Souther Vales brewery bus tour tickets available now

Hi fellow brewers,

The club has organised a bus tour of Southern Vales breweries on Saturday, 10th May. The last club bus tour was way back in 2023, with 20 people joining the event, which toured through the Barossa region.

Book your seat here

This tour is taking in four breweries to provide more time to relax and enjoy drinks and tours where available, without rushing to get to the next destination.

The schedule for the day is: 

  • 0930 Meet at Cafe Bang Bang, 53 Hindley St, Adelaide SA 5000 – grab a coffee or breakfast.
  • 0945 Leave Cafe Bang Bang 55min drive
  • 1100 Arrive Swell Brewing 60min visit
  • 1200 Leave Swell Brewing 18min drive
  • 1230 Arrive Kick Back Brewing (lunch) 90min visit
  • 1400 Leave Kick Back Brewing 18min drive
  • 1415 Arrive Penny Red Beer Co 60min visit
  • 1515 Leave Penny Red Beer Co 14min drive
  • 1530 Arrive Shifty Lizard 60min visit
  • 1630 Leave Shifty Lizard 55min drive
  • 1730 Arrive Wheatsheaf Hotel Thebarton (likely include a second dropoff at Craft Robot in CBD)

Tickets are $35pp and available at the SABC shop here. This cost includes bus travel only and enjoyment. Food and drinks are to be paid for on the day.

Depending on requests we may be able to organise a second pickup/dropoff location for folk somewhere between the city and McLaren Vale.
Kick Back has generously offered to have us for lunch, and is offering a free pint with any burger purchased. Brenton and or Adam will provide a talk and tour of the brewery with some sneaky tastings apparently!

The food menu is here . If we are able to provide a list of orders before arriving this will ensure no one has a long wait for lunch when we arrive. Please send me your order when possible, preferably before the day.

Penny Red have offered to provide a chat and possibly a tour; they have a relatively small brew system. I’ve been told, but when I chatted with Craig and Jess about brew club members visiting and it sounds like it’s the perfect opportunity for brew club members to enjoy.

Shifty Lizard is the last stop on the tour, as the club managed to visit several years ago on a previous bus tour. Lee has also said he or a brewer will be available on the day, they also have Soul Bird Distilling if anyone is interested in asking about the distilling business.

Gavin from Bizzy buses is driving us again — Gavin has hosted the club on a couple of bus tours over the years, and luckily, even though his company is double booked for the day, he has managed to drive us again. He’s a very friendly chap, so be sure to say hello while on the tour.

At this stage, this event is only open to financial members, but if there are unsold tickets, non-members may be able to grab one.

Any other questions, please send through!

Cheers, Nick (on behalf of SABC)

Meeting at Brightstar Brewing this Wednesday, new club events announced

Hola brewers,

March Meeting
This week’s club meeting is at Brightstar Brewing, 35-37 Stirling Street, Thebarton (Map).

The Wheaty is unavailable, so we thought it’d be a good opportunity to see what Thebarton’s other brewery is doing. “…using traditional European brewing techniques, we produce a wide range of balanced beers…” is its aim.

We’ll be outside on the deck so keep that in mind when thinking about wearing your club t-shirt, hoodie or cap … coincidentally, all are available in our shop for sale and if you order before Wednesday you can wear it.

BOTY Leaderboard

The Brewer of the Year leaderboard is now live will all points accumulated to date. If you’re not yet familiar with the new format, check out the details here. Take note of the additional ways you can earn points outside of competitions.

Upcoming Events

A couple of new dates to lock in your diaries.

The Southern Vales bus tour is on Saturday, May 10th. Tickets will go on sale in the shop soon, so watch out for announcements as numbers will be limited!

Our annual BeerBQ will be back on Saturday, June 28th. This gives you three full months to plan and brew something exciting for the event. The club winter comp will follow a month later, on Sunday, July 27th. Competition categories will be announced soon.

