Gary Waters wins top judging role

SABC Competitions director Gary Waters with his wife Lee at the 2018 ANHC.
SABC Competitions director Gary Waters with his wife Lee at the 2018 ANHC.

Congratulations to our competitions director Gary Waters on being accepted into the associate judge program for the Independent Brewer’s Awards for the next year.

The ‘Indies’ is Australia’s largest independent beer competition to showcase the best of the independent brewing industry. Gary will have the opportunity to judge at the Indies in September then follow up with the state comp, Australian International Beer Awards and the world cup.

It doesn’t come without hard work to get there and then with the role that requires compulsory training (ie beer drinking) and a trip to Texas along the way. We’re lucky to have his experience in our club.

Thanks Gary and well done.

Winter 2019 competition open now

The club annual winter competition will be judged on Saturday, July 6 from 12pm at the Irish Club, Carrington St Adelaide. The theme is ‘all things American’ — adherence to style and not just ‘add more hops’ might just separate the winning entries from the rest of the pack.

The entry competition entry portal is open now for entries. If you’re new to SABC or have not entered one of our competitions before, you need to log in to access it. You can easily reset your password or create a new account if you need to.

Important: Please enter early, pay and print labels at the same time. The page will be closed for entries on Thursday, July 4 at 11pm and will not allow you to access your entry after that time for changes, printing or late payments. We need time to organise everything prior to judging. No exceptions.

The categories — All things American(ish) — is limited to 20 beers in seven BJCP 2015 categories.* Ensure you enter the correct category.


Note: NEIPA is not recognised in the 2015 BJPC categories and will not be judged.

Bottle drop off will be available at the June meeting, BeerBelly, Country Brewer and on the day. Other drop off places possible by request. Email us.

Make it a social occasion.

Everyone is welcome to come along and judge, help or just hang out and have a beer. Winners will be announced at the end of judging and notified by email. Winners not present need to claim their prize on, or before, the next club meeting on July 17.

See SABC competition Terms & Conditions .

May meeting this week and more events

This week’s club meeting is on Wednesday at the brand spanking new Pirate Life Brewery in Port Adelaide. It’s an awesome investment for beer, brewing and the industry right here in little ol’ Adelaide.

The gang at PL will be conducting a tour for us as well, but numbers are limited to 40 (two groups of 20). Please ensure that you arrive early to sign up for the tours to so you don’t miss out. Facebook event RSVP.

The tour is open for club financial members (join or renew here). There is a small cost of $15 for the tour but this includes a beer. The club will also buy a few jugs of beer so we can also sample some other beers you might not want to buy a pint of.

Casual meet up
We’ve not held one this year but our first casual meet-up for a beer and a burger will be on Sunday afternoon, June 9, at the new Sparkke Change brewpub on Whitmore Square. Put it in your diaries and stay tuned for more soon.

Winter competition
Judging for SABC’s winter comp with the theme of All Things American will be on Saturday, July 6. Entries open on Saturday, June 1 and bottle drop off will be available at some of the usual venues or at the Irish Club in the CBD on the day. More on our competitions page.

Judging and SABSOSA ‘training’ session
SABC will be hosting a series of judge and steward information sessions leading up to the judging weekend for SABSOSA on September 7 – 8. We hope judges with experience and anyone interested in learning will be available to judge SABSOSA on that weekend. If you’ve judged before, check your email for more information.

These sessions will be somewhat formal but will also have a fun and social element to them. For some, it will be going over a well-trodden path but we need your experience to help hone the skills of others to build the quality of judging for our competition and in turn, produce better beer to take to the national competition. We will endeavour to cover as many facets of judging as possible without making these afternoons a chore.

The first session and SABSOSA 2019 launch is this Saturday, 25th May from 2 pm – 3.30 pm at the West Thebby. Lots of beers to taste to train your palette and we’re asking for a small contribution of $10.

New judges and interested helpers, please email or talk to Gary Waters.
Forward events
June 19 – Monthly meeting at The Wheaty with BeerCo
July 6 – Summer comp judging
July 12 – 14 Beer n BBQ festival
July 19 – SABC AGM and a special event at the Wheaty

Mad May continues with Fixation IPA Masterclass

Thank you to the 60 members and their friends who came to our BeerBQ on Saturday night. It was a fantastic night again this year filled with friends and great beers and food. It couldn’t be done without the support of our cooks, organisers and brewers.

