The South Australian Brewing Club requests the pleasure of your company in joining them to celebrate the marriage of Beer and BBQ.

Beer and BBQ have been great friends for many years now and this event will formalise their union.

BBQ’s guests will include a buffet of Low and Slow cooked American BBQ meats (Pulled Pork, Brisket, Hot Links, Chicken) and sides (slaw, potato salad, rolls, pickles).

Beer guests will also co-inside with a SABC Homebrew competition. Members will be invited to bring a keg(s) of beer (and dispensing equipment) to the SABC BeerBQ; with the best keg of show being subjectively judged on the night. Every SABC member (or paying non-member) in attendance will receive one vote, to vote for which beer they like the most. Don’t keg? – not an issue; just bring your beer in bottles. There is no defined competition style, no cost to enter the competition; just bring a beer(s) you would like to drink and share with members. Points will be allocated and results will contribute to the SABC Brewer of the Year competition.

A commemorative glass will be provided for sampling all Beer.

We will also be trying our hand at lawn bowls on the night (weather permitting).

The SABC BeerBQ will take place at:
The Clearview Bowling Club
Coleridge Crescent Reserve, Gordon Ave, Clearview SA 5085

Saturday April 9th, 2016 at 6pm (for a 6:30 start) – ~11pm.


  • Free for SABC Members
  • Non-SABC Members – $25 for BBQ, plus $30 for Beer Sampling (including commemorative glass)
  • Non-SABC Member bringing a keg of beer to share – BBQ only cost.
  • Non-Member wishing to bowl $5

RSVP by March 26th

Payments MUST be made directly to the club account:
South Australian Brewing Club
BSB: 065004
Account: 1073 8025

!This is a great fundraising opportunity for the club and all SABC members and friends of SABC members are welcome to attend!

December meeting

The December meeting is this coming Wednesday, and in keeping with previous years will be an informal (like we’re ever very formal…) Christmas drinks get together.  We will do a pizza order, which will be $5 per person, and if you’ve been a good little brewer Santa may throw a pint of beer down the chimney at you.

Hope to see you there!

Summer competition update

After some discussion with Jade, we have a bit more information regarding the style for this competition.  A firm judging date will be set soon, but expect early March.

Session IPA

Max ABV 4.9% (ie less than 5%)

IBU – as a guide 40 IBU+ (but it’s more about perceived bitterness –

an IPA’s got to be bitter!) Can be any variant on the IPA style (eg

red, black, rye etc) In broad terms a Session IPA should be hoppier

and drier than a Pale, for example – balance is key.

This article sums it up nicely:‘ 

Get brewing folks!

SABC Cal Common launch and next competition announcement

At the October meeting at the Wheaty last week, those in attendance were lucky enough to be able to sample Simon’s Cal Common which he brewed with the Wheaty.  Simon also brought in some of his home brewed Cal Common, which was as close as he could practically make to what was produced at the Wheaty.  While there were definitely some common (see what I did there) attributes to both beers, the differences were intriguing.  Very nice beers both however.

After giving us a run down of the recipe and brew day, Jade also announced the style for the summer competition, which is to be judged sometime in the first quarter of 2016.  The challenge is a Session IPA. The only stipulations are that the beer be 4.5% ABV or less, and clearly an IPA (new world, old world, out of this world).  More details to follow…

SABC Brewer of the Year – and the winner is…

All the points are in, and we are thrilled to announce that the SABC Brewer of the Year for 2015 is Brad Bown!  The award was presented at the Oktoberfest lunch at The German Club on October 24th.  Clearly Brad was able to focus all his considerable efforts on brewing top quality beers, without the unrelenting pressure of the club presidency slowing him down.  Amongst Brad’s prizes is what is possibly the most lethal mash paddle we’ve ever seen. A big thanks to Simon Rofe for organising that.  Other goodies will be forthcoming at the November meeting.  Head over to the Competitions page for the final points tally.

BYO Magazine member’s offer

The BYO Magazine subscription offer that some of our members took up last year is just about to expire.  Those taking part will likely receive their last magazine this week.

We will be contacting BYO to take up the club offer again, so if you would like to take advantage of this offer please email the club at .  There will be more info forthcoming once we have heard back from the magazine, but in essence they offer a subscription at a reduced rate over the standard price, the best part being that your club gets to keep half.  This money can then get put back into other member benefits.

Woodshed Brewery at Renmark

We are calling for expressions of interest from members who may be interested in a trip to Renmark to visit the Woolshed Brewery.  This is still only in the embryonic phase, but some or all of the following could be considered:

  • Bus trip to Renmark to visit the Woolshed Brewery
  • Possible participation in a brew day
  • Meeting the local Renmark home brew club and swapping beers
  • Possibility of  houseboat accommodation
  • Partners who may want to do a wine and produce tour of the surrounds

Anticipated timing is late May/early June when life is quieter for the brewery and also giving enough time to brew for the swap.  This would also be clear of our next major event, which is slated for April.

If you are interested in something like this, please email the club at

October Club Meeting

Due to the Oktoberfest lunch at the German Club being so soon after this month’s meeting, there will be no formal topic of discussion.  However, the Wheaty will be launching (drum roll) Simon’s winning Cal Common.  The keg is being tapped at 6pm, so if you want to be there for the fanfare, tell the boss that the dog’s escaped and hightail it for the pub!  Simon also has a comparison brew to present and talk about.  This leaves two spots for other tastings, so if you have something you want feedback on, email the club at

This year’s glasses will be available for collection, so if you haven’t grabbed yours yet come and see a committee member.  Please note that glasses will not be available for collection at the German Club lunch.