Calendar Dates Summary*

  • Mar 19: Brewery visit – Brightstar Brewing Thebarton
  • Apr 16: Brewing low and no alcohol beer (Wheaty)
  • May 10: Southern Vales Bus Tour
  • May 21: What’s a freakin; Franken Chiller… we’ll find out from Jules. (Wheaty)
  • June 28: SABC BeerBQ (EKTG)
  • July 27: SABC Winter Competition (EKTG)
  • September 20-21: ABCSA Judging (Irish Club)

Subscribe to this calendar in Google (other cals available on the Calendar page)

Summer comp this weekend, reminder enter now

Howdy yeast wranglers,

A quick reminder that the club’s Summer Competition — focus on wheat — is scheduled for this Sunday. All the details are below. Please register your entries tonight. Leaving it to the last minute leaves you at risk of being locked out or your printer running out of ink. It happens.

February meeting

Wednesday, Feb 19 is the date. We’re at The Wheaty for a deep dive into reverse osmosis (RO) water filters, using RO water and a side-by-side tasting of a recipe brewed with RO vs Adelaide metro tap.

Click attending on the Facebook event so you get reminders.

Summer Competition – Focus on wheat

  • Date: Sunday, 9th February 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM
  • Venue: East Torrens Kensington Gardens Tennis Club
  • Cost: $5 per entry HERE

Categories: This competition will feature the following BJCP styles:

  • American Wheat (1D)
  • Weisse Beer (10A)
  • Dunkelweisse (10B)
  • Witbier (24A)
  • Saison (25B)
  • Berliner Weisse (23A)
  • Gose (23G)
  • Wheat Wine (22D)

Important Dates:

  • Portal Opens: Thursday, January 9th  
  • Portal Closes: Friday, February 8th  
  • Drop-off Locations: SA Brewing Supplies, Thebarton to COB Friday or at the venue on the day from 10am.

We encourage everyone to nominate to judge or steward. Nominate via the portal when it opens.

Calendar Dates Summary*

This Wednesday’s meeting and 2025 is off and running

Happy New Year brewers.

We’re off and running again this week with a meeting on Wednesday night. It might seem early, or you may have thought it was scheduled for next week, but the calendar situation is unusual this time. Since January 1 fell on a Wednesday, this is already the third Wednesday of the month. Phew. Time for a beer.

The plan was to taste the four versions of the beer brewed in December at the SABS brew day but there’s been a hiccup in the fermentation and they’re not ready yet. We’ll do that next month (TBC).

However, all is not lost. We’re cobbling together something else fun and interesting — and yes, involved beer tasting.

If you have a beer you want to present to the meeting, bring along about 3-4 litres to share. Please drop us a line if you have something.

What brew day? What else has been going on if you were under a rock for the tail end of 2024. Read Lachlan’s end of year dispatch here.

What’s coming up this year? See below and subscribe to the calendar in your Google, Outlook etc.

Summer Competition – all things wheat

Competition day is February 9 at the East Torrens Kensington Gardens Tennis Club again. Bottle drop before judging starts at 11am.

  • Date: Sunday, 9th February 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM (bottle drop from 10am)
  • Venue: East Torrent Kensington Gardens Tennis Club
  • Cost: $5 per entry

Categories: This competition will feature the following BJCP styles:

  • American Wheat (1D)
  • Weisse Beer (10A)
  • Dunkelweisse (10B)
  • Witbier (24A)
  • Saison (25B)
  • Berliner Weisse (23A)
  • Gose (23G)
  • Wheat Wine (22D)

Important Dates:

  • Portal Opens: NOW
  • Portal Closes: Friday, February 8th  
  • Drop-off Locations: SA Brewing Supplies, Thebarton to COB Thursday or at the venue on the day from 10am.

We encourage everyone to nominate to judge or steward. Nominate via the portal when it opens.

Calendar Dates Summary*

  • Jan 15: At the Wheaty
  • Feb 9: Summer Comp – It’s time to start brewing if you’re keen on a Dunkelweisse, Witbier, or Wheat Wine.
  • Feb 19: How RO works.
  • Mar 19: Brewery visit – TBC
  • Also… Southern Vales brewery bus tour,

(*Events subject to change).

