Good Beer Wheaty offer

It’s that time of year again when craft beer lovers and nerds convene at the Wheaty for Good Beer Wheaty from 10-13th of May. (That’s this week!!)

This year has some sessions that are not to be missed, and as an SABC member, the Wheaty are kindly offering each SABC member that attends a session a FREE schooner for that session.

See the sessions here:

You must register to be eligible by filling in your details and the session you will be attending via this link:

BeerBQ thank you

Saturday saw us enjoy another spectacular SABC BeerBQ with some 80 people in attendance. As the event continues to grow and get better and better each year, I wanted to take the time to thank a number of people for playing their part in its success.

Firstly, the committee who pulled together to make light work of a lot of tasks to get through, onya lads!

To our BBQ guru’s BJ, Sean Bradley, Jules, BobbyD and Butchy, what an effort! Meaty nirvana! Thanks guys.

A big thanks also to Lee Waters for her outstanding salads and Veggie options.

Thanks to everyone who brewed for the event, the beer turnout was truly epic with over 20 beers on tap at a terrific standard, not a bad beer in the house. Congratulations also to Joel Gaskin and Ben Till who’s beers were voted 3rd and 2nd respectively behind Wolf’s expertly brewed Pilsner which took out first place for best beer of the night, beautiful beer. Big thanks to our sponsors at Beerbelly too.

Our raffle was eventually won after several goes by that regular winner of SABC awards, Kieren Vercoe. Our thanks go to Brad at Left Barrel brewing for his support in the prize.

We’ve taken the experiences learned from this year’s event to hopefully improve things further. Please feel free to shoot us an email with any feedback for next year’s event, we’d love to make it even better.

Onwards now into competition season and if we can keep the standards high, state and national success is assured.

Thanks and good brewing!


IMPORTANT: BeerBQ announcement

Previous communication about this Saturday’s BeerBQ has stated the INCORRECT address. Please accept our apologies for this mix up. The correct address below:

Colonel Light Gardens Bowling Club
Reade Park Reserve, Flinders Ave
Colonel Light Gardens, SA 5041

This address also appears on your eventbrite ticket.

Please register to attend before end of day tomorrow (Wednesday 2nd May) by following the link on the previous post.


April Meeting

April meeting sees us back at the Wheaty once again on Wednesday 18th April from 7pm onwards.

Matt ‘The Craft Beer King’ King will be joining us again to keep us up to speed with the ever developing world of SA craft beer. This meeting we will also encourage at least 3 member tastings. Let’s start bringing some beers along to prime ourselves for SABSOSA and AABC success. Please notify the club at: if you wish to bring a beer for feedback. No beer is too big or small, good or bad, hazy or bright.. so get involved.

Don’t forget to bring your 6 pack swap beers along! see you at the Wheaty.

SABC Winter Event ‘BeerBQ’

As has become our winter event tradition in recent years, the Great SABC BeerBQ will be held on Saturday 5th May 2018.

As always, this will be a fully subsidised event for SABC club members and one not to be missed as previous events have been sensational. Non-members and friends just $20.

Book now: (choose member free or non-member)

Again, the venue this year is the Colonel Light Gardens Bowling Club. Kick off is at 6.00pm, and we will be wrapping things up by 10.00pm

Once again, there will be ample delicious barbecuey goodness to eat, accompanied by plenty of sides and other bits and pieces.

Members (and guests) are encouraged to bring along a keg of their finest home brew. There will be an informal competition to decide beer-of-the-night, so bring along lots of friends to vote for your beer (this is a proven strategy…). The winner will walk away with a nifty prize, and some points towards Brewer of the Year.

6 Pack Swap

At April’s meeting we will be starting our first 6 pack swap. The idea is simple:

The way it will work, the swap is not limited by number. We’ll distribute fairly the swap bottles such that everyone swapping comes home with 6 different beers.

Basically, bring six bottles of homebrew clearly marked. At the meeting, deliver to the swap table onto a piece of a4 paper with your name on it. We’ll do the divvy magic during the meeting, afterwards pick up ur swap beers.

Sharing is caring!

Winter SABC Comp Announcement

This years Winter Comp will be aimed towards our push for SABSOSA and AABC success. With that in mind we will be targeting some of the lesser brewed categories to hopefully place strongly in these sections. Categories open for our Winter Comp will include the following AABC sections:

1.0 Low Alchohol

7.0 Brown Ale

13.0 Wheat and Rye Ale

14.0 Sour Ale

17.0 Fruit/Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer

The competition will be judged at the July Club meeting (18th July 2018) which will co-incide with our AGM. Competition portal will be set up shortly.

As usual, the prizes will be fantastic. Ready, set, BREW!!

March Club Meeting Weds 21st

It’s back to the Wheaty for the March brew Club meeting on Wednesday 21st March from 7pm.

This month we’ll be asking the question; Can you brew a decent kit beer by following Coopers Kit instructions by the letter, or can some advanced methods be used to pimp it up? Club member Luke Scrivens has kindly volunteered to put this to the test in a brew off with one Kit beer brewed by the Coopers instructions and one brewed with more science involved with yeast, pitch rates and temperature in mind. A blind tasting will of course ensue.

Tastings for the meeting for feedback are encouraged, please email the Club to register your interest to bring  tasting at:


April Social Gathering Case Swap Sat 7th April

Brew Adelaide Case Swap has been a bit of a local homebrewing institution in SA.  Held twice yearly, and organised by the top folk on the Brew Adelaide forum, this years event will be a collaborative affair between BA locals and SABC. If you’re interested to attend, register your name on the BA thread:;topicseen#new

Bring some beer to share in bottles, kegs, miracle boxes, or whatever means that floats your boat and come along for a great day out.

Location: Gould Creek (Golden Grove)
Date: 7th April 2018, from 2pm till 11pm

The Case Swap is a good chance for brewers to get together to enjoy beer, talking brewing and of course talking crap. Attendees typically bring a keg or bottles of homebrew beer along to share. This is an awesome chance to try the variety of homebrew that the Brew Adelaide community produce. Food will be organised closer to the date by the host. A small contribution towards catering will be appreciated, approximately $10pp. Attendees will be advised closer the date of address details.

Good people, good food and of course good beer. All welcome.