July Meeting AGM

As well as judging our Winter Competition at the Wheaty on Wednesday 18th July, we will have our Annual AGM before judging commences. As part of the proceedings, Club members will be able to vote for the incoming ’18/’19 Club Committee.

The SABC Committee is the engine room for the Club’s operations and without which the Club cannot function. Please be aware that all committee positions will be declared vacant before positions are elected and voted. The following positions will be made open for nominations, with a brief description of each:

Club President: Oversees the running of the Club

Vice President: Assists Club President and stands in where the President is unavailable

Secretary: Documentation, communication and administration duties

Treasurer: Oversees all Club finances

Competitions Officer: Club competition coordination and possible SABSOSA committee chief*

IT Officer: Oversees Club website, email and retail store

Social media Officer: Oversees social media, PR and promotion of the Club via online presence

Events Officer: Oversees Club bi-annual events and social gatherings

Sponsorships Officer: Oversees Club sponsorships for competitions and raffle etc

Meeting co-ordinator(NEW ROLE): Co-ordination of meeting administration including glassware, attendance forms, badges etc

Please consider if any of these roles appeal to you. New faces are welcomed and encouraged to help keep the passion and enthusiasm for the Club high. Club committee members meet up roughly quarterly for formal meetings and communicate regularly. Lets keep SABC up there with the best brew clubs in the country, YOUR BREW CLUB NEEDS YOU!

*Pending vote to incorporate SABSOSA and SABC. Details at the AGM.

Membership Portal Now Open

Annual menberships can now be renewed via our SABC shop portal HERE

Current members who renew on or around the start of the financial year, please renew your membership now to continue to enjoy all the benefits of your annual membership. If you have joined the Club in the past few months and/or have purchased a half year or full year membership in the past 6 months, we will endevour to remind you to renew when the time arises in the coming months.

Going forward, the Club will only offer annual memberships with no joining fee for new members. At the anniversary of your joining or renewal via the SABC Shop portal, you will recieve a reminder each year to renew.

Competition Portal Now Open

SABC Winter Competition portal is now open for entries. All entries must be registered via the portal to be eligible for entry. Please enter HERE

If you have not entered a competition via the site before, you will need to register first. Once entries have been made, be sure to print an entry barcode to attach to your bottle. Please enter one bottle of at least 500ml per entry. Entries can be dropped off by emailing the Club at competitions@sabrew.com or bring it along to the AGM winter competition meeting at the Wheaty on Wednesday 18th July.

Off flavours in beer presentations

At our June meeting, the club presented a series of tastings of beers with off flavours added to them using professional sensory kits.

Acetaldehyde, Solvent-like, Diacetyl and DMS (dimethyl sulfide).

To accompany the tastings for discussion there was also some short presentations. You can download the slides as PDF documents below.

Off Flavours-Diacetyl

Off Flavours- Solvent-like

Off Flavours – DMS Dimethyl sulfide

Off Flavours – Acetaldehyde

Membership Renewal Update

SABC will soon be making some changes to the way membership renewals and new sign-ups take place.

Very shortly we’ll be offering members an opportunity to renew via a new membership portal on our website. These can be done by existing members around the beginning of the financial year (on or after 1st July).

To avoidance of confusion for new members, they will be able to enrol at any time during the year, and a year later, receive a renewal reminder. We are abolishing the administrative joining fee for new memberships too. Half-year memberships will no longer be available.

We ask at this time that you not renew your annual membership until the announcement of the new portal is made before the end of June. Any new members who have have recently joined the club with half-year memberships, please contact the Club at info@sabrew.com so we may manually register you for the year ahead.

SABC Winter Competition

SABC Winter Brewing CompetitionThe annual SABC Winter Competition is just over four weeks away on Wednesday, July 18 at our monthly meeting and, YES, there’s still time to get brewing. It’s not too late!

The competition entry portal is now open.

Our competition boasts the best prizes in the state, including a pass for this year’s Australian National Homebrew Conference (ANHC) in Melbourne and a bag of other prizes from our friends at BeerCo.com.au.

The only categories being judged in this year’s competition are: Low Alcohol (1.), Brown Ale (7.), Wheat and Rye Ale (13.), Sour Ale (14.), Fruit/Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer (17.). These are categories from the Aust. Amateur Brewing Championships (AABC) and can be found here.

If you have never entered a competition before, have a go. It just takes one bottle. It’s a great learning experience as well and beers brewed can also be entered into the State Amateur Brewing Competition (SABSOSA) in August.

Competition entries can be brought to the Wheaty on the night of the next meeting, July 18th, or by arrangement by emailing the Club. Judging will take place on the night and coincide with our AGM. Winners will be announced on the night.