New year, new membership if yours has lapsed. Renew now.

Club brew day end-of-year event

It’s less than two weeks to our end-of-year event on Sunday, December 15. It’s a club brew day at SA Brewing Supplies in Maria Street, Thebarton. It’s a ‘System Wars’ II, the Chillers Strike Back.

We’re brewing one big 100L batch in a BIG system using a recipe from the SA Brewing Supplies recipe book. The boil will be split over four systems then using different chilling methods (immersion, plate, and no-chill). All fermentation will be at the same location for consistency.

The results will be blind-tasted at our January 15th meeting.

But wait, there’s more! There will be a BBQ (with ‘gourmet’ snags) and please bring some homebrew to share — bottles, growlers or mini kegs.


It should be a fun day to get involved in, see some different systems, share ideas, catch up with brewer friends and meet new members.

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Let us know at or leave a comment in the event.

The Christmas Case Swap will also happen during the day. Bring your bottles to swap in an esky or box and the elves will do their magic.

Thanks to everyone who has helped make this event happen, especially Damien Burnley whose big system we’re using (and BBQ and gazebo) and Jon at SABS.

December monthly meeting
But wait there’s even more… we’ve also got a regular meeting on Wednesday 18th. Tradition says it’s a casual catch-up, and the club puts on pizza. Bring a Secret Santa 🎅 homebrew bottle (or a nice crafty) to drop and swap. Wrap it up all nice and pretty.

While we scoff pizza, we’ll also present the trophies to AABC winners and the club’s celebrated Brewer Of The Year. Who will it be?

November meeting wrap

Chris and Russ were under pressure (now you’ve got the song in your head, right?! 🎵 or maybe they kept the 🎸 ‘pressure down’ 😜)

Russ did a deep dive into popular affordable plastic pressure fermenters like Fermzillas and Apollos and shared his experience using the different generations and designs for better beer.

Chris shared his techniques for using a spunding valve to correctly calculate the pressure to set to achieve perfect carbonation at the end of fermentation. Then how to use different gadgets to bottle beer from kegs to maximise long-term freshness and maintain carbonation.

If you didn’t go and order a stack of carbo caps and a digital spunding valve by the end of the night, you’re a bloody idiot.

If you’ve got an idea for a meeting or some gear or a technique to share, let us know.

See youse all on the 15th

Club meeting this Wednesday, Xmas event info

Hi Brewers,

Our monthly meeting is this Wednesday at The Wheaty, from 7:00 pm. Apart from catching up and trying delicious Wheaty Brewing Corps beers, we’ll focus on pressure fermentors. We’ll explore how to do pressure transfers or bottle from them or kegs to get the best results—perfect timing with Christmas around the corner if you’re thinking of gifting your brews or putting them in the case swap.

Don’t forget to bring along a bottle of homebrew to swap for another in bottle bingo. To encourage more members to participate, we’ll give all the swappers a bottle of the SABC x TAFE collab ESB. Bring one bottle of beer and go home with two!

Looking ahead, our end-of-year event on Sunday, December 15, is shaping up to be a big one. SA Brewing Supplies will host us at their Maria Street store for a Christmas Brew Day and Case Swap. This is your chance to see different brewing systems in action as we put them to the test with “System Wars” – brewing one batch, split across three systems with different chilling methods (immersion, plate, and no-chill). The results will be blind-tasted at our January meeting.

The Case Swap is also on that day: now is the time to brew a batch, bring twelve 750 ml or 24 stubbies, and go home with the same amount of different beers. Think of it as a beer advent calendar! If you want to join, sign up via the Facebook event or check in at Wednesday’s meeting.

To make the day successful, we’ll need a hand with food—BBQ chefs, salad makers, or those who can bring something to share. If the weather’s hot like last year, we might need marquees too. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Let us know at or at the meeting.

These events are for club members with up-to-date subscriptions. Renew now if you’ve let yours lapse.

