Update To June Newsletter.

Winter Competition 2023.

The entry portal is open! https://comps.sabrew.com/ Good luck to all entrants.

Where : East Torrens Kensington Gardens Tennis Club, East Terrace & South Terrace, Kensington Gardens SA 5068

When : Sunday 9th of July 2023 12.00PM

How much : $5 per entry as many entries as you like

Judges : Please register in the portal by clicking the box under “your account details”

Bottle drop off locations : SA Brewing Supplies 2-4 Kalimna Rd Nuriootpa SA before COB Friday 7th of July. Or ETKG Sunday 9th of July between the hours of 11.30am to 12.30pm only If you are unable to make those two locations please make arrangements with another member.

Eligible styles : These remain the same as published in April and June Mash Tun and are available in the competition portal.

Competition Directors : Clinton Fisher, Gerard Flynn. Website Admin : Julien Gibson.

Artwork ideas for ABCSA and AABC.

We are looking to update the logos and artwork for our respective State and National Competitions ASAP. If you have skills and/ or ideas in this space please contact Gary Waters 0417893321.

Pirate Life Brewers Shout.

Date reminder for the next brewers shout Thursday 29th of June at The District. The subject will be dark beers and this will be part 1 with several beers available to support the presentation. A Facebook event will be put up once artwork is available either RSVP there or via info@sabrew.com please.

The Mash Tun June 2023

The first winter edition – ironically writing in the 19C sun of today (Monday 12th)! Anyway, this month’s happenings in your club below. Email info@sabrew.com or contact Mark W via Facebook for any submissions.

June Meeting – The Wheaty.

Wednesday, June 21st at 7PM. This month fresh from his success at the Australian International Beer Awards, we have special guest Brenton Schoemaker to talk about Kick Back Brewing. Following the great presentation from Russell regarding his equipment, Nick McAuley will follow up with a part two on his system. Other topics will be the Winter Competition and any ABCSA and AABC updates.

As always bottle bingo – Please bring a bottle to swap and sample other brewers beers… at home.

SA Brewing Supplies will be at this month’s meeting again and will bring any orders down freight free. Just order via the website, click pick up and add a note for Jon or Josh to bring Wednesday night. Nick M and Mark W.

Stop! Fun Police.

It’s been brought to the Committee’s attention there was an issue of the consumption of BYO alcohol at a recent meeting. The serious side to this, is it could not only ruin it for the club, but in extreme cases cost The Wheaty or our hosting venue their liquor license. The other side is The Wheaty has supported the club for many years, the least we could do is buy a pint. Sometimes a small sample with The Wheaty’s blessing and under RSA requirements will be provided to support presentations. Bottle bingo must be taken home and enjoyed. Thanks, The Committee.


Our AGM will be held on Wednesday, 19th of July 7pm at The Wheaty. Most of the current committee members are happy to renominate for their roles but we do need a couple (at least) of fresh faces. Everyone that feels they have something to offer is encouraged to nominate in early July via the email info@sabrew.com or contacting a current Committee member. One of the spots that will be vacated will be Clinton Fisher’s. Clinton has not only been an invaluable member of the committee over many years but a real asset to the club helping members personally. He was Brewer of The Year 2017 and we look forward to continue to see him around the judging table and tasting his beers. The Club and Committee sincerely thank him for his service. Mark W

AABC Facebook Page.

The Australian Amateur Brewing Competition facebook page has been set up. Aside from the website and entrant emails, it will be the primary source of up to date information for the national competition. While its still under construction somewhat, head over and give it a follow. Search for the full name or head to this link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092356732937 Mark W and Gary W.

Judge Registration.

A great question was raised via email about volunteering for judging at our competitions. It is important to register as a judge in the competition portal once it is open, primarily for two reasons. The system will automatically not assign you to a judging flight that you have entries in and it enables the competition organiser to assign the less experienced judges with a head judge in advance. Hopefully this is a clear step by step.

Go to www.sabrew.com. Log in with your details created when you became a member. Top menu in the middle is the competition tab, scroll down and click on competition portal. Portal open dates will be announced closer to the competition. Once open, this will take you to the current comp and you can enter your beers (if any). Click the judging box, don’t forget to add your BJCP judge number if applicable and save.

Even if you think you lack judging knowledge or ability, from personal experience I highly recommend jumping in! Beer judging is based on perception so there is no wrong answers and the head judge is there to guide you. You get to taste some awesome beers that some styles are not available commercially and learn about faults that will improve your brewing. Mark W

Winter Competition.