Our Competition portal will be available before the end of June, watch this space. Any questions please email us or ask in the SABC Facebook group.

Competition: State Amateur Brewing Show of SA and Gawler Show dates announced

This year’s date for the State Amateur  Brewing Show of South Australia (commonly known as SABSOSA) has been announced. Entries close on August 24th, 2018 with judging taking place on the 1st and 2nd of September at the German Club on Flinders Street.

Please contact SABSOSA via their websites contact to register to help with judging.

The show is supported by us and you enter your beers via this competition link: http://sabsosa.com/?page_id=56

Before that though, the Gawler Show is calling for entries. The closing date is August 6th and judging on the 19th August. Visit https://gawlershow.org.au/services/home-brewed-beer/ to enter and contact convenor, Steve Wilkins, to register your interest to judge this BJCP sanctioned show.

Brewers who place at the State Amateur Brewing Show of South Australia are eligible to go on to the peak national competition, the Australian National Brewing Championships. SABC encourage all members to pledge to enter at least three beers. We have a real chance this year to push South Australia to the top of the tree and be awarded this year’s champion state. Let’s show the country what we’re made of!


June Club meeting is this Wednesday

Our regular monthly meeting is this Wednesday, June 20 at the Wheatsheaf Hotel from 7pm. The focus of the night will be looking at beer faults with a professional ‘off flavours’ addition kit.

Featuring those pesky off flavours we all strive to avoid in our precious brew, come along and taste them first hand and learn how to avoid them with some help from our knowledgeable presenters. We would like to also give a big thanks to Jade and the Wheaty for sponsoring our base beer.

Can you pick them? See you at the Wheaty to find out.


BYO Subscriptions

Thanks to those who have contacted the Club recently regarding BYO subscriptions. Despite several attempts to contact BYO, they have unfortunately not been responsive in offering Club subscriptions.

The committee have decide not to pursue Club subscriptions going forward.

We apologise for late notice and will ask those wanting to renew to do so on an individual basis in the future.

Autumn Newsletter

Winter is coming … hopefully that means the fermenters are filling with some dark winter warmers and a few brews for our upcoming Winter Competition.

Autumn has kicked off with a bang. Our SABC BeerBQ at Colonel Light Gardens Bowl club was a roaring success. Good Beer Wheaty followed shortly after. It was well attended by the SABC massive if the dodgy Facebook pics are anything to go by (Dave Pridham don’t give up your day job!). We then paid a visit to burgeoning Sweet Amber Brewing for May’s meeting. If you have brewed a beer for their bi-monthly competition, great job and thanks for representing SABC. Don’t forget, entries close 31st May.

As we head into winter, some good stuff is ahead with some notable dates for the diary:

June 20th: SABC Club meeting at the Wheaty. The theme is a faults tasting session. One not to be missed … so tell ya friends!

July 6-8th: Adelaide Beer & BBQ Festival at the Showgrounds (Social Gathering).

July 18th: SABC Club meeting, AGM and Winter Competition judging at the Wheaty. If you are thinking of standing for the coming year committee, please have a chat with me at our next meeting. Your Club needs you!

The Club has just re-stocked with fresh merchandise; t-shirts, caps and hoodies. We can’t bring them all along to each meeting, so why not email the Club at info@sabrew.com to enquire about sizes so we can bring them along to the next gathering for you.

I look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks time.



Winter Comp

It’s time to dust the cobwebs off the brew gear and get cracking for the annual SABC Winter Competition which is now just 7 weeks away. Brew your best beer or beers in one of the following AABC categories:

Low Alcohol (1.)

Brown Ale (7.)

Wheat and Rye Ale (13.)

Sour Ale (14.)

Fruit/Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer (17.)

So why not have a crack at something you’ve never brewed before like a Pumpkin Ale, Light Australian Lager, Dark Mild, Gose or your best tried and trusted Weizen. Plenty of styles to chose from and a host of bountiful prizes including a full pass to this years ANHC and some some of the finest ingredients our friends at BeerCo have to offer.

Ready…Set… Brew!


May Meeting Announcement

It’s SABC club meeting time tomorrow night.

Please be aware that this month’s meeting is NOT at the Wheaty!

We will be enjoying a brewery tour of one of SA’s newer craft breweries at Sweet Amber Brewing from 7pm

Unit 5, 21 Naweena road Regency Park.

(Note this is the brewery and tap room, not the Semaphore Cafe)

There will be a burger food truck from 6pm, so bring a few dollars for some tukka.

Tasting are welcome, please indicate if you have something to bring along by emailing info@sabrew.com