Calendar Dates Summary

  • Nov 20: Club meeting, The Wheaty. Bottle and filling from kegs and pressure transfers
  • Dec 15: Christmas bottle swap and brew day! Facebook event here.
  • Dec 18: End of year drinks and pizzas
  • Jan 15: At the Wheaty where we’ll be A/B tasting the brew day beercertain beer.
  • Feb 9: Summer Comp – It’s time to start brewing if you’re keen on a Dunkelweisse, Witbier, or Wheat Wine.
  • Feb 19: How RO works.
  • Mar 19: Brewery visit – TBC

The Mash Tun October: Meetings, Xmas events and summer comp deets announced

Thanks to everyone who made it to last month’s meeting. It was a great open-flowing discussion with members and winning brewers from ABCSA and thanks to Mark for bringing along some of his best hazy.

We all learnt secrets to success but what happens at brew club, stays at brew club ‘eh!  

It’s what you can learn from other members in person rather than anonymous ‘experts’ in forums is the reason we’re all in a homebrewing club. And, of course, it’s a bonus to go to the Wheaty on a school night.

This week’s meeting, Wednesday, Oct 16 is at The Wheaty from 7pm.

The theme Sam is running with this month is Brew tech that is shiny but useless.’

We’ve all been there – caught up in the latest brewing gadgets, only to find they don’t quite live up to the hype. Have you bought something you thought was essential but barely used? Or regret a purchase because you got caught up in the hype or invested in expensive equipment that sits unused.

On the other hand, have you discovered a hidden gem? Share your thoughts and experiences at the meeting. Show and tell if you can bring it in (sell it off too!) Celebrate the wins and commiserate over the flops!

Bottle bingo as usual. Bring in a homebrew bottle to anonymously swap.  

November meeting: Nov 20 The Wheaty. Best practice tips for packaging your beer. Perfect before Christmas. Everyone loves your beer as gifts!

Christmas case swap

We’re working hard on an exciting club day on Dec 15 so keep the date spare. Also on that day, we’re doing the Xmas case swap.

This case swap has been a great success in the past. Due to popular demand, it is back.

Everyone registered brews a batch of beer and brings 12-24 bottles and goes home with the same amount but of different beers. Like a beer advent calendar. Nick McAuley is running it. Any questions ask at the meeting or in the FB group. The event is here to join.

How many ppl: 15 to 20ppl, but more would be fantastic

  • What: 6pack, 12, or 24 bottle/can swap
  • When: Sunday 15 December. (daytime)
  • Venue and time TBC

SABC Summer Competition – focus on wheat

The annual club summer competition is just around the corner in brewing terms, and in 2025 we are challenging you to showcase the best of wheat as the main ingredient. Our CD, Gerard Flynn, has selected eight BJCP categories featuring wheat as the star ingredient. The website’s competition page has been updated so you can find it there later.

Competition details at a glance:

  • Date: Sunday, 9th February 2025
  • Time: 11:00 AM
  • Venue: East Torrent Kensington Gardens Tennis Club
  • Cost: $5 per entry

Details are in the club calendar. Add it to yours via the subscription links.


This competition will feature the following BJCP styles:

  • American Wheat (1D)
  • Weisse Beer (10A)
  • Dunkelweisse (10B)
  • Witbier (24A)
  • Saison (25B)
  • Berliner Weisse (23A)
  • Gose (23G)
  • Wheat Wine (22D)

Important Dates:

  • Portal Opens: Thursday, January 9th  
  • Portal Closes: Friday, February 8th  
  • Drop-off Locations: SA Brewing Supplies, Thebarton to COB Friday or at the venue on the day from 10am.

We encourage everyone to nominate to judge or steward.

Stay tuned for updates. We encourage all members to add this event to their calendars and slot in a wheat beer to your schedule.

Calendar Dates Summary

  • Oct 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty. ‘Best brewing kit and stuff you don’t need’
  • Nov 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty. Bottle and filling from kegs and pressure transfers
  • Dec 15: Christmas bottle swap and brew day!
  • Dec 18: End of year drinks and pizzas
  • Jan 15: At the Wheaty where we’ll be A/B tasting a certain beer.
  • Feb 9: Summer Comp
  • Feb 19: A side-by-side comparison of R1 filters and how RO works.
  • Mar 19: Frankenchillers!  

