2016 AGM – Here’s what happened:

The AGM has been and gone, and thanks to all who took the time to attend.  Thanks also to Clint for running it.  The committee is largely unchanged this year, with one addition and a little shuffle.  Here is the list of committee members:

  • President: Julien Gibson
  • Vice President: Clinton Fisher
  • Treasurer: Ed Shorne Holden
  • Secretary: Luke Moran
  • General committee members:
    • Gary Waters (Development Officer)
    • Simon Rofe
    • Kieren Vercoe
    • Glen Phillis

Committee meetings are held on average every couple of months, and as always, anyone is welcome to attend.  We will endeavour to post notification of committee meetings here with as much notice as possible, but sometimes trying to get eight adults together on the same evening can be a bit like herding cats.

The president’s report which was presented at the AGM is attached to this post for anyone who wasn’t there.  The accounts are still being audited, however we will advise once that is complete and the auditor’s and treasurer’s report will be available to view upon request.

2016 AGM

The AGM is this coming Saturday the 23rd of July, starting at 1pm sharp out the back at the Wheaty.

Attached to this post are the agenda for the AGM, as well as the minutes of the last AGM.

At the AGM, all committee positions will be declared vacant, and any financial member is eligible to nominate for a role on the committee.  There are four club officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.  There are also up to four general committee members, one of which this year we are specifically targeting as a development officer. This role is essentially to build relationships between the club and potential sponsors and the brewing community generally.  Anyone who wishes to nominate for a position can send an email, or nominate on the day.

Another (final, I promise) reminder that to be eligible to vote at the AGM, you must be a financial member.

We hope to see as many members there as possible, and don’t for get the Winter Competition judging is straight after the AGM.

South Australian Brewing Club 2016 AGM Agenda

SABC 2015 AGM minutes

Check out our new Facebook group

We’ve got the SABC Facebook group up and running, check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sabrew/.  If you’re a bit of a Facebook troglodyte (like me), a group is different to a page, such as our regular SABC Facebook page, in that it allows anyone who is a member of the group to post.  All posts are on the main group page for all to see, rather than on a seperate visitor’s page.

The idea is to make this the place for discussion between members that we can all post to  and easily see, so if you’re a Facebook-er, head over and put in a member request.  There’s already some quality (?!) stuff on there…

Winter Competition Reminder

Don’t forget to get your entries in for the Winter Competition, which is being judged after the AGM on July 23rd.  Head over to the Compmaster website to enter your winning beer.

Bottles can be dropped off at the Wheaty in the week prior, or brought on the day, or if you want to organise a drop off with a committee member please email us.

The stakes are high, with the winner of beer of the day getting a brew day at Little Bang! How cool is that!

ANHC Club night

We are still looking for a few handy people to help out with the conversion of Gary’s dingy into the winning bar at the ANHC club night.  At the moment working days have been scheduled for Saturday 13th of August and Saturday 20th of August.  If you think you can spare some time, please contact Gary on 0417 893 321.  We also need dispense gear (which will all go back to its owners), so if you have fittings, disconnects or anything else useful please let us know.

We will no doubt have the best bar on the night, but it will all be for nothing if we don’t have beer flowing through the taps.  We have some brewers lined up, but still need more.  If you can commit to brewing a batch for the night, please let us know.  Running out of beer would not be a good look…

Membership fees reminder

A quick reminder that membership renewals and fees are now due.  If you intend to renew (and we sincerely hope that you do!), please head over to the sign up page and fill out the online form.  You can pay by bank transfer or in person at the next meeting, which will be the AGM.  Please note that to be eligible to vote at the AGM you must be a financial member.

Gawler Show

The Gawler Show is coming up soon, and the entry details have now been posted on their website.  Head over to our Competitions page for the relevant links and info.  You’ll also find the dates have been added to the calendar.

Anyone who is interested in judging or stewarding, please contact Gary Waters on 0417 893 321 or Steve Wilkins on 0417 879 774

Good luck!

Positions Vacant

We have a need for hands-on folk to undertake the construction of HMAS “Soon To Be Named” for the ANHC club night.  We are converting a wooden row boat into a super-bar, with taps, cask and hand pump, and hopefully even a hoppinator.

The following vacancies are open, the more the merrier:

  • Creative types who can think of a theme and appropriate dress code for the evening.
  • Brewers – we need to serve kegged beer. The theme I am sure will be released by the ANHC committee soon.
  • Construction crew and a venue to house a 3 metre x 2 metre wooden boat and hand trolley.
  • Kegging equipment suppliers/ fibreglass or insulation specialists.
  • Cask crew needed. 1-2 casks, appropriate brews and a hand pump arrangement.
  • Transport crew – Ed has volunteered his van but the boat just won’t jump in like Porter the dog does.
  • Thirsty people .. We just can’t go with a dry run can we?

Please contact Gary at garyandlee4@bigpond.com or 0417 893 321

There is 5 weeks until the AGM it would be great to most of the construction done by then and an unofficial launch shortly after.

As the local club this year, we have no excuses not to pull off something amazing, so even if you can only spare an afternoon, if you have some time and skills to offer please step up.

Get Your Buckles Swashed!

We’re off to lead the Pirate Life (well, for an afternoon at least)!


The next SABC social event will be held at Pirate Life Brewing, on Sunday August 28th.  Walking the plank from 12:30pm onwards, there will be a brewery tour of course, plus food and beer.  BYO witty banter and pirate shenanigans.  There will be a prize for the best pirate costume, and other fun stuff.  We’re still thrashing out the details, but the date is locked in.  See you there, me hearties!

(More cheesy pirate talk is almost guaranteed…)