**SOLD OUT ***

Good Beer Wheaty is on again from Thursday at the Wheatsheaf Hotel. This Fixation IPA Masterclass is one session not to miss. It’s this Thursday night, 9th May from 6 – 8 pm. SABC members who are going can get a free fancy of beer thanks to our great supporter The Wheaty.

You need to either email us or comment on the Facebook group post that you’re definitely going and have a ticket by 12 pm Thursday and we’ll get your name on the list. We’ll also have a SABC table reserved for us.

It’s fair to say, Fixation knows how to make an IPA and Tom Delmont has a one track mind. What makes a good IPA? What are the best hopping techniques to deliver massive aroma? Flowers or pellets? Fresh is best. Or is it? Do IBUs matter? Hazy, milkshake, brett, brut or tart — what’s the next big thing in IPAs? Will we ever reach peak IPA? There’s a tasting of a clutch of Incubator IPA’s rarely, if ever, seen outside the Melbourne venue, alongside some Fixation classics.…/ar…/fixation_ipa_masterclass

Next club meeting is May 22 at Pirate Life, Port Adelaide for a tour. 7 pm sharp and its capped at 40 people only. Cost is $15. More to come soon.

New SABC forum is in beta. Please go to – your SABC website login should get you in via SSO.

Forward events — See what’s coming up in the club calendar.

BeerBQ this Saturday. RSVP now

RSVP for BeerBQ

BeerBQ is the club’s biggest annual event. It’s free for members and it’s on this Saturday, May 4 from 6pm, at the Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens).

To plan for numbers so no one goes hungry, we really need your RSVP. It’s a quick click and you’re done.

If you’re new to the club or haven’t had the chance to come in the past, it’s all about sharing our homebrew and some excellent BBQ cooking – not some sad old bunnings snags. We’ve got slow cooked brisket, snapper, pulled pork and tasty salads, unique condiments.

Everyone attending is welcome to bring some homebrew to share. Kegs or bottles are fine. Your entry gets you a club engraved glass and the night runs like one long beer tasting with food around 7.30pm.

We’ve also got some raffle prizes and a vote for best beer of the night voted by you. Toss your bottle caps in the cup of your two favourite beers.

It’s a free event your membership covers so all you need to do is RSVP here:
BeerBQ free ticket for members.

You need to log in to access it, it’s the same account you used to join or renew. You can reset your password then keep it handy for future use. Check your spam folders if you don’t get the response email.

You can also invite your spouses, family or friends. Tickets are $30 from here.

If you’re not a member or your membership has lapsed, join first and then log in to get the free ticket at

We also need helping hands to set up and pack up too. Let us know if you can help … or just help!

Reminder May meeting – Pirate Life tour
Our May meeting is going to be on the 22nd, which is the fourth Wednesday of the month and we’re going to Pirate Life for a tour of their new facility at Port Adelaide. Be aware — the tour is capped at 40 people and starts at 7pm sharp. Check in when you arrive to get on the list. The cost is $15 and that includes a beer.

New SABC forum
It’s in beta but please go to – your SABC website login should get you in via SSO.

Forward events > See what’s coming up in the club calendar.

Hoppy Easter. Meeting this week, Pirate Life, comps and BeerBQ

Happy Easter — made even hoppier because we have our meeting this Wednesday night at The Wheaty. Our main subject is: All you need to know about kegging your beer with Lachlan. If you ever wanted to get into kegging and wasn’t sure what was involved, tonight is the night to bring all your questions or if you only keg, help share some of your experience.

Don’t forget bottle bingo — bring a bottle and leave with someone else’s beer.

Also this week, Tagocha is the food truck on site and are really keen for us to try their food and have prepared a special menu for us of what they think we’ll like. See their menu or on the Facebook event. Please support this local food truck and come by a bit earlier to grab some dinner before the meeting. You’re welcome to pre-order too via 0474163111 and tell them you’re SABC.

May 4 is the date, Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens) is the venue. Food and homebrew are what happens. We’ll be opening up the ticketing to members soon (it’s free!). Friends and non-members will be $30 and available to be bought only via members at a date after that. Stay tuned.