SABC meeting this Wednesday, ‘Best brewers reveal their secrets’

This is a reminder that our monthly meeting is happening this Wednesday at the Wheaty from 7pm.

This month we’ll be interrogating our medal-winning brewers and generally opening up the floor to questions, feedback and ideas about brewing winning beers from ABCSA.

We’ll glean tips and taste some and learn how they crafted their winning entries.

Congratulations to all the SABC brewers who placed: Percy Balls* (7 places and best brewer of show), Mark Lehmann (4), Charles Nzama (5), Lucas Veitch (3), Lachlan Johnson (2), James Edwards (2), Matthew Kennedy (4), Gary Waters (3), Gavin Pennell, John Van Der Zalm, Brendan Macey, Gus Kingston, Darren Williams, Maz Ali, Aaron Young, Russell Saint.

The full winners’ list is here

Judges’ score sheets are now available in the portal for downloading as PDFs.

Thank you to everyone who helped judge, steward and administer ABCSA. It went very smoothly and we couldn’t do it without you.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! Bottles for bottle bingo swapping are encouraged.

New members are welcome to join us.

AABC entry

The Australian Amateur Brewing Championship will be judged in Brisbane on October 26th. To register, visit and submit your beer(s). If you are interested, SABC will organise a shipment to Qld. Drop your entries with labels affixed to bottles at the September SABC meeting or at SA Brewing Supplies by October 5th. Entries will be shipped on October 8th. Alternatively, you can send your entries directly to the competition. Good luck!

Calendar Dates Summary

  • Sept 18: Club meeting, The Wheaty. ‘Best brewers reveal their secrets’
  • Oct 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty. ‘Best brewing kit and stuff you don’t need’
  • Nov 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty. ‘3V vs Brewzilla system wars, can you tell the difference?’ Beers to taste.
  • Dec (date TBC): Christmas bottle swap
  • Dec 18: End of year drinks and pizzas

*membership ‘pending’.

Meeting reminder, The Suburban Brew Glynde

This Wednesday’s monthly club meeting, August 21, is at The Suburban Brew at 26-30 Provident Avenue, Glynde (not Goodwood!). The owner and brewer, Tony will give us a tour of this brewhouse and give us the secrets to producing the Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards Gold Medal-winning Sunday Session Ale.

Formally from 7pm but the taps are open before that of course. Parking is available on site or bus 174, 176, or H33 from the city.

Reminder, ABCSA entry is open

The ABCSA Home Brewing Championship for 2024 is open for entry! ENTER NOW and don’t leave it to the last minute.

  • Entry Fee: $8 per entry
  • Entries close online: Thursday, August 29

If you can judge or steward – get involved! Register your interest in the entry portal or talk to Competitions Director, Gerard at the meeting.

Bring a bottle to swap in the random bottle bingo.

Renew your membership, view the updated calendar on the website and subscribe to your Google Calendar or Outlook 365 and don’t miss an event.

The Mash Tun August: The Suburban Brew next week, ABCSA and more

Hello brewers, Here’s what happening next week, soon and beyond.

ABCSA is on like Donkey Kong

The ABCSA Home Brewing Championship for 2024 is open for entry! Formerly known as SABSOSA*, this esteemed event has been celebrating home brewing for over 20 years.

Key Details:

  • Entry Fee: $8 per entry
  • Entries close online: Thursday, August 29

ENTER NOW and don’t leave it to the last minute when your printer is busted. You need a new account in the portal even if you have entered previously.

If you can judge or steward – get involved! Register your interest in the entry portal.

For full competition details, including bottle drop venue and deadlines, visit the website at

Good luck!

*seriously, this is the last time SABSOSA will ever be uttered.

Next Wednesday’s club meeting

Next Wednesday’s monthly club meeting on (August 21) is at The Suburban Brew at 26-30 Provident Avenue, Glynde (not Goodwood!). The owner and brewer, Tony will give us a tour of this brewhouse and give us the secrets to producing the Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards Gold Medal-winning Sunday Session Ale.

