BeerBQ – It’s Tomorrow!

The BeerBQ is just one sleep away.  A large amount of meat is currently soaking up smoky goodness on it’s low and slow journey to your plate, and beer is chilling in anticipation of gushing out a tap into your souvenir glass.  Phew, I need a cold shower…

Anyway, here’s another funky embedded google map to show you how to get there.  Kick off is at 6pm, and don’t forget to bring a bit of spare change for the raffle.  See you there!

April Meeting Venue Change

The April SABC meeting, which is at 7pm on Wednesday the 20th of April will not be at the Wheaty.

Little Bang Brewing have very kindly offered to host us this month, with a brewery tour, plenty of beers to try, and a good deal of witty banter no doubt.  The usual starting time of 7pm remains, however if you’re a little early don’t worry. You can always chip in and do a spot of cleaning!

See below for directions:

Now taking orders for SABC gear

SABC members, roll up your sleeves with SABC’s official gear!
Orders are now being taken for SABC T-shirts, polos and hoodies available in the following:

  • T-shirts available in Black and White with 4 colour logo at the front and on the back; $25 each.
  • Polos available in black with 4 colour logo on the left hand chest and on the back; $25 each.
  • Hoodies available in black with 4 colour logo on the front and on the back; $45 each.

Sample sizes will be available at the next SABC club meeting on the 20th April and also the BeerBQ event on Saturday 9th April.
Orders will need to be submitted to the club together with payment confirmation by the 1st May 2016.  Email
Please indicate your choice of garment as well as size required.

The BeerBQ is getting close!

It’s been almost a month since I last badgered you about BeerBQ RSVPs, and that means the event is almost upon us.  We are now getting to the pointy end of organising things, so   the sooner we have a good idea of numbers the better.  No one wants to to see us running out of food…

Don’t forget that this is a fund-raising event for the club, so tell your workmates and friends if you think they would enjoy a night of Beer, BBQ and Bowls.  There will be an informal Beer of the Night vote, with points towards Brewer Of The Year, and we are also working on another surprise “entertainment” (no, not that…).

We would like RSVPs back by two weeks before the event to give us the best chance of getting the catering right. Email if you are coming along, and don’t forget to tell us if you are bringing a keg (or bottles).

Click here for (slightly) more info about the event.

Summer Competition Results

At the March meeting last night we had the pleasure of announcing the winner and place-getters of the summer competition.  Jade gave us a run down of the style (Session IPA, if you’ve been under a rock), and a good summary of the entries judged.  The scores were quite tightly grouped, with Jade commenting that they scored hard.  So without further ado, here are the results:

1st place: Kieren Vercoe
2nd place: Kieren Vercoe
3rd place: Darren Billett

All place-getters took home a 2kg bag of grain, some silicone tubing and a tube clamp, as well as some back issues of Beer and Brewer. Second place also got a mash weapon, with first place taking the coveted “brew your beer at the Wheaty” prize. Kieren will get to brew his beer some time in August or September, and the aim is to have it on tap in time for ANHC in October. I’ts hard to think of better bragging rights than that!

Well done to all entrants, and thanks especially to Jade and the Wheaty for your ongoing support, Simon Rofe for the procurement of prizes, and those who judged the competition.


A quick reminder to send us an email at if you are intending to come to the BeerBQ in April, but also to let us know if you are bringing a keg.  This event is is fully self catered by the club, and we need beer to drink on the night.  Don’t forget that there will be an informal “beer of the night” competition with points towards BOTY up for grabs (not to mention a fabulous prize).

SABC Winter Competition Announced

The SABC Winter Competition was announced at the February meeting, and for those not in attendance (or who suffer from poor short term memory), here are the details:

The competition will be judged along the lines of the last winter competition, with all members eligible to judge.  We had good feedback from those who took part in the judging at the last competition, and it gives those with little or no experience a chance to have a go at judging along side more experienced judges.

The judging date is set for July 23rd, and entries will close one week prior to that.

There will be four broad categories based on the BJCP 2015 guidelines:

1- Pale Ales: 12A, 12B, 18, 24B

2- India Pale Ales: 12C, 21

3- Strong Ales: 14B, 14C, 17, 22, 25, 26C, 26D

4- Stouts: 15B, 15C, 16, 20B, 20C

This competition will attract double points towards Brewer of the Year, so start planning and get brewing.  We want everyone to have as good a chance as possible to refine their beers prior to SABSOSA, which of course leads into AABC here in Adelaide later in the year. Carpet bombing is encouraged!

Summer Competition Update

We are now able to announce that the Summer Competition will be judged at the Wheaty on Saturday March 12th.  Entries close on March 5th.  Please see the Competitions page here for details and the entry form.

Due to the fact that SABC competitions generally are limited category, the committee has decided to weight the Brewer of the Year points for the two annual SABC competitions.  This means that the Summer Competition, which only has one category, will attract triple points.  The Winter Competition will have at least two but probably more categories, and will attract double points.  We will be announcing the Winter Competition at the February meeting, so stay tuned.

Good luck and happy brewing!

January Meeting

The January meeting is coming up this Wednesday, and while we don’t have a formal presentation this month, there is lots to talk about with upcoming events, competitions and and other exciting stuff.  There will also be plenty of time for tastings, so if you have brewed something interesting (intentionally or not…), let us know by emailing and bring it along.  Two to three longnecks or equivalent generally will suffice, and be prepared with as much info about your recipe and brew day as you can find.

For those who have not yet collected their glasses (there’s quite a few!), they will be available at the meeting, and we may even get our act together enough for a raffle.

See you at the Wheaty at 7pm on Wednesday.


2016 Tanunda Show Home Brew Competition


Show Day 12th March

For those wanting a real head start in the 2016 BOTY this is great news
Tanunda has expanded its Home Brew Competition to 11 categories
That means a total of 66 points is available towards this years BOTY
Tanunda has always been well supported by its sponsors  and great prizes can be won

For more details please contact:
Luke Willis 0403 438 923
Gary Waters 0417 893 321


With the increase in interest in Home brewing and Craft brewing the number and quality of judges needs to take the next leap forward.

2016 will be an exciting year for competitions and judging with the following events:

  • Tanunda increasing categories to 11, potentially being BJCP recognised
  • The second opportunity for a club brewer to brew with the Wheaty
  • Oct 2016 sees 12 places available for BJCP qualification (potentially doubling the number of qualified judges for SA)
  • Openings for a second BJCP study group with exams already lodged for April 2017
  • Another record year for number of entries and brewers for SABSOSA
  • AABC is here in October ( no transport this time, could we contemplate taking top state?)
  • 24 Country comps are sponsored by  SABSOSA
  • Don’t forget Gawler and the second club comp

So the call out is LOUD. We need as many people as possible to put their hand up to help these competitions flourish.

Judging will give anyone a better understanding of beer styles, brewing techniques and achieving results.

Feel free to contact Gary Waters 0417 893 321 on any matter