With the recent announcment that the SABC x Pirate Life beer is ready for release and all SABC members are elligible to receive a bottle, the committee has fielded a number of queries regarding membership status.
Membership lasts for 12 months from the date you sign up, and requires anual renewals to keep it active. To check you current status
Navigate to the SABC Shop -> https://shop.sabrew.com/
Select My Account and login with you SABC credentials
Select My Membership
Select Manage
You current status and expiry date will be displayed:

Maintaining an active membership is required so you can participate in competitions (such as the upcoming winter comp), attend member only events (such as the BeerBQ and Tafe collab ) and receive member only freebies (such as the SABC x Pirate Life beer). If you didn’t receive an email last Thursday detailing how to order your SABC x Pirate Life beer from the shop, your membership has likely expired. Go ahead and renew now, and you can also order your beer from the shop.