A night not to miss. Parking is available on site or bus 174, 176, or H33 from the city.

Xmas case swap – get brewing

We did it last year and it’s on again. Members brew a batch of beer, bottle it and swap the lot for a random selection of other beers. Put 20L in, and get back 20L of Christmas beers bathed in sunshine and good cheer. Put this in your brewing schedule and we’ll get back with more info soon. Swap venue TBC.

SABC members Blessed with good beer in Laura, SA

A bunch of members had a road trip to see the newly minted Little Blessing Brewing in the old church in the small mid-north town of Laura. Completely built from the shell of the deconsecrated church hall, club member Craig Blessing and his partner have done an incredible job building their brewery. All reports are the beers are great and the atmosphere excellent.

Events and meetings

Club dates are below and in our online calendar. After next Wednesday’s The Suburban Brew meetup, we know the September meeting (18/09) we will hear from the club’s best brewers who scored great results at winter comp and ABCSA. Get the low down on their secrets to success and try their beers.

October meeting (16/10) is looking at all the brewing tools, tech, and gadgets you need, you never knew you needed and the garbage ones you wish you kept the receipt for (curse you Temu!).

Beers offered for presentation and member tasting are always welcome, drop us a line and as always, bottle bingo is always on. Bring a bottle, and leave with a bottle. Anonymous or not, it’s up to you.  

Calendar Dates Summary

  • Aug 21: Club meeting at The Suburban Brew
  • Aug 31/ Sept 1: ABCSA Bottle drop closes
  • Sept 7 & 8: ABCSA judging
  • Sept 14: ABCSA Awards presentation at the Wheaty
  • Sept 18: Club meeting, The Wheaty. ‘Best brewers reveal their secrets’
  • Oct 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty. ‘Best brewing kit and stuff you don’t need’
  • Nov 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty. ‘3V vs Brewzilla system wars, can you tell the difference?’ Beers to taste.

View the updated calendar on the website and subscribe to your Google Calendar or Outlook 365 and don’t miss an event.

Membership lapsed? To renew, head to the SABC Shop and pay to keep access to club events, meetings, competitions and knowledgebase.

Cheers team SABC: Lachlan, Sam, Leon, Gus, Nick, Chris, Julien, Gerard, Gary

Announcing the ABCSA Home Brewing Competition 2024!

Howdy Home Brewers,

SABC Is excited to announce the ABCSA Home Brewing Championship for 2024 is open for entry! Open to all residents of South Australia, this competition is your chance to showcase your best home-brewed beer, cider, or mead. Formerly known as SABSOSA, this esteemed event has been celebrating home brewing for over 20 years, and we invite you to be part of this year’s competition.

Key Details:

  • Entry Fee: $8 per entry
  • Entries close online: Thursday, August 29
  • Bottle drop-off at supporting locations around greater Adelaide. See the website for more.
  • Drop-off Deadline: COB Friday, August 30, or at the judging venue by 1pm Saturday, August 31
  • Judging Venue: The Irish Club, Carrington Street Adelaide
  • Judging Dates: September 7 and 8

ENTER NOW and don’t leave it to the last minute

ABCSA is South Australia’s largest amateur brewing competition and a qualifying round for the Australian Amateur Brewing Championship (AABC). All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in the ABCSA categories will be eligible to enter the national competition. ABCSA is a fantastic chance to showcase your brewing, get feedback on your beers and win the prestigious South Australian Brewer of the Year perpetual trophy.

As ABCSA is closely linked with AABC, we use the AABC Style Guidelines, which are available on the AABC website. Please review the latest guidelines to understand what the judges will be looking for in both competitions.

ABCSA is entirely volunteer-driven. If you’re interested in entering, participating as a judge or steward, or even if you’re a business considering sponsorship, we encourage you to get involved! Register your interest in the entry portal.

