Competition Reminder

Just a reminder that the judging for the next competition is next Wednesday at the regular club meeting.  If you would like your entries to have time to settle, please contact the club via email, or myself on the number that is listed on the entry form and rules.

Entries received by Monday will be taken to the Wheaty and stored in their cold room on Monday evening.  Any entries received after that will be stored and transported appropriately to the Wheaty on Wednesday just prior to the meeting and judging.

Good luck to all entrants, and we look forward to seeing you all there!

SABC 2015 Spring Competition

The Spring competition, which was announced in March, will be judged at the next SABC general meeting on Wednesday August 19 at the Wheaty.

The format of the judging will be slightly different from usual, being an open judging session where any member interested in judging will be able to sit on a panel with an experienced BJCP certified judge and learn more about the process.  South Australia needs more judges, and the hope is to get some more people interested in undertaking the BJCP certification course.

All beers will be judged according to style, and any major scoring discrepancies will be reviewed. All other SABC competition rules will apply as usual.  See the link below for entry forms and rules.

Any member with beers to enter in the competition and who is unable to attend the August meeting can contact the club via email or the organiser on the phone number listed in the rules. Members attending the meeting, please be at the Wheaty by 6.30pm with your beers, as we are aiming to start the judging as close to 7.00pm as possible.

As always, please send any questions through to

Good luck!


2015/16 Committee

At the recent AGM, elections for committee positions were held, and SABC is pleased to announce the new committee:

President: Julien Gibson
Vice President: Darren Billett
Sectretary: Luke Moran
Treasurer: Simon Rofe
General Members: Clint Fisher, Mark Smith, Gary Waters and Ed Shorne Holden

The new committee is meeting for the first time early next week, and our aim is to map out the next twelve months’ activity as soon as possible. As always, if you have any suggestions of any sort, please email the club.

Also at the AGM, the revised constitution was accepted by vote, and will be available as a permanent link on the website soon.

A huge thank you must go out to the retiring committee members, in particular Brad, James and Ian, who all contributed greatly to the inception and growth of the club over the last two and a bit years. Hopefully we will continue to see you all at the monthly club meetings.

SABC AGM 2pm Saturday 18th July

Another reminder that the SABC Annual General Meeting will be held tomorrow, Saturday July 18, 2015; 2pm at the Wheatsheaf Hotel. Please see the linked Agenda for the order of events.

An annual general meeting (aka AGM) is a meeting that the club is required to hold by the Incorporations Act. Legal requirements aside, the AGM provides an important opportunity for all club members to review the past year of the clubs operation and to ask questions of the committee members. At the AGM members will receive a report from the President, which will recap all of the clubs achievements of the year. The Treasurer will present an audited treasurers report, which details the financial status for the club.

At the 2015 AGM, we will also be updating the Clubs Constitution to add further clarification to the clubs purpose and rules.

An important part of any AGM is the election of new club officers for the next membership year. All committee positions will be declared vacant and the following positions need to be filled:

a) President – The President chairs committee meetings, club meetings and leads the club. They provide the clubs direction and leadership for the committee.

b) Vice-President – The Vice President is the backup president. They assist the president in their duties.

c) Secretary – The Secretary handles all correspondence for the club. They prepare agendas and keep minutes of all meetings.

d) Treasurer – The Treasurer handles the clubs funds. The Treasurer keeps accurate financial records for the club and prepares brief financial statements for each monthly meeting of the Club Committee. The treasurer also prepares the treasurers report and arranges for it to be audited prior to the AGM.

e) General Committee Members – General committee members attend committee meetings and aide in running the clubs events.

All committee members represent SABC and assist with running club events and competitions; and the committee generally meets once every one to two months. Without an active committee SABC cannot function. Please give your consideration to joining the SABC committee and be prepared to nominate for any position. Your help is what makes SABC great!

Finally, to close out the AGM, Any other business is raised. This provides an opportunity for any member to ask a question or to raise club business for discussion.

The SABC committee looks forward to seeing you at the AGM to help make 2015/2016 an even better brewing year.

Members Meeting Wed 15th July – Tasting Beers

This month’s club meeting theme:

Direction of the club, upcoming event and topic suggestions

The Committee are keen to take suggestions for future events, and to hear from you on what worked well, and what can be improved upon.

