BeerBQ Reminder

The 2017 BeerBQ is less than two weeks away – full details here.

With the current response rate however, it’s not looking like being viable to go ahead with the event.  We need to get numbers locked in by the end of this week to be able to cater the event properly.  There are quite a few members pedalling pretty hard behind the scenes to get the food organised, so unfortunately it’s not just a case of ringing some caterer the night before and saying there will be another 50 people coming along.

Tickets for the event (free for financial members, $25.00 for non-members), will be available up until 5pm on Sunday 26 March – Next Sunday!  We need to close availability by then to give us numbers in time to order meat.  The ticketing weblink is here.

Lastly, if you are coming along and bringing a beer, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know, just so we can keep an eye on quantity.  No-one wants to run out of beer…  Just a quick reply to this email will do.

Thanks and see you there!

The 2017 BeerBQ Is Locked In!

We are happy to be able to confirm that the 2017 BeerBQ is on and locked in for April 1st (no joke…).  The venue this year is the Colonel Light Gardens Bowling Club.  The location is Reade Park Reserve, Flinders Ave, Colonel Light Gardens, SA 5041.  Kick off is at 6.00pm, and we will be wrapping things up by 10.00pm

Once again, there will be ample delicious barbecuey goodness to eat, accompanied by plenty of sides and other bits and pieces.

Members (and guests) are encouraged to bring along a keg of their finest home brew.  There will be an informal competition to decide beer-of-the-night, so bring along lots of friends to vote for your beer (this is a proven strategy…).  The winner will walk away with a nifty prize, and some points towards Brewer of the Year.

This year we are using Eventbrite as a ticketing system to try and better manage numbers and catering requirements.  As you would expect, this is a free event for financial members.  The ticketing website will give you the opportunity to enter an access code, which will be emailed to all financial members.  Cost for guests and non-members is $25.00 per head, which gets you a commemorative glass (you’ll now have a pair if you came along last year), and a lot of barbecue smokey goodness.  Beer tastings are offered at no cost by attending home brewers.

Head over to the ticketing website here.  If you have any questions or problems with the ticketing process, please get in touch by emailing

See you there!

ANHC – It went off!

Well, ANHC has been and gone, and what a packed few days that was!  A few of us did the whole enchilada, and I think we all agree that it was well worth it.  Tiring though.  All that beer…

The cherry on the cake was Club Night, and what a night.  After a mad scramble to get the Boat Bar assembled, plumbed, lines cleaned and beer flowing, we took out the gong for best represented club!  Thanks to all that put in time and effort to bring the Boat from the dreams of a middle aged car salesman to the reality of an eight-tap plus outboard hand pump beer behemoth.  We ended up with something like 13 kegs on the night, and I think everyone who contributed got a beer on tap.  Here are a few photos from the night, for those that don’t do Facebook.

Dad dropped in…

The dread pirate BJ with the great Stan Hieronymus

The dread pirate BJ and his mate Pink-Sword

Who ya gonna call?

The gang with Barry Morgan

Technical crew at work

Club Night Ahoy!

With a couple of weekends’ work from a few of our members, we have a pretty nifty bar, in the shape of a small dinghy, ready to go for Club Night.  What we are missing is a bit of set dressing to take our Pirates with Paddles theme to the next level.

If you have any marine paraphernalia that you are willing to lend the club for an evening, please get in touch with Gary on 0417 893 321.  We’re thinking tea chests, anchors, buoys, nets or anything that you think would fit the theme.

And don’t be afraid to get out that old pirate costume you’ve got stashed in the back of the wardrobe.  Stuffed parrots not mandatory but preferred. Think of it as a practise run for the Pirate Life event later in the year.

See you there, me hearties!

Club Night Brewers, We Need You!

We think we may still need a few more brewers for ANHC Club Night, but it’s really hard to tell IF WE DON’T KNOW WHO IS BREWING!

PLEASE, if you are brewing or can brew for Club Night, can you take one minute (that’s all it will take) to fill out the on-line form here. The information that you provide will make planning easier for those people trying to pull this event together.


Pirate Life Event – Important Update

Unfortunately for us (and Pirate Life), the council has temporarily withdrawn approval for licensed events along that section of South Road, citing safety concerns due to the road works.  This means we are not able to buy beer to drink on the premises (i.e. over the bar), and we are not able to have the food truck on premises.  This would have made for a rather dreary event, so the committee has decided to postpone until November.  We have been assured that by then everything will be back to normal.

