September update:
Its been a busy month for homebrewers in SA. With SABSOSA results released, a big congratulations to the following Club members who won places:
Adrian (Wol) Reich: GOLD for Amercan Pale Ale, GOLD for Speciality beer, BRONZE for Brown Ale and BRONZE for Stout
Dez Cook: GOLD for IPA, BRONZE for Strong Stout and BRONZE for Sour Ale
Clint Fisher: GOLD for Old Ale
Craig Milnes: GOLD for Stout
Luke Skrivens: SILVER for American Pale Ale
Greg Weider: SILVER for Low Alchohol
Matt Kennedy: SILVER for Brown Ale
Gus Kingston: SILVER for IPA
Mark Reed: BRONZE for Bitter Ale
Honourable mentions also to Greg Weider, Mark Reed , Clint Fisher and Kent Getsinger who had beer finishing in 4th, just outside the places.
Our September meeting held at the Wheaty had Adrian, Matt and Greg bring their outstanding APA, Scottish Export and Ordinary Bitters respectively. Some insights into their winning brews were shared and a few tales of the recipe development and some mishaps along the way were well enjoyed by a good turnout.
Club Merchandise:
We have fresh stock of T-Shirts ($25), Ladies singlets ($25), Hoodies ($45) and Caps ($25). The new logo layout looks fantastic and we have a selection of high quality Flexfit caps in a choice of 3 styles available, a plain black, black trucker with rear mesh and a unique green and white high profile at the next meeting in October or contact the Club at if you would like to purchase earlier.
BJCP enrolment:
The upcoming year’s enrolment for the Beer Judge Certification Program starts next month in October and run by our resident Club comp guru, Gary Waters. If you want to become a certified beer judge, contact Gary to enrol. Its a fantastic way to learn to understand what makes a good beer, how to use and understand the effects of ingredients in the brewing processes and help you make a better beer at the same time. Contact Gary on 04178923321