As previously communicated this will held on Sunday, 9th July at ETKG Tennis Club and a great prep for ABCSA. The portal will be open in early July and the categories are… Clinton F and Gerard F

  • 1 LOW ALCOHOL (≤ 4% ABV)
  • 23A. Berliner Weisse
  • 14A. Scottish Light
  • 14B. Scottish Heavy
  • 1A. American Light Lager
  • 27. Historical Beer: London Brown Ale
  • 13A. Dark Mild
  • 5A. German Leichtbier
  • 3A. Czech Pale Lager
  • 11A. Ordinary Bitter
  • 27. Historical Beer: Piwo Grodziskie
  • 25B. Saison
  • 24C. Bière de Garde
  • 26B. Belgian Dubbel
  • 26A. Belgian Single
  • 26C. Belgian Tripel
  • 25C. Belgian Golden Strong Ale
  • 26D. Belgian Dark Strong Ale
  • 4C. Helles Bock
  • 6C. Dunkles Bock
  • 9A. Doppelbock
  • 9B. Eisbock
  • 17C. Wee Heavy
  • 17A. British Strong Ale
  • 17B. Old Ale
  • 17D. English Barley Wine
  • 22B. American Strong Ale
  • 22C. American Barleywine
  • 27. Historical Beer: Sahti
  • 32A. Classic Style Smoked Beer
  • 32B. Specialty Smoked Beer
  • 33A. Wood-Aged Beer
  • 33B. Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
  • 31A. Alternative Grain Beer
  • 31B. Alternative Sugar Beer
  • 34C. Experimental Beer
  • 34A. Commercial Specialty Beer
  • 34B. Mixed-Style Beer
  • 19 MEAD
  • M1A. Dry Mead
  • M1B. Semi-Sweet Mead
  • M1C. Sweet Mead
  • M2A. Cyser
  • M2B. Pyment
  • M2C. Berry Mead
  • M2D. Stone Fruit Mead
  • M2E. Melomel
  • M3A. Fruit and Spice Mead
  • M3B. Spice, Herb or Vegetable Mead
  • M4A. Braggot
  • M4B. Historical Mead
  • M4C. Experimental Mead


Date reminders for brew scheduling this month:

ABCSA: Irish Club – Bottle sort Saturday, 19th August and judging Saturday, 26th and Sunday, 27th of August. AABC: The District SkyCity Saturday, 21st of October.

Mead Day and Crafty Robot Brewery Visit.

On the 20th of June, a smaller group made a different style of mead from the first lesson under Raf’s guidance. Raf’s knowledge on mead is well known and many thanks for volunteering to share this knowledge with the group.

The mead day was followed on with a club visit to new kids on the block, Crafty Robot. Damian and Tim (head brewer) were incredibly welcoming and showed us around. Both the guys were happy to share all aspects of the business and the beers were very well made indeed. Drop in for a pint if you haven’t! Mark W

Pirate Life Brewers Shout.

The first Brewers Shout was held 1st of June at the district. Unfortunately most of the committee were unable to attend due to GABS and family etc. Hopefully the talk was valuable for our club members. Pirate Life are another great supporter of the club and the next Brewers Shout will be held on Thursday, 29th of June on the subject of dark beers.

Brightstar Dark Lager Fest

For those who joined on Friday 2nd June it was a fantastic event! Steve Brockman from Brightstar hosted the event and even with tech issues plaguing the presentations, managed to pull through and talk about the other 7 breweries and beers on tap, in a fabulous effortless way. The festival was aimed at dark lagers, although Burnley had a Festbier of EBC around 20 and there was also a Vienna DDH Lager that was the opposite of dark!

The star beer of the show was the SA Dark Lager that club member Raf was involved in brewing on behalf of AMSAT. They provided the specialty malts for the beer, and Raf’s colleagues were there talking about where their grain is sourced – all from SA! The beer is only approximately 4 weeks old, and it was noted this will clear up plenty over the next few weeks while on tap and will be on tap for Beer & BBQ.

The festival was open to the public, but the way Steve presented almost made it feel like the event was an SABC event, as he talked through grain bills, yeast styles, aroma; even throwing some facts in for the smoked beer with 0.5% of the grain bill.

