ANAWBS Judge call out

Australian National Amateur Wine and Beer Show judging is taking place on Saturday and Sunday 23/24th September (AM and PM) held at the Waite Institute.  Judges are still urgently needed for this event.

Details at:

They are still in need of judges for this event, if you are available to judge for this event, please contact Gavin Pennell on 0412107107 or

September meeting reminder

We’re celebrating SABSOSA success at SABC next Wednesday 20th September at the Wheaty. Results are out soon, with prize giving at the Wheaty next Sunday 17th at 12h30 pm.

If you have a beer that has placed in SABSOSA, we’d love to hear from you to share some of your special brew at our Club meeting on the 20th.

Let us know at if you could present your beer at the meeting.

September meeting update

September is synonymous with our state championships SABSOSA. It’s a month that many home brewers in SA look forward to and work hard to prepare for, as they anxiously await the results of the comp.

At SABC, we will no doubt have a few high achievers in this year’s comp and this got us thinking.. Why not celebrate in this success and share in our knowledge for the greater good?

We’d like to invite category winners or place getters to have the opportunity to share some of their tasty brews with us on Wednesday 20th September at the Wheaty.

Do you have a beer that has placed that you’re particularly proud of? How has your recipe formulation evolved to produce a winning beer? What are some of the keys to your success? … and more importantly, care to share your recipe and do you have a few longnecks to spare??

Let us know by emailing the Club at if you can participate in September’s meeting. We are hoping to get at least 3 participants.

Don’t be shy, this is your chance to show off!


Urgent SABSOSA call out

Out state home-brew comp is closed for entries and there are a great number of entries this year.

There is still however a shortage of judges and stewards for the judging weekend on Saturday and Sunday 9th and 10th September.  Judging kicks off at 9am and will continue through till approximately 1pm.

You do not need to be BJCP qualified to judge, though some experience in judging is beneficial. You do not need experience to steward.

If you are available to judge or steward, please contact Kieren Vercoe at:

Lady Burra social gathering

Social gatherings are here..

As an effort to help members get the most of their membership and as we recognise that not everyone can attend club meetings midweeks, extra events are coming your way on a monthly basis, starting this Saturday, 19th August (1 pm) at Lady Burra brewhouse in the City.

Members, as well as their other halves are welcome to join for a brewery tour with newly appointed Head Brewer, James Collison and then members may take advantage of a special pizza and pint offer for $20.

In the interests of advising the venue of numbers of attendees, please indicate your attendance by either clicking ‘attending’ on our Facebook event, found on the SABC Facebook page, or notifying the club via email at before close of business Wednesday 16th August.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Important August meeting reminder

Hoppy Monday brewers!

If you’re getting ready to head to the monthly SABC meeting at the Wheaty this Wednesday, DONT!!

Our regular slot for meetings has been moved to week after next, TUESDAY 29th August for a special guest presentation by managing director of and all round beer geek enthusiast, Dermott Dowling.  Dermott’s passion and enthusiasm for brewing is infectious, and he will be putting on a knowledgeable and interactive session which will feature:

  1. Gladfield Malt: How to spot great malt and get the most out of it when brewing.
  2. Hops: What is hot and what is not, rubbing and sniffing hops (sounds fantastic) and hop science 101
  3. Gigayeast: 101 tips for home brewers to get the most out of their yeast

Do not miss out on this meeting, it promises to be a ripper!


New at SABC, word from the President

Greetings homebrewers!

It’s the start of a new year for the committee of SABC and plans are afoot to make this year bigger and better than ever for our growing membership. We have an exciting next 6 months ahead, jam packed with all the craft beer and homebrewing goodness to expect from your membership. We plan to offer a host of benefits in the year ahead including sponsored events, bulk buys, special event offers and much more.

This month we are launching a new regular event called ‘Social Gatherings’. These are informal get togethers that will provide an additional opportunity to catch up with fellow club members when you cannot attend the monthly meeting at the Wheaty. We will aim to mix things up with a variety of locations and activities.

Dates for the calendar:

Saturday 19th August:
Social Gathering at Lady Burra
1 pm with a brewery tour by James Collison (head brewer) and a pizza and pint deal.

