unsure of your current status, find out how to check it here. The annual subscription of $60 hasn’t changed in many years and will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future. The club aims to give members the best value for money it can, all for the price of a batch of beer.

What’s in planning: another Southern Vales brewery bus trip!

Sling us a line if you need help or want to get in touch.

Calendar Dates Summary

  • Aug 3/4: Little Blessing Brewery ‘Road Trip’
  • Aug 6: Committee meeting
  • Aug 21: Club meeting at The Suburban Brew
  • Aug 31/ Sept 1: ABCSA Bottle drop closes
  • Sept 7 & 8: ABCSA judging
  • Sept 14: ABCSA Awards presentation at the Wheaty (TBC)
  • Sept 18: Club meeting, The Wheaty
  • Oct 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty

View the updated calendar on the website and subscribe to your Google Calendar or Outlook 365 and don’t miss an event.

Kveik — Aha, it’s just Norwegian for yeast

How good is brewing beer? Even better with friends. Fifteen or so SABC members and a few onlookers shared a great day brewing at Left Barrel Brewing, Balhannah on Saturday. We brewed 280L of American Amber with CTZ and Chinook that came out at 1.066 / 56IBUs. All the brewers took home 20L to ferment as they want. We’ll taste the results of their cold-side decisions at our December/ Christmas meeting.

Thanks as always to Brad at Left Barrel for hosting us again. 

This week is our regular monthly meeting at the Wheaty. The main theme of the night is kveik — the new-old rockstar Norwegian farmhouse yeast that’s spinning heads with its clean fermentation profile at high temperatures. Clinton has brewed a beer for us using White Lab’s commercial strain and, along with SABC’s own Professor of Kveik, Mark Pirate, they’ll present the background of the yeast, pros and cons and experiences using it.

Could this be a go-to Adelaide summer yeast? Get your questions ready to hit ’em with. We’ve also got a beer from Kieren (always a wild ride) and other stuff going on.

Don’t forget to bring a bottle for ‘beer bingo’. It’s hard to share a beer with all members so bring one or two to swap. Put your name on it if you’d like some feedback.

Do you have an idea for a club night theme, topic or want to put on a presentation around a style or comparison experiment? Let us know. We can help line things up or supply some ingredients.

In other club upcoming news and events, we’re working on an event for the end of the year. News to come.

Also (but TBC), next month we’ll probably do another off flavours education tasting session (always happy to have a dud beer donated for examination – don’t be shy) and December will be pizzas and the Left Barrel amber ales.

Summer competition

As you’d know the theme is all things Belgian. We’ll be judging on a weekend in mid-late February. So heads up, you might want to get brewing now and also be aware that sometimes the ingredient you need could be hard to get in January. It’s a good opportunity to brew something you might not usually tackle and put you out of your comfort zones.

Also, the Uraidla Show is on November 3 and is back to judging beer and wine. Entry details here [PDF] 

Membership renewals and joining are online on our website.

Keep up to date with happenings and social posts on our Facebook Group for members

SAB at Left Barrel Brewing

It was a dark and roasty night

Mid-winter is good in some ways. Dark beers take on a uniqueness that’s better enjoyed (and add some cheese!) but chilling wort is much quicker with cold groundwater.

Here’s a quickfire what’s on.

August meeting – Wednesday 21 at The Wheaty

We are going to be joined by three local brewers who ‘went pro’. The theme is upscaling and lessons learnt — Suburban, Shapeshifter and SK Beverages.

They perfected a beer on a homebrew scale that they believed in. What does a brewer need to think about when making a commercial batch of the same beer and what were some of the surprising lessons learnt?

SABSOSA – share your entry

Also, with SABSOSA entries open, we’re asking everyone to bring a bottle or two of their entries to share one-on-one or two with some of our club members who judge. It might be too late to brew again but it’s not too late to make sure the beer is entered in the right category.

One of the areas some of the best beers fall short is where it’s a great beer but wrongly entered. An IPA where maybe it could have done better as an Americal pale ale, a wild ale that’s a winning saison or an America porter that’s better categorised as a black IPA etc.