SABC have previously visited Brightstar, and Steve has offered to host us again for a club event or meeting in the near future. Stay tuned! Nick M

GABS Sydney.

What an epic couple of days! A few members travelled over to immerse themselves in the craft beer culture of GABS and the Inner West Beer Trail. Many new friendships formed and way out beers sampled it was kinda like a candy shop! Rumour is there is already a few permission slips in for Brisbane and Surfers trip next year. Join us!

The Mash Tun May 2023

Well its that time already! It may be heading towards winter but your committee have worked hard to fill the calendar. Pour a dark brew and read all about the latest updates and club happenings below. Email info@sabrew.com or contact Mark W via Facebook for any submissions.

May Meeting – The Wheaty

This Wednesday 17th May at 7pm – Mash equipment talk, Russ S and Nick M are bringing equipment in to talk about mashing systems, single vs 3 vessel. ( Late edit this needs to be confirmed as one of the presenters has been struck down with the flu – either way the beers will be cold and tasty as always. Mark)

Christmas case swap ideas planning – there are a couple guys (Glen and Josh) who have started the talk about it so we’ll get a show of hands for contenders. It’s an awesome way appreciate fellow brewers beers/meads/ciders etc – note bottles to be wrapped so no one knows the contents before unwrapping at Christmas!

Bottle bingo – Please bring a bottle to swap and sample other brewers beers.

SA Brewing Supplies have all become financial members of the club. They will be in attendance at this months meeting and have offered to bring any orders down freight free. Just order via the website, click pick up and add a note for Jon or Josh to bring Wednesday night. Nick M and Mark W

Raf’s Mead Day

This Saturday 20th May at 12pm – Mead making workshop version two, just in time for ABCSA 2023. Raf will be teaching us about a different style of mead (24A BJCP) compared to the first making day. This will be hosted at my house again so there will be a limit on numbers – RSVP if you are definitely attending on the Facebook event or SMS 0408812024 (Mark). I will hold one or two spots for those not on facebook and will see this only by email. Pizza oven will be on at 12.30pm – bring your favourite topping to share, I will sort ready made bases. Mark W.

Crafty Robot Brewing Visit

This Saturday 20th May at 4.30pm – Time to visit the new kids on the block, members who have been already have rated the beers well. The owners / brewers will be on hand to answer questions and serve beers. They may be booked for another group and as they have just opened are busy, so please RSVP BEFORE May 17th on the Facebook event or info@sabrew.com if you are attending so we can ensure we have enough room. Those attending the mead day – there will be a shared Uber running. Mark W and Lachlan J.

Pirate Life Brewers Shout

Thursday 1st of June at 6pm – As communicated last newsletter, Pirate Life reached out to expand the Brewers Shout at The District to incorporate our club. Pirate Life brewers will present a brewing topic each month (May is Non Alc), take questions and provide free beer. Anyone that attended the barrel brew day will confirm not only the generosity of Pirate Life but this promises to be informative and interesting evenings. Again please RSVP for numbers on the Facebook event or info@sabrew.com. Gary W and Mark W.

Brightstar Dark Lager Fest

Friday 2nd of June at 4pm. Recently one of our members Raf A brewed a dark lager at Brightstar using only SA ingredients. If this will be ready and tapped for this evening has not been confirmed, however rest assured the beers will be at the normal high standard. Please RSVP via the Facebook event or info@sabrew.com. Nick M

“We invite you to explore the dark side of lager over 3 incredible days here at Brightstar Brewing at our very own DARK LAGER FEST….Sample the best new release dark brews from local and national brewers at our 3 day tap takeover.

Brightstar Brewing
King River Brewing
Bridge Road Brewing
Burnley Brewing
Molly Rose
Crafty Robot
Our team have also created a very special ‘Beef & Schwarzbier Pie’ to celebrate the darker side of brewing….”

GABS Sydney 2023

Several of our members will be travelling to Sydney on Friday 2nd of June for a few days in the name of research, hitting up the Inner West breweries and of course GABS! Let Mark W, Gary W or Lachlan J for details if you are interested in heading over.

Competitions – Presidents Update


We’ve got the big three left to run this year

Winter Comp: Sunday 9th of July This is the serious one, it’s wide open with its categories, so
get brewing a winner , you now have the best chance to bag some silverware and the bragging rights to go with it. It’s also the best way to sort what you want to present at the Amateur Brewing Competition of South Australia (formally SABSOSA )We will need help from stewards and Judges, we especially need new faces to stand up and help. Please let us know if you can help in any way.