Tuesday 29th August:
Brew comparison of Gladfields malts and selected Beerco hops as well as an informative presentation on brewing with fresh ingredients from Demott Dowling of on Tuesday 29th August at the Wheaty.

Wednesday 20th September:
Monthly meeting.
Content TBA

Wednesday 18th October:
October meeting will see a change of venue to the German Club, where we will enjoy and Altbier tasting and presentation by Club Comp guru Gary Waters. Enjoyment of German beers and food are encouraged.

With competition season upon us, don’t forget to get your entries in to Gawler Show and SABSOSA. Brewer of the year points are up for grabs and another chance to raise the bar on SA homebrewing.
Entries at: and

Your committee for the next year is in the capable and enthusiastic hands of:

President: Clint Fisher
Vice President: Ben Till
Treasurer: Ed Shorne Holden
Secretary: Luke Moran
IT Officer: Julien Gibson
Social media: Gus Kingston
Competitions: Gary Waters
Events: Lachlan Johnson
Sponsorships: Alex Kiddy

Due to a mutually agreed change of roles, Ben Till has taken up the vice president role and Julien Gibson, the IT Officer role.

Annual membership can be purchased or renewed online at to continue to enjoy all the benefits that the South Australian Brew Club has to offer.

Communication about the club’s events will arrive come to you by email, Facebook event updates and Google calendar.

If you haven’t already done so, like our page on Facebook and join our discussion group for more news and updates.

If you have any suggestions or inquiries for the upcoming year, email the committee at

Happy brewing and see you at the August meeting at the Wheaty on Tuesday 29th August.

Clint Fisher

Winter Competition Results

The Winter Competition was run and won after yesterday’s AGM, and we’re pleased to announce the results.  Congratulations to all the place-getters, and in particular to our new president Clint Fisher for winning the Beer Of Show with his excellent Old Ale.  For his troubles he gets a day of hard graft at Little Bang Brewing, and a double pass to the Beer and BBQ Festival thanks to Left Barrel Brewing.  Thanks also to Tom Ryan at Barossa Valley Craft Malt for his time yesterday talking to us and generosity in providing a considerable amount of malt for prizes, Left Barrel for actual beer, and Country Brewer for gift vouchers.  As always, thanks to Jade and all the Wheaty crew for their ongoing support of the club.
The score sheets will be scanned and uploaded in the next week

Beer of Show

Place Brewer(s) Entry Name Style
1st Clint Fisher Old Ale 17B: Old Ale


Category 11: British Bitter (7 entries)

Pl. Brewer(s) Entry Name Style
1st Greg Wieder Strong Bitter Strong Bitter
2nd Craig Milnes ESB Strong Bitter
3rd Greg Wieder Ordinary Bitter Ordinary Bitter

Category 12: Pale Commonwealth Beer (2 entries)

Pl. Brewer(s) Entry Name Style
1st Angus Kingston Mon Domestique English IPA English IPA
2nd Gary Waters Raj Wicket Keeper English IPA

Category 13: Brown British Beer (11 entries)

Pl. Brewer(s) Entry Name Style
1st Clint Fisher Dark Mild Dark Mild
2nd Dez Cook Dez Cook English Porter
3rd Alex Kiddy Dank Mild Dark Mild

Category 17: Strong British Ale (2 entries)

Pl. Brewer(s) Entry Name Style
1st Clint Fisher Old Ale Old Ale
2nd Kieren Vercoe Barleywine English Barleywine


2018-2019 Committee Announcement

Thank you to everyone who made the effort to attend this year’s AGM yesterday.  Please see below for links to the Treasurer’s report and President’s report.

It is with pleasure that I present the committee as elected at the AGM:

President: Clint Fisher
Vice President: Julien Gibson
Treasurer: Edward Shorne Holden
Secretary: Luke Moran
Competition Coordinator: Gary Waters
Publicity and Social Media Officer: Gus Kingston
IT Officer: Ben Till
Events Coordinator: Lachlan Johnson
Sponsorship Liaison Officer: Alex Kiddy

The new committee will be meeting shortly to begin planning out the the coming twelve months.  Stay posted for announcements!

SABC Presidents Report 2016-17

Audited SABC Financial Statement FY1617