For full competition details, visit our website at

Winter comp winners, new committee & August Meeting at The Suburban Brew

Greetings brewers. We hope you are enjoying the ‘dark beers’ season. The club met last week for some housekeeping, awards announcements and upcoming events. We also tasted an excellent barleywine that was the result of a member-led barrel project. Delish.

Here’s a big summary of what’s happening below. Get your spex out and read on.

Winter Competition: ‘The Euros’ Results

Congratulations to Russell Saint for winning the Belgian class and Best of Show with his Belgian Single. Other class winners include: German: Kieren Vercoe (German Leichtbier), English: Nat Warnock (English Porter), Scottish: Ben Key (Scottish Export), Irish: Brenton George (Irish Stout).

See the full results on the competition’s page. The judges’s score sheets are available to download. And of course, Spain won the football.

Upcoming ABCSA State Competition

The entry portal and website will update in early August. Key dates to remember:

  • Bottle Drop: closes at drop-off locations, COB August 31 or by 12pm Saturday at The Irish Club.
  • Judging: Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8 at The Irish Club, Carrington Street

The portal will also invite judge and steward registrations. We need help to run the competition, so any time you can give is appreciated. There’s still time to brew a comp-winning beer. Good luck!

AGM / Committee Update

The Annual General Meeting was held at the club meeting as required by its constitution. The minutes including treasurer’s and president’s reports will be available soon.

Lachlan Johnson was elected as president. He’s supported by:

VP: Sam Beard, Treasurer: Leon van der Linden, Secretary: Gus Kingston. The General committee members are: Chief Steward: Nick McCauley, General Officer: Chris Kerr, IT: Julien Gibson, Competition Director: Gerrard Flynn, Head Judge: Gary Waters

The committee meets bi-monthly and welcomes the contribution of ideas and feedback.

August Meeting Venue Change

The August club meeting on August 21 (3rd Wednesday of the month) will be at The Suburban Brew Glynde. Owner and brewer, Tony, a former club member, will give us a tour of his one-year-old facility. This brewhouse produces excellent beers, including the award-winning Sunday Session Ale, which recently won a gold medal at the Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards.

  • Address: 26-30 Provident Avenue, Glynde (not Goodwood!).
  • Transport: Buses 174, 176, or H33 from the city and plenty of on-site parking is available.
The Suburban Brew, Glynde
Mmmm remember sunny warm days at a brewery

Beer tour to Little Blessings Brewing, Laura

The date is getting close, August 3! Join SABC members for a road trip to Laura in the mid-north on the first weekend in August to enjoy beers crafted by our member Craig Blesing at his brand new (old church) brewery!

Limited spots are available, so please RSVP (or email) if you’re certain you’ll attend. Also, let us know if you’re planning a day trip (about 2 hours drive) or staying overnight. Depending on numbers, we may need separate sessions.

For overnight stays, check out the Laura Caravan Park directly across from the brewery. Everyone gets scones on arrival. It’s a delightful place. When we know more, we can coordinate shared accommodation or rides with fellow members.

Membership Renewals

Many of you might not realise your annual club membership has expired. To renew, head to the SABC Shop and pay to keep access to club events, meetings, competitions, discounts and extras, online group and member brains trust. If you’re unsure of your current status, find out how to check it here. The annual subscription of $60 hasn’t changed in many years and will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future. The club aims to give members the best value for money it can, all for the price of a batch of beer.

What’s in planning: another Southern Vales brewery bus trip!

Sling us a line if you need help or want to get in touch.

Calendar Dates Summary

  • Aug 3/4: Little Blessing Brewery ‘Road Trip’
  • Aug 6: Committee meeting
  • Aug 21: Club meeting at The Suburban Brew
  • Aug 31/ Sept 1: ABCSA Bottle drop closes
  • Sept 7 & 8: ABCSA judging
  • Sept 14: ABCSA Awards presentation at the Wheaty (TBC)
  • Sept 18: Club meeting, The Wheaty
  • Oct 16: Club meeting, The Wheaty

View the updated calendar on the website and subscribe to your Google Calendar or Outlook 365 and don’t miss an event.