Keep an eye out for further news, as we will be trying to lock in a date in the next week or so.

Pirate Life Event

A few more details for the Pirate Life event, which is on Sunday August 28th, starting at 12.30pm.  We will hopefully kick off with a brewery tour (and a pint), with lunch starting from 1.30pm.  There will be wood oven pizzas (vegetarian available), bruschetta and garlic bread served until 3.30pm.  We will have a raffle, and there will be a prize for the best pirate themed accessory or clothing.

Cost for non-members is $20.00 per person.

For catering numbers, please let us know if you are coming along, either by indicating so on the facebook event or the old fashioned way by emailing 

See you there, shipmates!

Get Your Buckles Swashed!

We’re off to lead the Pirate Life (well, for an afternoon at least)!


The next SABC social event will be held at Pirate Life Brewing, on Sunday August 28th.  Walking the plank from 12:30pm onwards, there will be a brewery tour of course, plus food and beer.  BYO witty banter and pirate shenanigans.  There will be a prize for the best pirate costume, and other fun stuff.  We’re still thrashing out the details, but the date is locked in.  See you there, me hearties!

(More cheesy pirate talk is almost guaranteed…)

Good Beer Wheaty! Get into it!

The program for Good Beer Wheaty has been announced, and once again it looks to promise four days and nights of interesting discussion, celebrity shoulder-rubbing and of course great beer.

And once again, in what we consider to be an extremely fine tradition, SABC members who purchase a ticket to one of the ticketed events will receive pint of beer on the Wheaty!  To take advantage of this, you need to email us to let us know what sessions you are attending at least two days prior to the first one.  We will then forward a list of names to the Wheaty the day before each event.

Check out the program here

SABC BeerBQ – so much meaty, beery goodness

From club secretary Luke Moran.

On a warm, peaceful autumn evening the South Australian Brewing Club descended upon the Clearview Lawn Bowls club with gallons of home crafted ales and mounds of slow cooked deliciousness.

What more could you ask for? 17 different ales and lagers were generously provided by various members to share. Each beer was lined up in a variety of porta-keg setups, (both large and small), with even stubbies, long-necks and growlers on offer. After a few issues with carbonation, the beers were pouring beautifully and members and guests started to get stuck in, each with their own souvenir SABC BeerBQ glassware. Beer of the night went to Lachlan, although it has to be said that it’s just as well there weren’t any polling scrutineers present.  A lesson in inviting as many friends as you can find.

Now what is a brew club if you don’t do some brewing? Committee member Gary, who is an experienced brewer using the all-in-one Grainfather brewing system, brewed up a storm on the night. The recipe chosen was a Russian Imperial Stout. Gary used not only a brand new Grainfather generously loaned by the distributors imake, but also his own Grainfather, due to the large amount of grain required to brew such a big beer. The resultant 20L batch was offered as first prize in a raffle on the night, which was won by Glen Phillis.

Let’s not forget about the grub. A large selection of delicious proteins were provided to soak up all of that home brew. Kranskies, chicken wings, pulled pork, brisket and a selection of salads were devoured, demolished and digested by all. Thanks must be given to Jules, Darren, BJ, Clint and Simon for providing such an amazing banquet. Special thanks must go to BJ who cooked up the Kranskies and wings on the night using his own purpose built charcoal pit.

Overall the night was a great success and considering it was the first time the club has put on an event like this it went fantastically well.

A BIG thanks to all who came along and contributed on the night to make it such a success and we’ll see you at the next one.

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The BeerBQ is getting close!

It’s been almost a month since I last badgered you about BeerBQ RSVPs, and that means the event is almost upon us.  We are now getting to the pointy end of organising things, so   the sooner we have a good idea of numbers the better.  No one wants to to see us running out of food…

Don’t forget that this is a fund-raising event for the club, so tell your workmates and friends if you think they would enjoy a night of Beer, BBQ and Bowls.  There will be an informal Beer of the Night vote, with points towards Brewer Of The Year, and we are also working on another surprise “entertainment” (no, not that…).

We would like RSVPs back by two weeks before the event to give us the best chance of getting the catering right. Email if you are coming along, and don’t forget to tell us if you are bringing a keg (or bottles).

Click here for (slightly) more info about the event.