Like last year, we’re also doing a secret Santa beer gift. Please bring a bottle to drop and wrap it so no one can see what it is. Ideally, we’d like it to be your homebrew but if you’re stuck, please bring a bottle of something commercial you’ve enjoyed this year.
It’s been another big year for the club; our membership has grown and we’ve got great members making a fantastic contribution to the club and community. We did really well in competitions like SABSOSA where John Van der Zalm won best beer and Kieren best brewer and nationally at AABC where Greg and Kieren both won joint runner-up. The club hosted another excellent BeerBQ in May and members who brewed at Left Barrel Brewing in October got a lot out of the experience and some free beer! Our tour of West End was also an eye-opener as was Sweet Amber and Little Burra at the other end of the scale. Finally, our monthly meetings have been really well attended with over 35 regularly attending to hear about faults, yeast, malt and from guests like Stephen Nelsen from TAFE Regency Park a highlight for many.
If you can’t be with us on Wednesday, on behalf of the committee, have a happy, fun, relaxing and safe Christmas and New Year.
~ Gus
Future Dates
January 16: January Bridge Road head brewer at The Wheaty (TBC)
February 2: Southern Vales breweries bus tour – tickets on sale soon. Limited numbers. More to come.
February 20: Monthly meeting (at Little Bang TBC)/ Summer comp close and judging. Competition details here.
March 20: Water chemistry.