We are also continuing to take nominations for committee positions prior to the AGM (to be held this Saturday)

Beer Tastings

Are you coming along to our members meeting this Wednesday night 7pm outback at the Wheaty, on 15th July?

Have you got a beer you’d like to present to the members. Perhaps something you’re especially proud of? Perhaps something you’re not quite sure what’s wrong?

Let us know by emailing the club at and we’ll fit you in. There is a limit of 3 people each with 3 750mL longnecks each – so get in quick!

SABC AGM 2pm July 18th at the Wheaty

Reminder all – the SABC AGM will be held from 2pm at the Wheaty this Saturday (July 18).

The AGM is an important part of the SABC calendar year; providing a status on the club and a chance for you to contribute towards the clubs success.

Please come along to show your support.

Our Guest Speaker Alison Painter will also be presenting on the History of South Australian Brewing which will be a great informative session.

For further AGM info, Agenda, etc refer link below:

See you there!

SA Country Shows with Homebrew Comps

With thanks to Rachel E, she’s compiled a list of all SA Country Shows with homebrew competitions!

With this list it’s a perfect opportunity to get involved at a more basic level, either for entry or for judging, rather than going straight to the big comps such as SABSOSA, Gawler Show and Tanunda show.

SABC are not directly related to any of the competitions below – please contact the organisers of the relevant show for further information. All contact details are available at the URL


8 – Crystal Brook

15 & 16 – Whyalla

23 – Port Lincoln

29 – 30 – Gawler


19 Wudinna Districts

26 – Balaklava & Dalkey

25 (night) & 26 – Murray Bridge


3 – Yankalilla, Rapid Bay & Myponga

4 & 5 – Kingston

4 & 5 – Loxton

5 – Jamestown

7 – Pinnaroo

7 – Southern Yorke (Minlaton)

10 – Burra (Cancelled for 2015)

10 – Keith

10 – Mil-Lel

17 – Clare

24 – Callington

31 – Kangaroo Island


14 – Parndana

8 – Eudunda


20 – Uraidla & Summertown

MARCH 2016

5 – Mannum

5 – Mundulla

10 – Maitland

12 – Tanunda

19 – Mt Pleasant

Gawler Show – 2015!

It’s that time again, Gawler Show is coming up quickly! Entries close date is FRIDAY AUGUST 7th!

Entries must be received by August 7th to be accepted.

Entries are judged on Friday August 21 – if you wish to be a Judge or Steward please contact the competition convenor, Olexij Straschko, or wish to find out any more information, please check the details in the following document:

SABSOSA – Deadline approaching FAST!

Don’t forget folks, SABSOSA is coming up fast! Entries close Saturday August 29th!

Entries Close – Saturday 29th August 2015
Entry Fees – $5.00 per bottle, still one of the best value comps in Oz!
Judging – 12th & 13th September 2015 (a.m. judging sessions) at the Holdfast Bay Bowls & Croquet Club
Presentation – Sunday 20th September @ 12:30pm, Wheatsheaf Hotel, George St, Thebarton

If you are interested in being a judge, a steward or just generally helping the competition then please contact us at

Clock’s tickin’!

Memberships are now DUE!

Memberships are now DUE! Our memberships run from July to June – so all memberships (with the exception of the couple of members who joined after our subsidised events) are now due.

Click Here to download the membership form.

Fees this year remain at $50 for continuing members, or $60 inc Joining fee for new members.

Remember this includes two subsidised member events per year, a free gift (TBA at this moment) and other specials throughout the year. The first one will be The Wheaty Font of Darkness and Birthday Celebrations coming up just this week!

With the AGM coming up in a couple of weeks, this is the ideal time to renew your membership and perhaps even nominate for the committee to have a say in the operation of your club.

To nominate for the Committee, please email the club at – with details of which position you would specifically like to nominate for – if any.

Wheaty’s Font of Darkness and Birthday Beer Offer!

Wheaty’s Font of Darkness and Birthday Beer Offer:

The Wheaty has kindly offered all SABC Members a Wheaty Brewing Corps Beer from their selection on the night, Thursday 9th July, from 6 – 10pm.

If you wish to take up this offer, please email SABC to register your name by Wednesday 8th July. Keep in mind that memberships are all due as of now, so this is an extra benefit for all members who re-join ASAP!

This month is the ‘Font of Darkness’ at the Wheaty, with more info on the wide range (over 60 dark beers!) as per the link below.