Off flavours in beer presentations

At our June meeting, the club presented a series of tastings of beers with off flavours added to them using professional sensory kits.

Acetaldehyde, Solvent-like, Diacetyl and DMS (dimethyl sulfide).

To accompany the tastings for discussion there was also some short presentations. You can download the slides as PDF documents below.

Off Flavours-Diacetyl

Off Flavours- Solvent-like

Off Flavours – DMS Dimethyl sulfide

Off Flavours – Acetaldehyde

ANAWBS Judge call out

Australian National Amateur Wine and Beer Show judging is taking place on Saturday and Sunday 23/24th September (AM and PM) held at the Waite Institute.  Judges are still urgently needed for this event.

Details at:

They are still in need of judges for this event, if you are available to judge for this event, please contact Gavin Pennell on 0412107107 or

Urgent SABSOSA call out

Out state home-brew comp is closed for entries and there are a great number of entries this year.

There is still however a shortage of judges and stewards for the judging weekend on Saturday and Sunday 9th and 10th September.  Judging kicks off at 9am and will continue through till approximately 1pm.

You do not need to be BJCP qualified to judge, though some experience in judging is beneficial. You do not need experience to steward.

If you are available to judge or steward, please contact Kieren Vercoe at:

American Homebrewers Association Membership Offer

The AHA sent Steve Parr down to little old Adelaide to check out the ANHC (he is the Vice President), and as part of that they have extended a discount offer to Australian home brewers wishing to join the AHA.

Use activation code AUS15 in the activation code field at to receive a discounted membership.
In addition to saving 15%, a digital AHA membership includes the benefits of a traditional AHA membership with a digital copy of Zymurgy delivered via email or the eZymurgy app, instead of a mailed printed copy.

Pirate Life. We’re Back!


Ok, we’re back on track for our Pirate Life event, finally.  The roadworks have finished on that part of South Road, allowing free access for emergency services for those who have had too much pizza and beer!

The date is Sunday November 27th, starting at 12.30pm.

We will kick off with a brewery tour (and a pint), with lunch starting from 1.30pm.  There will be wood oven pizzas (vegetarian available), bruschetta and garlic bread served until 3.30pm.  We will have a raffle, and there will be a prize for the best pirate themed accessory or clothing.  We will also be announcing the Brewer of the Year.

Cost for non-members is $20.00 per person.

For catering numbers, please let us know if you are coming along, either by indicating so on the facebook event or the old fashioned way by emailing 

Can You Brew For Club Night?

As you are aware, we need brewers to brew for Club Night. In an effort to keep it all in one place, we have created a web form for brewers to submit their info.  Even if you have told a committee member that you are brewing, please take a minute to fill out the form so we know what we are getting and from whom.  We still need more brewers, so if you think you have some spare bandwidth in your brewing schedules, please help out.

The form is here.

ANHC5 Needs You!

ANHC 5 in Adelaide is looming ever closer, and the conference team are seeking some enthusiastic volunteers who are keen to lend a hand during the event.  If you’d like to be a part of the team and assist with things like processing registrations, moving kegs, pouring/serving beers and whatever other important tasks are required to make the event a success, please email Lachlan via

These aren’t requirements, but it would help us to know:

  • what days are you available to help (13-15th October) ?
  • are you  capable of wrangling a 50L keg?
  • are you attending any of the conference events?
  • do you have an RSA certificate?