May meeting – Pirate Life tour
Our May meeting is going to be on the 22nd at 6 pm, which is the fourth Wednesday of the month. The Wheaty is booked on the 15th so we’re going to Pirate Life for a tour of their new facility at Port Adelaide.
Be aware — The tour is at 7 pm and cost is $15 and that includes a beer.

Collab brew day success
A couple of weekends ago, twenty or so members met at Glen and Jo’s house for a collaborative brew day. Awesome wood fire pizzas were eaten and some beers enjoyed. The beers that were brewed will be ready for our BeerBQ on May 4. We’ll be doing it again on a Sunday sometime.

SABC Brew day
SABC Brew day

Winter Comp
The ‘everything American’ winter comp categories are available on the competitions page. Judging is on July 6 at the Irish Club. Entries open soon.

New SABC forum
The club has set up a new discussion forum to help share club information, meeting notes (and audio), as well as help to keep conversations together and archivable. SABC was formed by contributors to the Brew Adelaide forum and the thought is to create something different to Facebook for members and friends that don’t use Facebook and has better topic management. It’s in beta but please go to – your SABC website login should get you in via SSO.

Forward dates from the club online calendar
May 4: BeerBQ at Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens)
May 9-11 Good Beer Wheaty (Fixation/Incubator masterclass on Thurs 9)
May 22: Pirate Life Brewery tour ( 7 pm tour)
June 19: TBC
July 6-7. Judging winter comp (entries open in June).
July 17: AGM and special guest.
August 21: Cheese and beer pairing
September 7-8: SABSOSA Judging (14th prize presentations)

Not a member or has your membership lapsed? Details on joining available at and you can do it online valid for 12 months from the date of joining.

On Friday we mow the lawn because on Saturday we brew

This is a final reminder of our club brew day this Saturday, April 6. If you want to join in, either bringing your own gear or just joining in with another team, please let us know now. Either comment on the Facebook post or send us an email and we’ll invite you to the private event or send an email the details of the location (that we’re withholding for privacy).

Even if you can only drop in, don’t miss out.

There will a number of breweries in action along with a wood fire pizza oven. The club is putting on the pizzas and buying a batch of ingredients for everyone to brew but bring along any hops, leftovers or special ingredients to make a beer to, ideally, have ready to drink at the club’s BeerBQ on May 4. So low risk, easy drinking max community enjoyment and knowledge sharing.

What a way to spend the last night of daylight saving time!

Forward dates:
April 17: Everything you need to know about kegging and Tilt demo
May 4: BeerBQ at Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens)
May 22: Pirate Life Brewery tour (TBC)
June 19: AGM and winter comp.

Renew your membership now or join us at

Water prezzo recordings and brew day info

Last week’s meeting centred around water chemistry with two excellent presentations by Leon and Luke. If you missed the session, have no fear, we recorded the meeting. Members can download the mp3s and the presentation slides and recreate the meeting at your own leisure.

Go to the SABC Shop and log in with your membership where you can ‘buy’ the session for $0. After checkout, you’ll be sent a download link in your email receipt.

Club brew day
There was a lot of interest in the club brew day on Saturday, April 6. Currently, there will be six systems brewing with more welcome. This isn’t meant to be a solo brewing effort, we all do enough of that. All club members are welcome to come and join a brewing team and enjoy some wood fire pizza. See more about the day in last week’s post here.

If you want to bring gear and brew or be a part of a team, send Lachlan an email via the club ( and watch Facebook for some organisation stuff coming soon. We hope we can have some beers brewed for the club BeerBQ on May 4th. Put that date in your diaries if you haven’t already.

Forward dates:
April 17: Everything you need to know about kegging and then some…
May 4: BeerBQ at Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens)
May 22: Pirate Life Brewery tour (TBC)
June 19: AGM and winter comp.

Renew your membership now or join us at

Water water everywhere… March meeting and club brew day

In this update: March meeting, Collab brew day, SABSOSA help! Wheaty Wildflower enduro event.

This month’s meeting is a return to a more normal format back at home ground — the Wheaty, this Wednesday from 7 pm.

The subject might seem dull but as water makes up 95 per cent of beer it’s an important ingredient and often overlooked one. Club ‘water guys’ Leon and Luke are going to lead a discussion in understanding what’s in our water by demystifying SA Water reports (so check out yours in advance here) and how to treat it depending on the beer you’re brewing.

