Real Ale Fest – June 5th

We’re pleased to announce the inaugural SABC Real Ale Fest! It will be on Satuday, June 5. This means the BeerBQ event in the calendar is being replaced with this new event idea.

The theme for this event will be classic British beer styles that have been cask-conditioned and served using traditional methods such as hand-pumps or gravity fed.

Real ale is a tricky beer to have available at home given the unusual equipment, methods and fast staling due to oxygen intake. An event like this is an excellent opportunity for the club to get together and enjoy the cask ale experience.


Events like this can’t happen without member support. We need five members to put there hand up and brew a batch specifically for this event.

The club will cover the cost of the ingredients and we’ll work with you to ensure a diverse range of styles. We can help arrange kegging equipment if you don’t have any.

If you would like to put you hand up to brew please let us know –

Real Ale Fest Cask Bar
We still need a dedicated bar due to covid restrictions, but this is a cask bar so we need some specialist equipment. The types of things we need are:
Beer engines
Cask breathers
Beer bags
Corny kegs with a straight dip tube

If you have anything that you think would help, please reach out –

Note: we’ll only be serving the 5 member beers brewed specifically for this event – there won’t be any BYO kegs. We won’t have any ice or co2 for them anyway because.. Real Ale!

We haven’t settled on a venue just yet. If you know of one that allows BYO alcohol, please reach out.

Event details:

Date: Saturday, June 5th
Venue: TBD
Catering: Food will not be provided at this event, however you will be welcome to BYO or order in.
Homebrew: You’re welcome to bring bottles to share.

To see a video of how corny keg cask work – watch this: