The survey results are in…

Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete our short survey.  We really appreciated the feedback received, which was very positive in general. Some excellent feedback suggestions and challenges were put to the club. We’d like to share some of the common themes with you and share with you what the club will be looking to initiate as a result of your feedback.

Here’s what you’ve said:

It’s hard to get a group of people to truly share and communicate without fear of failure or feeling stupid for not knowing something and making mistakes . Knowing and remembering each others names would be good to help stop little sub groups forming because they can’t remember other members names.

-Really great feedback. The committee have discussed the possibility of name tags. We think it should go ahead. 

Better agenda with serious beer discussion matters each meeting.

-Agreed. There were a number of comments along these lines.  The club will be setting the discussion/theme agenda ahead in advance by at least 6 months so members know what to expect and look forward to. This will be sent out in separate comms by email newsletter and club website. 

I think it would be good to see the club extend beyond the Brew Adelaide forum.

Over the last year the club has moved all of its communications to members from the Brew Adelaide forum to Newsletter emails and website updates. There have only been a few updates to the wider beer community on Brew Adelaide to promote events to non members. The club is now entirely separate from Brew Adelaide. 

Create a Facebook group instead of the current Facebook ‘community’.The Facebook community page as it is tends to just be club officials sharing various posts. There’s useful info in the posts but rarely anything directly related to the club or its members. I think an SABC group on Facebook would be a lot more interactive, allowing club members to post/share themselves, find/add members as friends and get a better sense of who’s in the club (real names, photos etc). It’s also a great way to advertise the club and get more people to sign up.

Another excellent bit of feedback! The committee will look into this as a matter of priority.

The Wheaty is great, but our own premises would allow the club to expand into more activities and be heard over the jets etc.

-This would be fantastic. However, at this stage with financial constraints, it just is not possible. If anyone has suggestions for how this can be affordably done i.e. venue share with other clubs etc, please contact the club to discuss. Regarding noise, this is not as bad when out in the back area. The club has communicated concerns around clashes of events with the Wheaty. When this happens, using the lounge area at the Wheaty is no longer an acceptable situation. The Wheaty have assured us that for the remainder of the year, there are no further clashes. The club will look to have a few meetings at alternative venues too, like the recent visit to Little Bang for example. 

The communication has slipped in the past ~12 months to the point where it’s hard to even know what’s going on around the club. I feel there should be a little more transparency around what the committee are working on – especially with an important event like AABC/ANHC coming up later in the year in Adelaide. From the outside it appears that all the work is being done by only a couple of people. I hope that isn’t the case as it’s a sure recipe for burnout.

-Feedback noted. This is especially true for meeting topic agendas. As previously mentioned, the club will publish topics ahead. The committee can discuss the possibility of making committee meeting minutes available. 

A calendar of events should be published.

We are looking at integrating a calendar into the website, and hopefully this will come online in the next few weeks.  The plan is to include club events, key competition dates for all SA competitions, as well as other dates of interest to members.

Perhaps more sponsors required to donate raffle prizes.

-Absolutely! Suggestions are welcome. 

The full survey results are available here if you wish to read them.

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