Club brew day
REGISTER HERE to brew, join a brew team or just come along watch.
You probably know by now that we are brewing together on five or six club member’s systems. We’ve done it before. Bring your kit and brew together, join a team, make what you want. Maybe share ingredients costs. Make a double batch. Whatever you want. Strike water and chilling available. May the best system … win?
We need you to register so we can cater.
Pizza lunch provided by our hosts and the club. Places for brewing set-ups are limited but if your kit is mobile and you can brew, let us know in the registration. If you want to join in, either join as a team together or we’ll sort you out.
We’ll taste the results in a meeting in the future.
Summer comp update – expanded field
Our summer comp is being judged on March 21 at The Gilbert St Hotel and as you all know, the focus is Belgian beers. We’ve been looking for a way of raising some money for bushfire appeals and we’ve decided to open up the categories to a broader range. We’ve set entries at $7 per entry but it’s all going to a great cause.
So watch out for the portal opening soon and what categories will be available. We are aiming to keep it simple and all categories won’t be available. This is mostly due to time and availability of judges but it also gives anyone who wants to give judging a go a start.
Best of show will still be a Belgian beer.
So if you’ve got a lager, pils, pale, IPA, stout, porter, amber laying around after Christmas, don’t drink it just yet. 500ml+ preferred but we will accept 2x330ml in this case.
Fresh hop testing
This offer came from Silver Spring Hop and Permaculture Farm in the Adelaide Hills to brew with their fresh hops:
We are very very close to harvest now on the hops farm and we do not have time to test our hops myself this year. So we’re looking for a couple of competent all gain brewers in SA to test the hops for us.
We need simple ales made with 100 per cent of our hops. Now since the brewer is doing most of the hard work we’re happy to give away 250g of fresh off the oast dried flowers.
We will require 2 litres to make sure the hops are at the quality we expect before I put them up for sale. You get free hops for the brew minus 2L of the final beer.
The club would also love to try some of the beer too at a meeting in the future.
Testing will be as required as we pick. First pick will be Cascade 10%AA. Second pick will be Dr Rudi 12%AA. Third pick Chinook 10%AA. Fourth pick Centennial 9%AA. Fourth pick Columbus 9%AA. Fifth Pick Target 9%AA. All are super fruity so suit ales. We have cohumulone numbers etc too.
Contact Stuart at: stbinnion@yahoo.com