Members Meeting Tomorrow Night – Tasting Beers

Are you coming along to our members meeting tomorrow night, 18th of March? Have you got a beer you’d like to present to the members. Perhaps something you’re especially proud of? Perhaps something you’re not quite sure what’s wrong?

Let us know by emailing the club at and we’ll fit you in. There is a limit of 3 people each with 3 750mL longnecks each – so get in quick!

Call for SMASH beers @ April Meeting

SABC is looking for brewers to have a bash at brewing an Aussie SMASH beer. This is the challenge for the meeting on the 15th of April 2015. Why not give it a shot?

To clarify, a S.M.A.S.H beer is a beer made with a Single Malt And Single Hop. The SABC SMASH is based on two Aussie ingredients: Ale Malt (Barrett Burston or Joe White/Cargill, only one) and Galaxy hops. Brewers are welcome to try their hand at different yeast, self modification of malt, DIY crystal, and of course your own mash, fermentation and bottling variations.

Please advise the club if you will be brewing specifically for this event. If there is significant interest and submission, we will investigate means for offering each beer for tasting.

Summer ‘Steam Beer’ Competition – Closes Soon!

The Wheatsheaf are on board this Summer, with a theme for the competition!
BJCP Beer Type 7B: California Common (or Steam Beer)
Jade (Wheatsheaf Publican) and assistant Laura (former Stone Brewing brewer) will be helping to judge this category and it will be judged strictly inline with the BJCP Guidelines. The winner of the California Common category will be brewing with Jade on the Wheaty Brewing Corps rig later in the year.
Top 3 placing SABC members are eligible for points towards the prestigious SABC Brewer of the Year.

Dates for this competition are:
Judging: 21st March at the Wheaty.
Entries: must be received by Wed 18th March (coincides with March SABC monthly meeting)

Entry fees will be $4 for first beer entered and $2 for each subsequent entry. To be eligible for the Wheaty Brewing Corps prize, you must be an SABC member.

As a bonus, the current BJCP group are keen to get some practice in and have will judge an ‘other’ category to find the best of the rest. Just be sure to nominate which BJCP category the beer should be judged against. No SABC Brewer of the Year points apply to this category due to it’s late inclusion.

SABC Summer 2015 Competition Entry Form

SABC – Cargill Malting and Big Shed Brewing Concern Event

This Saturday is our Cargill/BSBC event!

Please see our previous posts here and here for event specifics. Don’t forget to meet at BSBC as we’ll have a bus to ferry people between venues.

If you’ve been in contact with the club to reserve a spot, please check your name is on the list and in your booked timeslot in this document. The link should open a Read-only Google Docs sheet.

If there are any issues or corrections – please contact SABC ASAP via email and we’ll fix it up!

Tanunda Show – Call for Entries, Judges and Stewards!

Home Brewing entries close this Friday 27th February!

Entry forms, categories and other details are on the website at

Drop off points for entries are via :

Luke Willis , 6 Whennan Street, Nuriootpa
Brewmaker 5/560 North East Rd, Holden Hill
Beer Belly, Prospect Rd, Blair Athol

Beer judging will be Sunday 8th March at 10am in Tanunda. If there are any members out there who are keen to judge or steward, please contact Convenor Luke Willis on 0403 438 923

This is also excellent “on the job” experience for those brewers preparing for BJCP exams.

SABC Cargill Malting and BSBC Lunch – Full Event Details!

SABC is proud to host our next major event comprising:
Cargill Malt Tour AND Big Shed Brewing Concern Lunch & Tour
Date: Saturday 28th February 2015
Change to travel arrangements – SABC have arranged a minibus to transport tour groups from Big Shed to Cargill and back again.
So please meet at the Big Shed Brewery, arriving 15 minutes prior to your tour start time, namely:
8.45am for 9am tour group
9.45am for 10am tour group, and
10.45am for the 11am tour group

Big Shed Brewery: Unit 13, 2 Brandwood Street, Royal Park

Emails will be sent to all confirming tour groupings and times in the coming days.

We still have free spaces for the 9am tour, and we are now accepting non-SABC members

Cargill Malt (formerly Joe White) Tours
Times: 9am, 10am, 11am tours commence (max 12 members per timeslot).
Address: 98-102 Ocean Steamers Road, Port Adelaide (Enter through main gate, parking available. Meet at Reception)
Attire: Please wear closed in shoes for your safety

Following the tour, the bus will return you to:
Big Shed Brewing Concern
Address: Unit 13, 2 Brandwood Street, Royal Park
Times: 10.15am onwards (following the first malting tour)

The Big Shed brewery will be open in time for the arrival of the first tour group.
Big Shed now have 6 beers featured on tap. One of these beers will have been brewed with the assistance of SABC Brewer of the Year Greg Wieder. Big Shed staff will be on hand to give informal brewery tours and to discuss all things brewing, and Greg will present to the SABC members briefly on his brewing experience for his featured beer.

February Club Members Meeting – Topic: Dry hopping!

Our February monthly meeting will be held at The Wheaty this Wednesday 18 February, starting from 7pm. We’ll be out the back as usual.

Expect discussion of all things dry hopping – techniques, flavour and aroma impact, potential problems and more – plus the chance to try some of the best home brewed beers around. Come armed with your questions or email the club ahead of time so you don’t forget.

It’s not too late to get a tasting spot for this month – email the club at with details.