ABCSA: Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of August Last year was a true success with just over 300 entries with an amazing amount of fresh faces either entering for the first time or placing on the podium.

AABC: Saturday 21st of October The top three places of each category judged at ABCSA are allowed to enter those beers in the the AABC “Nationals” Australian Amateur Brewing Competition. It was that close last year we as a club came 2nd on a count back . Well that’s old news, the good part we have it here this year and the last 2 times we hosted we won, let’s go for the 3rd title . More news will follow. For those wanting to enter your beers, you will never get a better chance than right here this year………..Happy Brewing! Gary W.

Volunteer Call Out – ABCSA and AABC

Call out for Volunteers to help run ABCSA and AABC , we will need help contacting sponsors, judges and stewards to make sure we have the numbers and dollars to run these events. There will be the usual help required to collect bottles from drop offs, bottle sort, kitchen cleaning to name just a few.If you are able to help please SMS only to Gary Waters 0417893321 and we will set up a committee and run a fun series of comps. Gary W.

AABC Facebook Page

A basic Facebook page has been recently set up for the AABC. Updates including results will be published here. Search for “Australian Amateur Brewing Competition” Also if you have graphic design skills, we are looking for a slick modern facebook banner, posters for the main event and a possible updated logo. Please reach out to Gary W or info@sabrew.com so we can take the designs to the national delegates for approval. Gary W and Mark W.

Beer Sensory Course TAFE

This course starts again on Tuesday 20th of June. Run by Briony from Flavour Logic, having done this course and several one off evenings under her guidance I highly recommend considering attendance. While I am no “super taster” it certainly has improved my tasting abilities including the retraining needed after COVID. Mark W

“Keen to top up your beer knowledge? Want to taste over 18 different styles including some classics? Come along to a short course to explore beer styles, brewing ingredients, and hone your tasting skills. Beer Basics Sensory Workshop starts 20 June at the Adelaide City TAFE campus (Wine and Spirits School). Delivered over 3 weekly x 3 hour sessions, this course is suitable for all levels of beer experience.” Info here.



What an epic evening! Around 70 members and guests enjoyed a fine evening of beer, BBQ and laughs. The weather gods looked after us, the beer and food was on point, we signed up a few new members and most importantly the net cost to the club was very minimal. Lachlan J pretty much arranged the evening on his own. Thanks mate. Thanks to the chefs and those that brought beer to share. Thanks to Nick H the Shapeshifter group brew challenge was run and won, congratulations to all the winners. Much appreciation to Shapeshifter, they were really supportive of this challenge with providing beers to taste and prizes. Call in for a pint or two! Most importantly the peoples choice award for the best beer of the night was won by Wolfgang Trenkler for his dark lager. Wolf is no stranger for providing the best beer of the night for these type of events!

Updated Calendar

Hopefully the link will work this time!!


Update to Aprils Newsletter

Update to Brewers Shout

For those not on Facebook unfortunately Pirate Life have had to change the date of the brewers shout to 1/6/2023 due to another booking. Please change your calendar.

Updated Calendar

Changes to the calendar to reflect last meeting discussions and the above can be found here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/10WJtZpVKhluf1rhiO5o5zY4As53RqeKa/view?fbclid=IwAR2usFdCE4DMVrnyXiwFwQhi68LEL0pUvmbw3lDJpg-42wVBQyXXWSIQYYc

BeerBQ Reminder

The SABC BeerBQ is less then two weeks away, on Saturday May 6th. It’s a bit late to brew but not to late to secure your ticket so we have accurate numbers for catering! Head to the SABC shop for event details: https://shop.sabrew.com/product/sabc-beerbq-2023-member-ticket/

If you’d like to help with catering -> contact us

If you need advice/help on setting up keg -> contact us or reach out in the Facebook group

The Mash Tun April 2023

Hello Members! We are aiming to grow this newsletter to be published monthly. Along with keeping our members that are not on Facebook or unable to attend meetings informed, we would like your input! This could be anything brewing related recipes, tech tips etc. Email submissions to info@sabrew.com and mark it attention Mark Woods. Cheers Mark

April Meeting – The Wheaty

This Wednesday 19th of April at 7pm we head back to The Wheaty for our monthly meeting. Award winning hazy brewer Lachlan will deliver a presentation focusing on this style. If you have a hazy on tap at the moment please bring it to share.