Bring your entries to share and talk about. Take a good look at the SABSOSA guidelines too.

We’re also advising on packaging. Please be aware that SABSOSA is not accepting 330-375ml stubby bottles. It was announced last year that it was going to be the last year for stubbies. Read all of the entry FAQs.

The entry portal is now open. You need to create a new account. As you’d all be aware, SABC is running the competition and we do need help. Please sign in and enter your expression of interest to judge or steward that way. It makes allocating judges and stewards to flights easier for Gary.

We also are on the lookout for bottle drop locations. If you can think of any that would work, especially in the southern suburbs, please let us know. Preferably as the venue on our behalf too. That saves us a job. Bottles are dropped off in the last week of August.

Win a 75L stainless kettle.

Every financial member of SABC is in the running to win a brand new 75L stainless steel kettle generously donated by Kieren. We’ll draw the winning entry from the kettle at the August 21 meeting.

If your membership is about to expire, needs renewing or you have a friend that is interested in joining but needs some incentive, get on it before Aug 21. Renew or check membership online here.

Win this 304 stainless kettle

All in to win a 75L kettle

Thanks to everyone who came to our AGM/ Cheese pairing night — everyone thought it was a great night. We got through the business end efficiently, presented winter comp prizes and moved on to SABC treating everyone with wonderful Wheaty French cheese platters to pair with WBC Yeast Coast IPA, Shiploads Porter along with a beer brewed by Leon with the leftover grain from the club brewday.

Competition time – win a 75L 304 steel kettle

We’ve got a great prize to give away and SABC members need to do nothing to be in the running to win except make sure your membership is up to date. All members are in the draw to win when we pull names from the kettle at the August club meeting on Aug 21.

If your membership has lapsed, or you’re reading this and have been thinking about joining SABC or you’ve got a friend you’ve encouraged to join, as long as you’re paid up by 12pm August 21, then you’re in to win. Checking the status of your membership is easy on our website. Find out how here.

Prize value $300. Kettle offered as-is with no accessories or warranty. Cannot be exchanged for cash. SABC is not liable for any issues or damages caused by its use. Winner will be drawn at the SABC meeting, Aug 21. Prize must be collected in 14 days or it will be offered to second place.

Gawler Show homebrewing competition

Entries for the Gawler Show close on August 9. It’s a good hitout for SABSOSA to test your beers — or enter your winter competition beer. Enquiries to Rachel Edwards who has taken over the competition this year.

The SABC committee for 2019/20

President: Gus Kingston, Vice President: Luke Moran, Treasurer: Edward Shorne Holden, Secretary: Clinton Fisher, Comms and Social Media: Samantha Wallwork, Competitions Director: Gary Waters, Website Manager: Julien Gibson, Events Co-ordinator: Lachlan Johnson, General committee members: Glen Phillis, Leon van der Linden, Mark ‘Pirates’.

AGM minutes available on request.

The night is dark…

Here we go again. June club meeting is on this Wednesday, June 19 from 7 pm at The Wheaty. Our guest will be Dermott from BeerCo. He’s making the trip over from Melbourne with a suitcase full of samples to guide the theme of the night which is, where is homebrewing going and how does the Australian market fit into the worldwide picture when it comes to getting new and fresh ingredients and the latest brewing equipment.

Have your questions ready about how you get your hands on all the stuff you read about and what are the trends at the moment.

A few weeks ago BeerCo also supplied us with one of their all grain porter kits with a new variety of hop that’s just hit the market that is purported to impart coconut flavours. We’ve got that beer brewed and ready for tasting.

If anyone else has a beer they’d like to share, let us know. If you’ve just got one bottle, bring it along for beer bingo and leave with someone else’s beer.

We’re also welcoming your friends this month, so if you’ve got a friend who’d be interested in coming along please invite them.

Winter competition
The entry portal for our All Things American winter comp is open now. Judging is on Saturday, July 6 but the entry page will close on July 4th, two days before. You won’t be able to enter, pay or print labels after that time so make sure you get it all done now.