Of course, there will be beer too with a tasting of the Dean Smith’s summer comp winning milk stout. Bring a bottle for bottle swap bingo. More to come on the event on Facebook.

Casual Collaborative Brew Day – April 6

In the lead up the annual club BeerBQ, we’re going to put on a casual brew day on Saturday, April 6th. Members are invited to bring their brewing rigs along and brew anything of their choosing either solo or in a team. Join the discussion in the Facebook group.

The club will fund grain bills and provide wood-fired pizza. We would love to see at least 5 breweries in action and we encourage members to team up if their get isn’t portable.

Members don’t have to brew to attend. Bringing a longneck or two to share is also encouraged and have some pizza. It’ll be a fun way to spend the last day of daylight saving. Join in.

General guidelines based on 5 brews ~1.050, for each brew the club will fund each brewing team
5kgs Gladfield Ale Malt
200g Gladfield Toffee
200g Gladfield light crystal or Gladiator (dextrin) up for debate
20g Magnum hops for bittering

Any other ingredients will need to be brought along on the day. Why not brew a freezer cleaner and use up some old hops or grains? Hit the supermarkets and bring some rolled oats or boost your ABV with some table sugar, honey or molasses. The grain can be milled on the day.

We hope some of the beers will be ready for the BeerBQ on May 4th – so consider fermentation and conditioning time. Split batches amongst your team for creative cold side decisions.

There will be a sign-up sheet at the March meeting so we can lock in interest. If you can’t make the meeting, then email and tell us if you want to brew, join a team or just attend. The event will be held at a private premise in Enfield, details will be provided to attendees closer to the event.

State Amateur Brewing Show, SA (SABSOSA)

As you know, this year we are running the state’s peak brewing competition. Last year there were 365 entries and we expect more this year — we need your help. The dates are in, sponsors sorted and the venue is booked. If you’re interested in judging or stewarding get in touch now with Gary, chief competition director. We’ve got a sweet deal for you (includes free beer). If you can help in any other way let us know now too — bottle sorters, pick up entry drivers, luggers, organisers, computer people — jump in, please. Judging is September 7-8. (Practice brewing now! We want to win too).

Wheaty Wildflower Enduro free beer offer for SABC

Go deeper into the Wild with Co-Founder, bug wrangler and barrel whisperer extraordinaire Topher Boehm of Wildflower Brewing & Blending in an epic three-hour tasting this Tuesday 18th. Watch our post of FB to add your name for a free fancy if you’re going. Tickets etc… here.

Forward dates

April 17: Everything you need to know about kegging and then some…

May 4: BeerBQ at Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens)

May 22: Pirate Life Brewery tour (TBC- might be April)

June 19: AGM and winter comp.

Summer competition results and a brew day for all

Congratulations to Dean Smith for winning best of show beer in the summer competition with his Stout ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’. He wins a Tilt digital hydrometer provided by Hop Works Brewing Supplies – an Adelaide based homebrew supplier and SABC sponsor (and member).

Thanks also to Gladfield Malt too. All the other category winners are here.
There were 54 beers entered by club members and judging was held at The King’s Head on Saturday 23 with Comps director Gary wrangling 12 judges. Thank you to them and everyone who came down to help or hang out.

The results and scoresheets with judge’s comments are now in the portal. Log in to access them.

Style: Stout (18 entries)
1st Dean Smith Ice Cream Sandwich Milkshake Stout
2nd John Van Der Zalm Milkshake Stout Milkshake Stout
3rd Luke Beard Reese’s Pieces Sweet Stout
Style 2: Saison (20 entries)
1st John Van Der Zalm Lilly Pilly Saison Saison
2nd Samantha Wallwork Lime Saison Saison
3rd Greg Wieder Belgian Saison Saison
Style 3: NEIPA (16 entries)
1st Rafael Aragon Neipa NEIPA
2nd Brenton Schoemaker 2 Girls From Ipaneipa NEIPA
3rd Ali Holden Idaho 7 NEIPA

Winter 2019 competition

Dates TBC (but around June).
Categories — All things American!

Future happenings.

The next club meeting is on March 20 at the Wheaty where the focus of the night will be on understanding water for brewing. How to read your SA Water reports and what to add if you want to brew certain styles of beer. Definitely, a one not to miss if you want to find some micro-gains in your beers.