Bottle bingo has dropped off slightly – Please bring a bottle to swap and sample other brewers beers.

Anyone that attended the mead workshop please bring the mead for sampling, Raf will be available for feedback. Same for anyone that is brewing no or ultra low alcohol beers. Nick M

BeerBBQ May 6th 2023

SABCs annual BeerBQ is back in just 3 weeks! Once again, ETKG Tennis Club will host us in their club hall and outdoor deck in Kensington Gardens. For those unfamiliar, the annual BeerBQ sees SABC members put on a huge spread of delicious BBQ – think pulled pork, chicken wings, kranskies etc – and pair it with our finest selection of homebrew.

This years BeerBQ will also see teams present their clone beers for the Shapeshifter challenge.

With around 35 members expected from each club (SABC & ETKG) there is going to be a lot of thirsty/hungry mouths to feed, so we need as many brewers as possible to bring along a keg/growler or bottles of their finest.

We also need members to help with catering whether its smoking meats, tossing salads or baking pretzels. If you’re able to help on the catering side, drop us an email or contact a committee member to offer your support! If you’d like to bring a keg but need help dispensing it on the night, drop us an email or post in the Facebook group. There a many members with multi-tap miracle boxes who can help!

Date: Saturday May 6th
Time: 6PM – 10PM
Cost: FREE for members, $30 for guests
Location: East Torrens-Kensington Gardens Tennis Club
Address: East Terrace & South Terrace, Kensington Gardens SA 5068

TICKETS: https://shop.sabrew.com/product-category/events/

Brewers Shout – Pirate Life

After the success of the barrel brew day, Pirate Life reached out to expand the Brewers Shout at The District to incorporate our club. Starting Thursday 4th of May it will run monthly alongside our normal monthly meeting however will be a more technical format. Pirate Life brewers will present a brewing topic each month (May is Non Alc), take questions and provide free beer. Anyone that attended the barrel brew day will confirm not only the generosity of Pirate Life but this promises to be informative and interesting evenings. Big ups to Gary and Luke for locking this in with PL.

Winter Competition 2023

Locked in for Sunday 9th July, Location and portal details to follow but get brewing or judging 🙂 ! This year we look to tread the path less travelled with some styles that may not be brewed as often.In preparation for the newly formed ABCSA, Amateur Brewing Championship of South Australia (formerly SABSOSA), and to cover more of the bases of lesser entered categories in AABC, this year we will focus on some interesting and challenging categories, including for the first time, meads! Clinton.

  • 1 LOW ALCOHOL (≤ 4% ABV)
  • 23A. Berliner Weisse
  • 14A. Scottish Light
  • 14B. Scottish Heavy
  • 1A. American Light Lager
  • 27. Historical Beer: London Brown Ale
  • 13A. Dark Mild
  • 5A. German Leichtbier
  • 3A. Czech Pale Lager
  • 11A. Ordinary Bitter
  • 27. Historical Beer: Piwo Grodziskie
  • 25B. Saison
  • 24C. Bière de Garde
  • 26B. Belgian Dubbel
  • 26A. Belgian Single
  • 26C. Belgian Tripel
  • 25C. Belgian Golden Strong Ale
  • 26D. Belgian Dark Strong Ale
  • 4C. Helles Bock
  • 6C. Dunkles Bock
  • 9A. Doppelbock
  • 9B. Eisbock
  • 17C. Wee Heavy
  • 17A. British Strong Ale
  • 17B. Old Ale
  • 17D. English Barley Wine
  • 22B. American Strong Ale
  • 22C. American Barleywine
  • 27. Historical Beer: Sahti
  • 32A. Classic Style Smoked Beer
  • 32B. Specialty Smoked Beer
  • 33A. Wood-Aged Beer
  • 33B. Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
  • 31A. Alternative Grain Beer
  • 31B. Alternative Sugar Beer
  • 34C. Experimental Beer
  • 34A. Commercial Specialty Beer
  • 34B. Mixed-Style Beer
  • 19 MEAD
  • M1A. Dry Mead
  • M1B. Semi-Sweet Mead
  • M1C. Sweet Mead
  • M2A. Cyser
  • M2B. Pyment
  • M2C. Berry Mead
  • M2D. Stone Fruit Mead
  • M2E. Melomel
  • M3A. Fruit and Spice Mead
  • M3B. Spice, Herb or Vegetable Mead
  • M4A. Braggot
  • M4B. Historical Mead
  • M4C. Experimental Mead

