Happy Easter — made even hoppier because we have our meeting this Wednesday night at The Wheaty. Our main subject is: All you need to know about kegging your beer with Lachlan. If you ever wanted to get into kegging and wasn’t sure what was involved, tonight is the night to bring all your questions or if you only keg, help share some of your experience.
Don’t forget bottle bingo — bring a bottle and leave with someone else’s beer.
Also this week, Tagocha is the food truck on site and are really keen for us to try their food and have prepared a special menu for us of what they think we’ll like. See their menu or on the Facebook event. Please support this local food truck and come by a bit earlier to grab some dinner before the meeting. You’re welcome to pre-order too via 0474163111 and tell them you’re SABC.
May 4 is the date, Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens) is the venue. Food and homebrew are what happens. We’ll be opening up the ticketing to members soon (it’s free!). Friends and non-members will be $30 and available to be bought only via members at a date after that. Stay tuned.
May meeting – Pirate Life tour
Our May meeting is going to be on the 22nd at 6 pm, which is the fourth Wednesday of the month. The Wheaty is booked on the 15th so we’re going to Pirate Life for a tour of their new facility at Port Adelaide.
Be aware — The tour is at 7 pm and cost is $15 and that includes a beer.
Collab brew day success
A couple of weekends ago, twenty or so members met at Glen and Jo’s house for a collaborative brew day. Awesome wood fire pizzas were eaten and some beers enjoyed. The beers that were brewed will be ready for our BeerBQ on May 4. We’ll be doing it again on a Sunday sometime.

Winter Comp
The ‘everything American’ winter comp categories are available on the competitions page. Judging is on July 6 at the Irish Club. Entries open soon.
New SABC forum
The club has set up a new discussion forum to help share club information, meeting notes (and audio), as well as help to keep conversations together and archivable. SABC was formed by contributors to the Brew Adelaide forum and the thought is to create something different to Facebook for members and friends that don’t use Facebook and has better topic management. It’s in beta but please go to https://talk.sabrew.com/ – your SABC website login should get you in via SSO.
Forward dates from the club online calendar
May 4: BeerBQ at Reade Park Bowling Club (Colonel Light Gardens)
May 9-11 Good Beer Wheaty (Fixation/Incubator masterclass on Thurs 9)
May 22: Pirate Life Brewery tour ( 7 pm tour)
June 19: TBC
July 6-7. Judging winter comp (entries open in June).
July 17: AGM and special guest.
August 21: Cheese and beer pairing
September 7-8: SABSOSA Judging (14th prize presentations)
Not a member or has your membership lapsed? Details on joining available at sabrew.com.au and you can do it online valid for 12 months from the date of joining.