The stakes are high this year. The best of show winner will receive a $100 voucher and the runner up $50. All categories will win engraved trophy glasses. See the last post for more or the competitions page.

Entries can be brought on Wednesday night or dropped off at the usual venues or on the judging day by 12.15pm.

July 6 – Summer comp judging from 12 -3pm.
July 12 – 14 Beer n BBQ festival (Sunday club casual meetup)
July 19 – Special beer and cheese pairing night and SABC AGM

Water water everywhere… March meeting and club brew day

In this update: March meeting, Collab brew day, SABSOSA help! Wheaty Wildflower enduro event.

This month’s meeting is a return to a more normal format back at home ground — the Wheaty, this Wednesday from 7 pm.

The subject might seem dull but as water makes up 95 per cent of beer it’s an important ingredient and often overlooked one. Club ‘water guys’ Leon and Luke are going to lead a discussion in understanding what’s in our water by demystifying SA Water reports (so check out yours in advance here) and how to treat it depending on the beer you’re brewing.

Of course, there will be beer too with a tasting of the Dean Smith’s summer comp winning milk stout. Bring a bottle for bottle swap bingo. More to come on the event on Facebook.

Casual Collaborative Brew Day – April 6

In the lead up the annual club BeerBQ, we’re going to put on a casual brew day on Saturday, April 6th. Members are invited to bring their brewing rigs along and brew anything of their choosing either solo or in a team. Join the discussion in the Facebook group.

The club will fund grain bills and provide wood-fired pizza. We would love to see at least 5 breweries in action and we encourage members to team up if their get isn’t portable.

Members don’t have to brew to attend. Bringing a longneck or two to share is also encouraged and have some pizza. It’ll be a fun way to spend the last day of daylight saving. Join in.

General guidelines based on 5 brews ~1.050, for each brew the club will fund each brewing team
5kgs Gladfield Ale Malt
200g Gladfield Toffee
200g Gladfield light crystal or Gladiator (dextrin) up for debate
20g Magnum hops for bittering

Any other ingredients will need to be brought along on the day. Why not brew a freezer cleaner and use up some old hops or grains? Hit the supermarkets and bring some rolled oats or boost your ABV with some table sugar, honey or molasses. The grain can be milled on the day.

We hope some of the beers will be ready for the BeerBQ on May 4th – so consider fermentation and conditioning time. Split batches amongst your team for creative cold side decisions.

There will be a sign-up sheet at the March meeting so we can lock in interest. If you can’t make the meeting, then email and tell us if you want to brew, join a team or just attend. The event will be held at a private premise in Enfield, details will be provided to attendees closer to the event.

State Amateur Brewing Show, SA (SABSOSA)

As you know, this year we are running the state’s peak brewing competition. Last year there were 365 entries and we expect more this year — we need your help. The dates are in, sponsors sorted and the venue is booked. If you’re interested in judging or stewarding get in touch now with Gary, chief competition director. We’ve got a sweet deal for you (includes free beer). If you can help in any other way let us know now too — bottle sorters, pick up entry drivers, luggers, organisers, computer people — jump in, please. Judging is September 7-8. (Practice brewing now! We want to win too).

Wheaty Wildflower Enduro free beer offer for SABC

Go deeper into the Wild with Co-Founder, bug wrangler and barrel whisperer extraordinaire Topher Boehm of Wildflower Brewing & Blending in an epic three-hour tasting this Tuesday 18th. Watch our post of FB to add your name for a free fancy if you’re going. Tickets etc… here.

Forward dates

April 17: Everything you need to know about kegging and then some…

May 4: BeerBQ at Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens)

May 22: Pirate Life Brewery tour (TBC- might be April)

June 19: AGM and winter comp.

Feb meeting change, final call on brewery tour and summer comp open

Some rapid-fire news (it won’t take long to read Matt Johns!).