ABCSA 2023 (formally SABSOSA)

Judging is locked in for the weekend of 26th- 27th of August 2023 at The Irish Club again. Bottle sort will be Saturday the 19th of August, other details TBC. As normal we will need judges and stewards and there is no experience needed (maybe practice at the winter comp?). Note the earlier dates than normal to make way for the National competition AABC. The top three in each category are eligible for entry in the AABC 2023. We lost the best state at the AABC 2022 by count back to Victoria… As a group lets take it this year! Gary and Mark. (and Kam)

AABC 2023

AABC , SA hits a big step, nationals get judges here. We will need your support. The venue is not your normal go to , but a spot light on what Adelaide has to offer. We have secured the mezzanine floor of the District Pirate Life Brewery Adelaide Casino. (Thanks to PL again! Mark) This will also be launching pad for the Inner West Adelaide crafty trail….. details pending.So please help, date is Saturday 21st October 2023. Keep it free! Gary

Brewginners Program

A new member or not 100% confident with your all grain brewing? You are welcome to jump on a one on one all grain brew day. This will be offered on an ad-hoc basis at no cost initially in the inner western suburbs (Torrensville). Retaining and attracting new members has been a topic of discussion with the committee group so these brew days will be flexible and much less intimidating than the group challenge. Contact Mark Woods via Facebook or bagsey@hotmail.com for details. Mark

Yearly Calendar


Why are kangaroos good at brewing beer?

They have hops!

The Mash Tun February 2023

This edition is a little early this month as there are some important dates to save and get those permission slips in! Thanks to Nick McAuley, Nick Hauschild, Josh Smith and Kieren Vercoe for their hard work in arranging these events for you.

Six Twelve Brewery Visit.

**This Sunday 12th of Feb @ 2pm please see and RSVP the facebook event**

Brad and his team have began upgrading their brewery for about a third time including their own kitchen! They are making a big name in the brewing scene having won awards and also venturing into the distilling scene, Five Eleven Distilling. This brewery visit is sure to be great, so get on over from 2pm on Sunday 12th Feb to enjoy some of the great line-up of beers and other drinks these guys have on tap. Brad will be providing a Q&A with members, tour of the brewery, and talk about the journey they made to get where the brewery is now. Nick M.

Summer Competition.

Congratulations to all the winners, the entry standard was well above average with some high scores seen. Best beer of show went to Mark Lehmann with a very impressive Hazy IPA. Lachlan Johnson was only a point away, also with a Hazy IPA. Don’t worry I heard how I cost him a win bahahaha! As always a big thank you to the judges, stewards and organisers that make the competition successful. Mark.

Winning Entries  

Table 1: Lagers (14 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
 1stChristopher KerrGreener On the Other SideLSX5: New Zealand PilsnerSouth Australian Brewing Club [Australia]
 2ndBrenton GeorgeNz PilsLSX5: New Zealand Pilsner
 3rdGerard FlynnLittle PLSX5: New Zealand PilsnerSouth Australian Brewing Club [Australia]

Table 2: Ales (22 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
 1stMark LehmannMates In the Trenches21C: Hazy IPASouth Australian Brewing Club [Australia]
 2ndLachlan JohnsonAnhazc21C: Hazy IPASouth Australian Brewing Club [Australia]
 3rdNick McAuleyAussie Aussie Aussie35A: NZ/AUS Pale Ale (18B American Pale Ale but must use native ingredients)South Australian Brewing Club [Australia]

Table 3: Experimental (6 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
 1stPaul QuirkAnzac Biscuit Brown Ale34C: Experimental Beer South Australian Brewing Club [Australia]
 2ndJosh SmithYou Stink Strawberry, We Want Home Run Homer!34C: Experimental Beer South Australian Brewing Club [Australia]
 3rdNicholas HauschildTrans Tasman Gose34C: Experimental Beer South Australian Brewing Club [Australia]

February Meeting.

At The Wheaty on the 15th 7.00pm. As communicated this looks to be a cracker please see the pinned event in the fb group. Bring your version of hop water for tasting and as always dont forget a bottle of your best for bottle bingo. Nick M and Josh S.

Union Bridge Brewery Visit.

