Can You Brew For Club Night?

As you are aware, we need brewers to brew for Club Night. In an effort to keep it all in one place, we have created a web form for brewers to submit their info.  Even if you have told a committee member that you are brewing, please take a minute to fill out the form so we know what we are getting and from whom.  We still need more brewers, so if you think you have some spare bandwidth in your brewing schedules, please help out.

The form is here.

ANHC5 Needs You!

ANHC 5 in Adelaide is looming ever closer, and the conference team are seeking some enthusiastic volunteers who are keen to lend a hand during the event.  If you’d like to be a part of the team and assist with things like processing registrations, moving kegs, pouring/serving beers and whatever other important tasks are required to make the event a success, please email Lachlan via

These aren’t requirements, but it would help us to know:

  • what days are you available to help (13-15th October) ?
  • are you  capable of wrangling a 50L keg?
  • are you attending any of the conference events?
  • do you have an RSA certificate?

Pirate Life Event – Important Update

Unfortunately for us (and Pirate Life), the council has temporarily withdrawn approval for licensed events along that section of South Road, citing safety concerns due to the road works.  This means we are not able to buy beer to drink on the premises (i.e. over the bar), and we are not able to have the food truck on premises.  This would have made for a rather dreary event, so the committee has decided to postpone until November.  We have been assured that by then everything will be back to normal.

Keep an eye out for further news, as we will be trying to lock in a date in the next week or so.

BeerBQ – It’s Tomorrow!

The BeerBQ is just one sleep away.  A large amount of meat is currently soaking up smoky goodness on it’s low and slow journey to your plate, and beer is chilling in anticipation of gushing out a tap into your souvenir glass.  Phew, I need a cold shower…

Anyway, here’s another funky embedded google map to show you how to get there.  Kick off is at 6pm, and don’t forget to bring a bit of spare change for the raffle.  See you there!

SABC has new email addresses

As part of the move to new web hosting, we have also moved our email into our own domain.  This means we have access to more email addresses, which will hopefully streamline the way members communicate with the club.  From today on, please use the email addresses below for all correspondence.  The Gmail account will be forwarded until the end of the year, at which point it will be closed.  This is the new general club email.  Use this for anything that doesn’t specifically fit any other category.  This is for membership sign up and renewals only.  This is for any correspondence to do with club events.  This is for any correspondence to do with club competitions.

Robe Beer Festival

The Robe beer festival is on this weekend, with a number of events at the Institute on Saturday, including a presentation by Stephen Nelsen, and beer and cider tastings. Judging for the competition will also take place on Saturday, with the winners announced at a dinner in the evening.

On Sunday The Robe Town Brewery are holding an open day.  There will be brewery tours, food and live music all in a beautiful (but no doubt chilly) sea side setting.

The Melaleuca Motel in Robe has contacted the SABC and is offering discounted accommodation to our members for anyone who would like to stay overnight.  Talk to Megan or Matthew on 08 87682599, or check their website here for other contact options.  Be sure to mention that you are an SABC member.

Competition Reminder

Just a reminder that the judging for the next competition is next Wednesday at the regular club meeting.  If you would like your entries to have time to settle, please contact the club via email, or myself on the number that is listed on the entry form and rules.

Entries received by Monday will be taken to the Wheaty and stored in their cold room on Monday evening.  Any entries received after that will be stored and transported appropriately to the Wheaty on Wednesday just prior to the meeting and judging.

Good luck to all entrants, and we look forward to seeing you all there!