BeerBQ Reminder

The 2017 BeerBQ is less than two weeks away – full details here.

With the current response rate however, it’s not looking like being viable to go ahead with the event.  We need to get numbers locked in by the end of this week to be able to cater the event properly.  There are quite a few members pedalling pretty hard behind the scenes to get the food organised, so unfortunately it’s not just a case of ringing some caterer the night before and saying there will be another 50 people coming along.

Tickets for the event (free for financial members, $25.00 for non-members), will be available up until 5pm on Sunday 26 March – Next Sunday!  We need to close availability by then to give us numbers in time to order meat.  The ticketing weblink is here.

Lastly, if you are coming along and bringing a beer, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know, just so we can keep an eye on quantity.  No-one wants to run out of beer…  Just a quick reply to this email will do.

Thanks and see you there!

The 2017 BeerBQ Is Locked In!

We are happy to be able to confirm that the 2017 BeerBQ is on and locked in for April 1st (no joke…).  The venue this year is the Colonel Light Gardens Bowling Club.  The location is Reade Park Reserve, Flinders Ave, Colonel Light Gardens, SA 5041.  Kick off is at 6.00pm, and we will be wrapping things up by 10.00pm

Once again, there will be ample delicious barbecuey goodness to eat, accompanied by plenty of sides and other bits and pieces.

Members (and guests) are encouraged to bring along a keg of their finest home brew.  There will be an informal competition to decide beer-of-the-night, so bring along lots of friends to vote for your beer (this is a proven strategy…).  The winner will walk away with a nifty prize, and some points towards Brewer of the Year.

This year we are using Eventbrite as a ticketing system to try and better manage numbers and catering requirements.  As you would expect, this is a free event for financial members.  The ticketing website will give you the opportunity to enter an access code, which will be emailed to all financial members.  Cost for guests and non-members is $25.00 per head, which gets you a commemorative glass (you’ll now have a pair if you came along last year), and a lot of barbecue smokey goodness.  Beer tastings are offered at no cost by attending home brewers.

Head over to the ticketing website here.  If you have any questions or problems with the ticketing process, please get in touch by emailing

See you there!

The Summer Competition Scores Are In!

After finishing off the judging of the Summer Competition yesterday before the meeting, we were lucky enough to have Jade available amidst all the Fringe madness to give us a detailed rundown on the beers that were entered and also announce the winners of the main category.

So without further ado, here are the results:

Munich Helles:
1st place: Kieren Vercoe, 39.75 points
2nd place: Michael Handran-Smith, 38.13 points
3rd place: Nicky Thomas, 32.13 points

Other Categories:
1st place: Clint Fisher, 35.17 points (German Pils)
2nd place: Greg Wieder, 32.33 points (Dunkels Bock)
3rd place: Gary Waters, 26.17 points (Altbier)

Congratulations to all the place getters.  Kieren will be (once again) be brewing his beer on the Wheaty’s system later in the year, and the committee may well be discussing a handicap system for future competitions.  Prizes will be handed out at the March meeting, so if you have placed, be sure to be there to collect your loot!  The score sheets should be scanned and uploaded to the system by early next week, but there will be a follow up email to let you know when that has happened.

February Meeting

It’s Festival and Fringe time again, and so we’ve been displaced from out usual home in the Tin Shed in the name of art.  We will have a crack at holding the meeting in the beer garden this time (weather permitting), as it is a bit less of a thoroughfare than the dining room.

As we ran out of time to judge the other categories on Saturday, we will be judging these beers (only 7) on Wednesday.  If you’re interested in judging, please come forward!

We will also have our glorious former president and now bound-for-fame-and-fortune pro brewer Brad Bown chatting to us about his journey so far.  At some point in the evening, Jade will pop in to announce the winning beer in the Summer Competition, and as always, if you have a beer you would like to present to the group, just drop us an email to let us know.

See you there!

January Meeting – It’s at Little Bang!

The January meeting is this week, and in case you haven’t caught the news, we will be at Little Bang.  They have some shiny new stainless to show us, and no doubt have other topics in mind to bang on about.

As usual we will have time for tastings, so if you have a beer to bring along let us know.  We’re starting at 7.00pm, and the address details are below.  See you there!


Little Bang Brewing Company
8a Union Street, Stepney 5069

2018 BJCP Study Group

If you’re interested in becoming a BJCP certified judge, we’re looking at organising a new study group for this year.  The study group meets once a month, and the purpose is to work through the BJCP styles, tasting examples of each style and discussing and scoring the beers tasted.  The goal is to get your judging skills to the point that you can sit the tasting exam and pass.  There is also a beer and brewing knowledge aspect, which is more about personal reading. There’s a lot of written material available form a number of sources specifically aimed at helping you pass the online entrance exam.

There is a tasting exam scheduled for April.  If you missed out on the last one, or want to try for a higher score, aim for this.

Anyone interested in the study group or exam should contact Gary on 0417893321

December Meeting Reminder

A quick reminder that the December meeting is this week.  Nothing formal is planned, however if you have a beer you would like to share (a Christmas beer even…), email us to let us know and bring along a few longnecks or equivalent.  If there is enough interest, we will do a pizza order ($5.00 per person) at some point.  With a bit of luck the Wheaty will also have a beer from Left Barrel on tap, and you may even get to meet the brewer 😉

See you there!