All clubs (except the most informal,) should set out their basic structure and methods of operating in writing. Not-for-profit clubs generally incorporate under State or Territory legislation known as the Associations Incorporation Act. To become incorporated, a club must (among other things) lodge a set of rules, commonly referred to as a “constitution”. The model rules are intended as a guide only and clubs can adopt, or change the rules to suit their needs so long as the basic requirements are met.
The product of this process is called a constitution. A club’s constitution should:
- Outline the club’s purpose;
- List all of the rules of operation; and
- Set out the members’ rights and responsibilities.
On February 20, 2012 the SABC constitution was adopted. Since this time the constitution has been followed and at the 2015 SABC AGM, the committee proposes to modify the constitution. The modifications do not change the intent of the club, but provide additional detail and clarification. Please see attached for a copy of the previous constitution and the proposed constitution. An executive summary of the changes is as follows:
- Reformatted document
- Section 3 ‘Powers’: expanded to be more specific
- Section 4 ‘Membership’: Defined the membership requirements. Added ability to expel a member from the club for misconduct detrimental to the interests of the club
- Section 6 ‘AGM and Elections’: New section to define the rules for the AGM and the elections
- Section 7 ‘Club Officers’: Defines all committee positions and their roles in more detail
- Section 8 ‘Vacancies’: Additional detail to allow the committee to fill vacated committee positions
- Section 9 ‘Sub-committees’: New section to allow the committee to create and appoint sub-committees.
- Section 10 ‘Meetings’: Defined the meetings in more detail
- Section 15 ‘Life Membership’: New section to define life membership.
At the SABC 2015 AGM the proposed constitution will be discussed and voted on to be accepted by the club members. Please review the proposed amendments and have any questions ready for the meeting.
The proposed document can be viewed by clicking this link.