The count down to the anniversary dinner continues. Here’s another beer and prize drop.
Kieren’s Gose(s)
Kieren doesn’t need much of an introduction. An SABC member since day 1, a previous committee member for both club and ANHC, Brewer Of The Year Winner and the inaugural winner of the The Mike Leupold Award for Champion Brewer of SA. Kieren has brewed them all and won them all. Perhaps that’s why the beers he turns out these days are frequently in ususual colours, may or may not contain glitter, and are just generally a little out there.
Enter the black and white goses. Why is one black? We don’t know. Why is there two? Because two is better then one. What would happen if you mixed them together to make a black and tan? You’ll have to give it a go and find out. We think it’s better to leave a little mystery around this one, because you just can’t anticipate what this guy is going to brew next. .
Prize Prizes Prizes!
Last week I mentioned there would be some HUGE prizes, and its time to let the first one drop. Its a Series X KEGERATOR! Big big thank you goes to Kieren for this as well! He picked it up in a raffle at the recent ANHC Club night, and has kindly donated it to the club to give away. The only way you can get your hands on this is to be there on the night, so click here to purchase a ticket for yourself and guest(s) if you would like to bring one.