One: The bus tour of Southern Vales breweries is almost sold out and due to a cancellation, we’ve got four seats left. The tour is this Saturday and will take you to Goodieson Brewery to meet head brewer Jeff, Shifty Lizard Brewing Co and meet head brewer Lee, Forktree Brewing to meet head brewer Ben and then lunch in the restaurant overlooking Carickalinga and then South Coast Brewing Co where you will meet brewers Scott, Mark and Brett. $30 for a 9.45am start. Return to The Wheaty by 5.45 where you can kick on at Thebartonia. We won’t be doing another one in the near future so be quick! Book via the shop. You must log in

Two: Our next regular monthly meeting is having a date change. It will be THURSDAY 21 February at Little Bang Brewing. Unfortunately, they’re not open on Wednesdays and unlike when they were smaller, can’t make exceptions for homebrewing mates. The Wheaty is also busy with Fringe events.

Bring your summer competition entries but we won’t be judging them on the night.

We’ll get a backstage tour of the new brewery and other plans are still being worked out. Watch for emails and the event on Facebook but just note the date change now.

Three: The summer competition entry portal is now open. It’s found from the competitions page on the site or at – you need to log in etc…

Drop off is at the February meeting unless you organise something with us before with an email.

Christmas meeting this week

SABC Christmas meeting this week
[artwork by Samantha Wallwalk]
Another year is done and dusted and again it’s time for our final meeting of the year. As is tradition, it’s a casual catch-up at The Wheaty on Wednesday from 7 pm. The club will put on pizzas from 7.30. We’ve also got an InkBird digital temperature controller up for raffle thanks to InkBird Australia. If you think you’re not the winning kind, you can buy one from their eBay shop and use SABC for a discount.

Like last year, we’re also doing a secret Santa beer gift. Please bring a bottle to drop and wrap it so no one can see what it is. Ideally, we’d like it to be your homebrew but if you’re stuck, please bring a bottle of something commercial you’ve enjoyed this year.

It’s been another big year for the club; our membership has grown and we’ve got great members making a fantastic contribution to the club and community. We did really well in competitions like SABSOSA where John Van der Zalm won best beer and Kieren best brewer and nationally at AABC where Greg and Kieren both won joint runner-up. The club hosted another excellent BeerBQ in May and members who brewed at Left Barrel Brewing in October got a lot out of the experience and some free beer! Our tour of West End was also an eye-opener as was Sweet Amber and Little Burra at the other end of the scale. Finally, our monthly meetings have been really well attended with over 35  regularly attending to hear about faults, yeast, malt and from guests like Stephen Nelsen from TAFE Regency Park a highlight for many.

If you can’t be with us on Wednesday, on behalf of the committee, have a happy, fun, relaxing and safe Christmas and New Year.

~ Gus

Future Dates

January 16: January Bridge Road head brewer at The Wheaty  (TBC)

February 2: Southern Vales breweries bus tour – tickets on sale soon. Limited numbers. More to come.

February 20: Monthly meeting (at Little Bang TBC)/ Summer comp close and judging. Competition details here.

March 20: Water chemistry.


Christmas drinks and a sour beer masterclass with Wildflower

Crashing towards the end of the year, we hope your Christmas beers are in the keg or fermentors for the holidays. This newsletter only has celebration content too.

December meeting, Christmas drinks

We made the decision to cancel the end of year event at Flinders Tavern and make our regular meeting on December 19 a casual catchup but still stacked with some cool raffle prizes (and InkBird temp controller). We’ll also order in some pizzas. Also as we did last year, we are doing another secret Santa bottle swap. Everyone brings a bottle in a brown paper bag and leaves with another. While we expect it would be homebrew, if you’re stuck you can buy something commercial so everyone gets something. Stick your name on the bottle so the recipient knows whose it was. We’ll be there from 7 pm as usual and probably roll on until closing.

Club casual meetup: Wildflower sours masterclass Topher Boehm

We are jumping onto this Wheaty event this Wednesday, December 6 as a social gathering. Join SABC members for a sour beer masterclass at the Wheaty with Wildflower head brewer Topher Boehm. Topher recently presented at the Australian National Homebrew Conference and we can assure you he is a wealth of knowledge in sour brewing and blending. If you missed the conference, this was one of the standout presentations and you’re getting an opportunity to experience it on home soil.

As a bonus, The Wheaty is offering a free Fancy of choice to current SABC financial members who attend the tasting. You need to indicate in this event that you are ‘going’ so we can generate a list on our group Facebook event. If you’re not on Facebook, email us. Currently, there are 14 members going.

This is a Wheaty seated event like Good Beer Wheaty so bookings ($20+bf ) are essential through OZTIX here. Find out heaps more on their website.

Final reminder: Please take five to fill out our member survey. We’ll close it on Wednesday night.  It’s mostly tick-a-box style responses with a few places to write a broader answer. It’s also anonymous. Click here to start the survey

Summer competition

The categories for our summer competition, judged at our February meeting, are:

Saison BJCP 25b: A great style for summer competition brewing because it ferments we’ll in warmer temperatures, so those who do not have temp control can experiment with the yeast.

Milk Stout: Based on 16a sweet stout. Emphasis is on a milky creamy mouthfeel with lactose the main source of the sweetness.

Milkshake stout will also be allowed. They should be higher in mouthfeel. Roastiness and hoppyness should be increased to balance the extra mouthfeel and sweetness. Any additions like chocolate strawberries vanilla etc should be noted in the entry.

NEIPA: From a stylistic standpoint, NEIPA is itself a bit of a conundrum. Opaque, cloudy and occasionally turbid in appearance. NEIPA is most often characterised by restrained bitterness, intense aromatics and “juicy” hop character.

Future dates

January 16: January catchup at Little Bang’s new digs.

February 20: Monthly meeting/ Summer comp close and judging.

March 20: Water chemistry (TBC)


Meeting this week with guests Gladfield Malt

Our monthly club meeting week has come around again. This Wednesday 21, 7pm we’re back at The Wheaty with special guest Gabi Michael, brewer and owner of NZ’s craft malters Gladfield Malt. She’ll be taking questions on how to get the best out of your malts and in particular Gladfield malts.

We recommend you grab their smartphone app that converts well-known malt names by other maltsers to their product and adjusts the amount required. It also converts full recipes including mash temperatures. Take a look and prepare your questions on how to brew your favourite styles with Gladfield. Also joining Gabi will be Jade from Wheaty Brewing Corps in taking your questions. She’s used Gladfield extensively in her beers and will give us her experienced view.

We’ll also be tasting a few of the beers brewed at Left Barrel six or so weeks ago.

All welcome, including non-members who want to come and check us out. Drop us a line to let us know you are interested in coming.


Our Christmas event is on Saturday, December 8 at the Flinders Tavern from 1pm – 5pm. Members are free and guests are welcome to join us. Even though you’re a member, please grab a ticket here so we can generate a list of everyone attending and work out catering. You need to use your member log-in to find the free ticket in the shop. You can also buy one for a friend for $25.

The event is here on Facebook here.


We want to hear from you about your club – Christmas event tickets now open

Christmas event tickets now open

Our Christmas event is on Saturday, December 8 at the Flinders Tavern from 1pm – 5pm. Members are free and guests are welcome to join us. The ticket for non-members is $25 which gets them a Burger Theory meal (inc. pint) and homebrew tastings.

Even though you’re a member, please grab a ticket here so we can generate a list of everyone attending and work out catering. You can buy one for a friend

The event is here on Facebook and below.

We want to hear from you. 

The committee takes a lot of time and consideration to plan the events and direction of the club. We want to know from you how you want us to give you the most value from being a member and what you want from the club — from the simple to big events. Please take five minutes to fill out this survey. It’s mostly tick-a-box style responses with a few places to write a broader answer. It’s also anonymous. The survey is now closed.


More on Christmas.. This years summer event will be held at the Flinders Tavern by Burger Theory at Flinders University. Saturday, December 8 at the Flinders Tavern from 1pm – 5pm.. Burger Theory is proudly South Australian small business and showcases a range of local and interstate craft beers in the tav including Big Shed, Mismatch, Hawkers and Green Beacon. As always the event is free for members and non-members can purchase a ticket. Snacks, a burger meal and pint will be provided.

