August monthly meeting this Wednesday

TAFE SA Regency Campus Brewery
TAFE SA Regency Campus Brewery (courtesy TAFE SA)

Our monthly meeting time has come around again — Wednesday 15th at the Wheaty from 7pm. Our guest is head brewing lecturer at TAFE SA’s Regency Campus, Stephen Nelsen. Apart from educating and homebrewing, he’s also had a long career helping start-up breweries get off the ground here in SA and interstate.

We’re encouraging your questions about brewing in a Q&A session. Stephen is also bringing us some tastings brewed at Regency including a new beer that he’s very excited about and is not part of their core range. He’s also going to help us detect, understand and avoid astringency and metallic off flavours in beer with spiked samples.

It’s going to be a great night and we’re expecting a large turnout. thanks to the Wheaty’ generosity, we will also be using the PA for the night. Also, there will be a lucky door prize for club members.

SABC members will also all be getting 100g of Vic Secret hops. It’s a share of 5kg of hops given to us by Wheaty Brewing Corps.

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