This is locked in for Saturday 4th of March. Time TBC and there will be a facebook event once it has been decided. Stuie Kirk their head brewer will be on hand to provide a tour and hopefully Q&A (If Josh has told him! Ed.) Expect there maybe a special announcement on the day. Nick M and Josh S.

March Meeting.

As communicated last Mash Tun this will be at Shapeshifter on 15th of March at 7pm. See the event (and RSVP pls!) Nick H.

SA Brew Crew hit the Barossa!

Cancel everything else for Saturday 25th of March, …..We are hiring a bus to tour the breweries. What could go wrong? Greenock Brewers, Western Ridge Brewing, Rehn Bier, Barossa Valley Brewing and Ministry of Beer have all confirmed. Obviously this will be a ticketed event with details to follow when finalised. Nick H and Kieren V.

Australian Amatuer Brewing Competition 2023.

It has been confirm this will be held in Adelaide later this year. Now we need judges, lots of judges! Even if you (or your partner) haven’t judged before it isn’t as intimidating as you may think with the head judge of the table there to guide you. State competition and Winter Competition are fantastic opportunities to practice and get involved in the process before the big one! Mark.

New Calendar.

As below lots of Beery good events coming up. Hop on them!


The Mash Tun January 2023

Summer Competition.

Judging will take place from 12pm on Sunday 29th of January at ETKG Tennis Club Kensington Gardens. We need judges please register on the portal. Portal entries close on the 27th and drop off at Beerbelly Pooraka by Friday 27th January or at the judging venue by 11am Sunday 29th January.

Due to Paypal issues this competition will be free to enter. Anyone who has paid already will be processed a refund, please allow the hardworking Julian / Lachlan time to do so. Mark.

Mead Workshop.

14th of January, Raf lead a group of enthusiastic “Meaders” for the inaugural workshop. It seems the warm day was enjoyed by all and there will be a few more entries in the Mead section this year. Keep posted for announcement of a second day. Mark.

Treasurer Report.

“I can report the Treasurer is having a great weekend” Lachlan.

Free Stainless!

Well Jade has done it again, this time it’s the stainless steel type of help. Kegs free to us, make them into 2or 3v systems, make fermenters, hell make furniture. Just 2 things, they need to be depressurised (carefully!!) and we need to coordinate a pick up day prior to the feb meeting. Please signify your interest to Gary ASAP. Gary Mr President.

Fleurieu Beer Festival.

So who ever thought combining an international bike race and with a beer festival in a historic village would work, they were right. Well the beer was cold, the weather was sunny, and most importantly there was a Home Brew Competition , congratulations to Nick Hauschild for coming third. It was fantastic to be involved, and thanks to Nick and BJ for helping get the home brew competition off the ground. As a very direct result of the competition and festival, breweries like Shifty, Kick back, Beer No Evil and yet to be opened Penny Red are very interested in being involved with the club, so watch this spot. Gary.

Your Feedback Wanted!

Last week’s Jan Meeting: event planning for the first part of the year got underway, as part of sharing what was raised we’ll post a calendar shortly with ideas and planning events – we’re really looking for input from you, so you can get the most out of the club with great like minded folk. Please contact Nick McAuley with your ideas. Nick M.

February Meeting.

This will be held at The Wheaty on 15th February at 7.00pm. Let’s see if ppl can brew a hop water, bring it to the Feb meeting for sharing and tasting. Obviously hop water is a pretty loose ‘brew’, but some club members have already seen it as a good way to test out hops in small batches to compare for example Cascade to Nectaron, Eclipse to Topaz before brewing a beer. Josh Smith will be doing a short presentation on his process and will bring some samples to try. Nick M / Mark

March Meeting.

This is locked in for ShapeShifter on 15th March at 7.00pm. ShapeShifter will need RSVP numbers for this one so please do so in the event approximately a week before the meeting. A group challenge will be announced so get your captains ready and a representative there on the night! Nick H.

Jan Meeting / Summer Comp

Happy New Year all! The first monthly meeting of 2023 is this Wednesday in the usual location out back at the wheaty. This month’s agenda is a little different, the committee is seeking input from all club members on what you would like to see at the club over the next 12 months. Bring you ideas for meeting topics, events, competitions, club projects etc. Bring a bottle for bottle bingo.

Summer Comp

The portal for the Summer Comp is open – comps.sabrew.com – so go ahead and add your entries. Note: at the time of writing there is an issue with PayPal payments which we are looking into. You can still add entries, just check back later to make payment.

