Our Left Barrel brewday is going ahead this weekend. It’s being managed by Clinton and we still have a few places left.
If you’re just catching up, we’re brewing a Flanders Red that will go in a barrel for 4-6 months. You take home a 20L wort to ferment and bring back fo the barrel in a couple of weeks. So the only catch is you need fermentor space for that time.
We also need you to source a Belgian base yeast to ferment and get it now so it’s ready to go on Sunday or early next week.
We also need somewhere to keep the barrel for this time. If you’ve got some space were we could store it, that’d be excellent. Let us know.
So it’s this Saturday, October 17 at Left Barrel Balhannah from 9am.
If you want to be a part of it, please email info@sabrew.com and watch your emails for more to come. We’ll also set up a discussion on Facebook to fine-tune the recipe and plan.
Everyone is welcome to go to the brewery in the day as well. The bar is open and lunch is available.
Next meeting
We will be at Pirate Life Brewery, Port Adelaide on Wednesday 21 for a special tasting session and a bit of a focus on gose and sours.