Rehn Bier Members’ Offer

SABC Rehn Bier Offer

For those of you who enjoy the offerings of the Barossa’s Rehn Bier, Brenton Rehn has provided SABC members with a fantastic offer. SABC members will receive a 5% discount on any beer purchased, plus 1 Rehn Bier branded glass (425ml Keller) for every 9 bottles purchased.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer, please complete the order form (link at top of page) and return it to Rehn Bier. Payment is made direct to Rehn Bier as per the form instructions. Brenton has also kindly offered to deliver any orders placed by 6/11/2015 to the November SABC meeting. Please advise SABC if you require this.

Based in the beautiful Barossa Valley, the Rehn Bier nano-brewery uses traditional brewing principles to hand-craft every single bottle of beer. There’s no rush. Brewing, bottling, hand labelling and conditioning each small batch of our craft beers takes six weeks, giving the aromas and flavours the optimal amount of time and love to develop. Unlike the larger players, each beer we brew is all natural with no additives. We’re also strong believers in low beer miles. Every bottle contains local and Australian ingredients wherever possible because we think they are as good as or better than any you’ll find in the world. At Rehn Bier, you’ll discover and enjoy all the aromas, flavours and passion that come with a well-made artisan beer. We’ll provide you the perfect complement to the delicious wine, food and produce that this region is globally renowned for.

Foxy Friday

Save the date for Foxy Friday.

When: Friday November 27, from 1830

Where: The Fox and Firkin; 1370 North East Road, Tea Tree Gully SA 5091

It is time once again for SABC to visit the Fox and Firkin to sample the selection of English Ales on tap. No formalities planned, just a gathering of like-minded, thirsty individuals looking to unwind at the end of the week.

If you want to grab some food, the Fox also does some good grub in the front bar/outside area.

All welcome to getyourfoxon!

Gawler Show results

As some people have been asking, and considering the results don’t seem to have been published elsewhere, please see below:

1 Brett Riemann
2 Damian Hehir
3 Gary Waters

1 Luke Scrivens
2 Duncan Kennington
3 Brett Hall

1 Adrian Reich
2 Damian Hehir
3 Gary Waters

1 Brad Bown
2 Brett Hall
3 Matt Kennedy

Dark ale
1 Matt Kennedy
2 Greg Wieder
3 Gary Waters

Pale ale
1 Ashley Pyman
2 Brett Riemann
3 Luke Scrivens

SABSOSA results

SABSOSA has been run and won for another year.  A big congratulations to all members who placed this year, and good luck for the nationals if you are entering your beer.  A particular mention to our glorious ex-president Brad Bown for getting the best mash beer gong.  See you all at the presentations next Sunday 20th September, 12.30pm at the Wheaty.  If you haven’t already, check the results here.

SABC has new email addresses

As part of the move to new web hosting, we have also moved our email into our own domain.  This means we have access to more email addresses, which will hopefully streamline the way members communicate with the club.  From today on, please use the email addresses below for all correspondence.  The Gmail account will be forwarded until the end of the year, at which point it will be closed.  This is the new general club email.  Use this for anything that doesn’t specifically fit any other category.  This is for membership sign up and renewals only.  This is for any correspondence to do with club events.  This is for any correspondence to do with club competitions.

Oktoberfest has come to the SABC


We are excited to announce that the next SABC function has been locked in.  Get your lederhosen on for an Oktoberfest lunch at the German Club! The details are:

Saturday October 24, starting at 12:30pm
German Club of South Australia
223 Flinders Street, Adelaide

Lunch comprising main course and dessert, plus one complimentary beer will be provided by the club for financial members.  Guests and partners are most welcome, with the cost per head being $40 with a pint, or $32 for those not wishing to drink beer.  Of course, any guests signing up as new members on the day (it’s only $60) will avoid having to pay for this function, as well as benefitting from all the other perks our members enjoy.

We will be presenting the brewer of the year award at this event, and will hopefully also have someone to give a brief talk on the history of Oktoberfest (If you consider yourself an expert, get in touch with us.  You may score an extra beer…).

Please RSVP, along with any payments for guests, by October 10th by emailing  Payments can be made in cash on the day or directly to the club account:

South Australian Brewing Club
BSB: 065004
Account: 1073 8025


Disclaimer:  You may not have this much fun (or beer)

SABC Winter Competition Judging

At the August member’s meeting last week we sat down to judge the Winter Competition (previously incorrectly referred to as the Spring Competition – not sure where that slipped in!). As a bit of a social experiment judging was open to all in attendance, and we were extremely pleased to see that just about everyone there had a go at judging. There were many first-timers, and from casual discussion later in the evening it seems that overall it was a positive experience, with a number of members saying that their interest in judging had been ignited.

For those not present on the day, here are the results:

1st James Forrest
2nd Matt Kennedy
3rd Clint Fisher

Foreign Extra Stout:
1st Gary Waters
2nd Matt Kennedy
3rd Brendan Hennessy

1st Simon Rofe – Dry Stout
2nd Matt Kennedy – Scottish Ale
3rd Clint Fisher – American IPA

Beer Of Show: Matt Kennedy – Oktoberfest

Congratulations to all place-getters, and in particular to Matt Kennedy who not only placed in all categories, but took out the Beer Of Show gong. We are putting together some fabulous prize packs, to be presented along with the Brewer of the Year announcement at the next club event, which will be announced very soon.

Robe Beer Festival

The Robe beer festival is on this weekend, with a number of events at the Institute on Saturday, including a presentation by Stephen Nelsen, and beer and cider tastings. Judging for the competition will also take place on Saturday, with the winners announced at a dinner in the evening.

On Sunday The Robe Town Brewery are holding an open day.  There will be brewery tours, food and live music all in a beautiful (but no doubt chilly) sea side setting.

The Melaleuca Motel in Robe has contacted the SABC and is offering discounted accommodation to our members for anyone who would like to stay overnight.  Talk to Megan or Matthew on 08 87682599, or check their website here for other contact options.  Be sure to mention that you are an SABC member.