There’s 6 weeks to go until the clubs 10 year anniversary dinner on Saturday Dec 10th. Each newsletter between now and then we’ll release information about the great beers we have on the line up for the night as well as the HUGE prizes that will be exclusively available for attendees.
Wolf’s Pils
Anyone who attended the SABC BeerBQ back in 2018 will remember Wolfgang’s sensational German Pils which won best beer by the popular vote of 80 attendees. This stood out as a huge achievement given the popularity of bigger flavour bombs like hazy’s and imperial stouts amongst homebrewers. Wolf has been a stalwart of clean crisp lager brewing since then winning best beer at the 2020 Winter competition with a Dunkles Bock.
Wolf describes his beer for the anniversary dinner as a “German Pils with a Bohemian twist“. He attributes this to the location of his hometown. “Growing up in Germany just 20 km from the Czech border has most likely influenced my flavour“.
This will be the perfect first beer to fill the SABC commemorative glass you will receive on arrival. Yes, it’s a pilsner glass!
Grab your tickets from the SABC shop now!