WE NEED JUDGES….! If you can help, we need you to log into the portal to register to judge.

Sunday 29th Jan. Judging starts at midday.
Enter by Friday 27th January on the portal.

East Torrens Kensington Gardens tennis club

Beerbelly Pooraka by 5pm Friday 27th January

The January meeting at The Wheaty on Wednesday 19th January (from 7pm)

At the judging venue by 11am Sunday 29th January

1A – American (Australian) Light Lager
1B – American (Australian) Lager
18A – Blonde Ale
12B – Australian Sparkling ale
X5 – New Zealand Pilsner
18B – NZ/AUS Pale Ale (American Pale Ale but must use native ingredients)
21A – NZ/ AUS IPA (American IPA but must use native ingredients)
21C – Hazy IPA
34C – Experimental Beer (for all other creations. Get creative with native AUS/NZ ingredients).

This is a club member competition only for financial members of SABC

December meeting / Worth the Wai-iti

This Wednesday we have our traditional casual xmas drinks and pizza meet at the Wheaty. We’ll be in the smaller room at the big kitchen table to make way for a function out the back. Be sure to bring along your Secret Santa homebrew wrapped up for a bottle swap on the night.

For those who weren’t at the 10 year dinner, this will be your opportunity to try the collaboration beer brew between SABC, SABSOSA and the Wheaty! Introducing the BIG Imperial Pils: Worth the Wai-iti

Spot the typo 🙂

I’ll leave it to Jade to provide one of her signature detailed beer descriptors on the night. If you can’t make it Wed don’t worry as this has made it’s way into 500ml cans for takeaways as well!

I personally won’t make it Wed so let me take the opportunity to say 2022 has been a fantastic year for the club with numerous competitions, events and team challenges. It’s the homebrew that brings us together, but it’s the mateship that keeps everyone coming back! If you feel like having a brew day or catching up for a beer over the holiday break, why not put up a post in the Facebook group and invite some fellow members along. See you in 2023!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Wow, that was an epic night last weekend celebrating 10 year of SABC! It was so great to see members who have been around since day one together with new additions attending their first major event. We had award ceromonies, speeches, prizes prizes prizes, and a silent auction for the SS fermenter which went to new member Jordan at the end of the night.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped pull the night together, to brewers who provided the beer, to Blake and Brad for talking about the club history, to all the attendees who came along and to anyone who helped pack down at the end of the night.

And lets not forget this guy, who finally received the award he so deserves.

Lifetime membership recipient and AV guy who poses in front of the projector light, Jules!

The 10 year dinner also saw the 2022 Brewer Of The Year awarded to <drum roll> Mark Woods! In an extremely tight contest Mark Woods clipped Mark Perry by a single point to take top honours. This is off the back of Mark taking out Champion Brewer at AABC, so clearly we have a true master brewer in our ranks and we look forward to many more great beers in 2023. Congrats mate!

BOTY Mark Woods practicing his new stand up show

There’s some more photos of the event available here – https://photos.app.goo.gl/oHQUKZ4zWqcQkofM9 – upload your own if you have any!

Epic Prize + Last chance tickets

There’s just over 2 weeks to go until we get together to celebrate 10 years of SABC! A 3 course dinner will be fully catered by the Golden Roast, and we need to confirm numbers ahead of time. Ticket sales will close this weekend, so this is your final reminder! If you havn’t purchased one – head to the shop now or miss out!

Another huge prize!

If the kegerator wasn’t a big enough prize to get you attention, we have another. The SABC crew who travelled to ANHC went all out for club night, and their rainbows and unicrorns costume was voted best scoring the club this epic 14 gallon Brew Bucket from SS Brewtech!

The actual vessel in all it’s glory. ANHC can for size. It may or may not have specs of glitter on it 🙂

If you want to win this prize, you have to be there on the night.

More Beer!

Announcing another beer brewed especially for the night, Craig Blesing has put together a Vienna Session IPA. Described as an “easy drinking IPA for the craft and non craft drinkers”, this beer has been double hopped with Strata, Idaho 7 and mosaic (3 of my personal favs!).

Craig has graciously donated this keg for the event, despite being unable to make it on the night. He is absolutely flat out fitting out his church in Laura to become the new Little Blesing’s Brewery. We look forward to it’s opening and hope to arrange a special event there for club members. Thanks Craig!