Members raffle
We have a couple of prizes up for grabs for members only, you just need to be in attendance to go in the draw

1 x ticket on next years McLaren Vale brewery tour
1 x Inkbird temperature controller

Kegging and pressure filling demo
Thinking about moving away from the cleaning all those bottles and getting into kegging? We’re going to provide a kegging 101 demo and will show you how to:
-connect a basic keg & co2 setup
-transfer beer from keg to keg under pressure
-fill PET bottles from keg under pressure
A limited number of PET bottles will be filled with beer from the Left Barrel brew day and available for takeaway!

As is the tradition we’ll be announcing club brewer of the year and awarding the coveted trophy. There will be a couple of brew samples available from the Left Barrel brew day. The cricket will be on the TV, and the sun shining on the balcony.

Head to the main University entrance on Registry road. Enter the Student Hub and head upstairs.
– car park 6 off Registry road. Free parking on weekends.
– enter ‘Registry road, Bedford Park’ as the destination for best results.
– catch the G10 direct from the CBD to the Flinders University interchange
– catch a bus to the Flinders Medical Centre interchange and walk 10 mins or catch another bus
A bike path follows the Sturt river from Anzac Highway to Maccas on South Road – then take the backstreets.

October club news

Members brewing at Left Barrel Brewing
Members brewing at Left Barrel Brewing

As the warm weather arrives it’s time to start thinking about summer smashable beers to brew and what could be better than a simple well-made pilsner? This Wednesday we’re meeting at the German Club for what is probably the final time before the building goes under the auctioneer’s hammer. We’ll meet from 7pm. The kitchen is open and if want to eat, it’s advisable to get there early

The theme in part will be German beers — last year Gary presented a history of altbier, this year it will be lager. We’ll have lots of tastings too — a couple of German beers but we’re also welcoming anyone who wants to share any beers they’ve made with the Vic Secret hops many members got as a gift baggie. If you’ve got a beer to share, let us know ASAP by email.

Bottle swaps. If you just want to bring a just a single bottle or two to swap and taste later, that’s fine too. We’re trying to encourage more one to one random bottle swapping at meetings. Bring it in, label what it is, who you are and a contact if you like — even get fancy and link to the recipe online — and drop it on the beer bingo bench. If you bring a beer, you leave with a beer. Simple. Feedback to the brewer is encouraged.

The committee is also planning the next six months soon. If you have a meeting idea, want to present a talk or an experiment, let us know by email. All ideas welcome.


Last Saturday a group of members had a brew day at Left Barrel Brewing at Balhannah while the rest of us stood around the bar watching and enjoying the beers. By all accounts it was fun and a bit of a learning experience and they’re all looking forward to tasting their beers that are now fermenting separately with brewer’s choice of yeast and dry hops. The results will be presented at the December Xmas drinks meeting. Thank you to everyone who signed-on. We’ll do it again next year.

While on Christmas, our club end of year event will be on Saturday, December 8 at the Flinders Uni Tavern. Put the date in your diaries now. As always, it’s free for members and that includes a meal by Burger Theory and some homebrew tastings. The bar is open with a wide range of ‘crafties’ on tap too. Guests welcome – non-members ticket price TBC.

We’re also announcing a breweries tour by bus in February at Wednesday’s meeting too.

Free beer. The Wheaty is presenting Bridge Road Brewers – Mayday Masterclass with Bridge Road founder Ben Krauss this Thursday, October 18. Jade has offered a free pint to SABC members who want to go. You need to get your name to us by email by 5 pm Tuesday to get on the list.


Phew! thinking about what’s been happening and putting a value on it — brew day wort, hops, free pints, Xmas party meal as well as raffles and meetings — it adds up to more than the cost of membership. That’s pretty good. If you’ve got a friend who’s interested in joining, or you’re reading this and have a membership that has lapsed, now’s a great time to join SABC.

Forward dates

October 25-37: Aust Nat. Homebrew Conference, Melb.

November 21: November monthly meeting

Dec 8: SABC Summer event at Flinders Tavern.

December 19: December monthly meeting – Christmas drinks at The Wheaty

January 16: January catchup at Little Bang’s new digs.

February 20: Monthly meeting.