On Saturday, April 6 we’re putting on a club brew day and seeking ideas on what you’d like to happen — team brewing, mini comp, pick different styles and learn by assisting others etc. A BBQ is an option too. Check out Lachlan’s post in the Facebook group and leave a comment or send us an email.

Whatever happens, block out your diaries and come along. Hopefully, we can have 6-8 systems brewing and the results could be conditioned in time for May 4th, our annual BeerBQ.

Don’t forget, you can renew your SABC membership online at any time to be eligible for our events.

March 20: Water chemistry.

April 6: Club brew day.

April 17: Everything you need to know about kegging and then some…

May 4: BeerBQ

February news: Little Bang and comps

In a club first, judging of the summer competition will be at the Kings Head, cnr King William and Sturt St. They have reserved the back room for us to use. It’s a space which should be a large comfortable place to enjoy the competition beers and have space for everyone who can join us for a beer or lunch.

Judging will start shortly after 12 pm on Saturday 23rd as we have allowed for drop off to be done by 12.15 sharp on the day.

We have only booked till 3.30, so we can also do the awards presentation at 3 pm. Being prompt and arriving by 12 and having a hearty breakfast (and lunch) is paramount to the success of the day. So everyone is invited to come down during the afternoon as a social gathering and for the presentation.

Feel free to bring guests along to cheer your success and hopefully you can stay for a beer or two afterwards. There is the possibility of a guest brewer doing a tasting at the attached Sturt St Cellars. They’re a great supporter of local brewing so some money over the bar will keep them happy and us in the good books for future needs.

It takes a lot to run a competition. If you can help during the afternoon either as a judge or a steward or even just help process the admin or the cleaning up let us know at the meeting or email. Any support would be appreciated.
Submit your entry online and pay here (you have to log in)

Bottle drop off:
– At the club meeting on Thursday 21,
– Gary’s house at 103 Childers St, Nth Adelaide. There will be an esky on the porch if he’s not there.
– Beerbelly Brewing Supplies – Unit 3, 95 Research Road, POORAKA – Strictly until 1pm Friday 22.
– The King’s Head only on the day of judging between 12 and 12.15

As you are aware, our meeting this month is on THURSDAY 21 at Little Bang Brewing, at their brand new brewery on Henry St Stepney. We’ll get a ‘backstage’ tour of the facilities to see the differences between the old venue and this new one. Come prepared with any questions you have for the Little Bang team, it will be an awesome opportunity to understand the logistics around moving to a bigger location.

Club news and events: 24 members went on the bus tour to the Southern Vales breweries, despite a last-minute scramble to get a replacement bus and driver and a pretty hot day, we had a great time meeting the brewers and tasting some excellent (and tbh, not so great) beers. We’ll do it again soon.

Coming soon: At the end of March, we’re having a club brew day with a bit of a twist. If your brewing gear isn’t portable, don’t worry, you can join a team. More to come. Some of the beers will be for the club’s annual BeerBQ which is going to be on May the 4th. Put it in your diaries now and think about brewing your Light Sabre Lager now.

Has your membership lapsed? No worries, you can renew easily online at any time at to take advantage of all of the club benefits and events we host. Membership is 1 year from whenever you renew, no need to wait until July anymore.

FREE! Fringe show
Local Adelaide comedian, Ken Balnaves, has comedy gig coming up at the Adelaide Fringe. ‘You Bewdy’ is full of relatable stories on those day to day things we all experience -— with a bit on beer and brewing too!
Ken has kindly given us two double passes to check out his performance this week — either Friday 15/2, Sat 16/2 or Sunday 17/2. If you are keen to go for nix, tell us what night you prefer and email us – first in, best dressed.

The Best of Adelaide Brewers Festival – BOAB is happening next weekend at the Flour Shed, Port Adelaide – it’s sure to be a great weekend event, with a host of South Aussie brewers on showcase to celebrate brews from micro and nano breweries around the state.

The Craft Beer King will also be hosting the “Brewers Stage”, talking to brewers about passions, influences and more. Head to the event page to find out how you can grab your tickets.

SABC at Forktree Brewing, Carrickalinga
SABC at enjoying beers, burgers and the view at Forktree Brewing, Carrickalinga (pic: Ben @ Forktree Brewing)