Howdy. It’s been a big beer week for us. SABSOSA had over 380 entries and thanks to the team who collected them all up from drop off venues and at the Irish Club on Saturday. Judging is this weekend. Again, we need help. If you can judge, please register in the portal or talk to Gary and the team on Wednesday night.
Yes, Wednesday night. We’re back IRL, in person, in skin. 7pm at the Wheaty.
We’ll knock over our AGM requirements swiftly. Nominations are still open at info@sabrewcom or on the night. If you’ve got ideas about things the club could do and steer in the future, put your hand up. We welcome you.
After that, we’ll be getting on to the ‘supermarket challenge beers’ tasting. They’re had an extra month to condition and by all accounts they’re drinkable.
Other than that, we’ve got nothing else.
A reminder that we have a closed Facebook Group for members to communicate and we share info. If you didn’t know or haven’t got around to joining, let us know at and we’ll get you in.
See you Wednesday.