![SABSOSA best brewer Keiren Vercoe (L) and best beer winner John Van der Zalm. [photo: Gary Waters/ SABSOSA/ Composite image]](https://sabrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/SABSOSA_composite_image-300x214.jpg)
Congratulations to both of them and everyone else who entered. All the scores are now online. {PDF}.
With 362 beers judged from 128 brewers, it was the biggest field in the competition’s 21-year history. Now as SABC takes over the running of the competition, it’s only set to grow but it’s a challenge we’re ready for. Congratulations to Mike Leupold, Tim Harris and all the team for building it into a strong and respected competition. Also huge kudos to everyone who helped judge and steward. A competition of so many entries cannot run smoothly without volunteers.
At our next meeting we’ll be having a casual Q&A chat and hear tips and tricks from winning brewers, judge’s advice and comp organisers on what makes a great entry, how to improve your own beer (and enter to win if comps are your thing) and how to read judge’s scoresheets and act on the feedback to make your brewing better. We’ll have some member’s beers to taste and have an opportunity to apply BJCP judging to them. Even if you’re not competition driven, it’s still about making the beer you brew even better.
If you have a beer you want to share at the meeting, or you’ve made something with the Vic Secret hops, drop us a note on Facebook or email us.
September meeting is at the Wheatsheaf Hotel on September 19 from 7pm. There will be a food truck serving as well. See the Facebook event for more closer to the date.
Other future dates for your calendar:
October 13: SABC brew day at Left Barrel (see next post).
October 17: October(fest) monthly meeting at the German Club.
October 25-37: Aust Nat. Homebrew Conference, Melb.
November 21: November monthly meeting
Nov 24 or Dec 1 {TBC}: SABC Summer event.
December 19: December monthly meeting – Christmas drinks