AGM Agenda and Details.

The SABC Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday July 18, 2015; 2pm at the Wheatsheaf Hotel. Please see the linked Agenda for the order of events.

An annual general meeting (aka AGM) is a meeting that the club is required to hold by the Incorporations Act. Legal requirements aside, the AGM provides an important opportunity for all club members to review the past year of the clubs operation and to ask questions of the committee members. At the AGM members will receive a report from the President, which will recap all of the clubs achievements of the year. The Treasurer will present an audited treasurers report, which details the financial status for the club.

At the 2015 AGM, we will also be updating the Clubs Constitution to add further clarification to the clubs purpose and rules.

An important part of any AGM is the election of new club officers for the next membership year. All committee positions will be declared vacant and the following positions need to be filled:

a)      President – The President chairs committee meetings, club meetings and leads the club. They provide the clubs direction and leadership for the committee.

b)      Vice-President – The Vice President is the backup president. They assist the president in their duties.

c)      Secretary – The Secretary handles all correspondence for the club. They prepare agendas and keep minutes of all meetings.

d)      Treasurer – The Treasurer handles the clubs funds. The Treasurer keeps accurate financial records for the club and prepares brief financial statements for each monthly meeting of the Club Committee. The treasurer also prepares the treasurers report and arranges for it to be audited prior to the AGM.

e)      General Committee Members – General committee members attend committee meetings and aide in running the clubs events.

All committee members represent SABC and assist with running club events and competitions; and the committee generally meets once every one to two months. Without an active committee SABC cannot function. Please give your consideration to joining the SABC committee and be prepared to nominate for any position. Your help is what makes SABC great!

Finally, to close out the AGM, Any other business is raised. This provides an opportunity for any member to ask a question or to raise club business for discussion.

The SABC committee looks forward to seeing you at the AGM to help make 2015/2016 an even better brewing year.

SABC AGM News. Constitution changes.

All clubs (except the most informal,) should set out their basic structure and methods of operating in writing. Not-for-profit clubs generally incorporate under State or Territory legislation known as the Associations Incorporation Act. To become incorporated, a club must (among other things) lodge a set of rules, commonly referred to as a “constitution”. The model rules are intended as a guide only and clubs can adopt, or change the rules to suit their needs so long as the basic requirements are met.

The product of this process is called a constitution. A club’s constitution should:

  • Outline the club’s purpose;
  • List all of the rules of operation; and
  • Set out the members’ rights and responsibilities.

On February 20, 2012 the SABC constitution was adopted. Since this time the constitution has been followed and at the 2015 SABC AGM, the committee proposes to modify the constitution. The modifications do not change the intent of the club, but provide additional detail and clarification.  Please see attached for a copy of the previous constitution and the proposed constitution. An executive summary of the changes is as follows:

  • Reformatted document
  • Section 3 ‘Powers’: expanded to be more specific
  • Section 4 ‘Membership’: Defined the membership requirements. Added ability to expel a member from the club for misconduct detrimental to the interests of the club
  • Section 6 ‘AGM and Elections’: New section to define the rules for the AGM and the elections
  • Section 7 ‘Club Officers’: Defines all committee positions and their roles in more detail
  • Section 8 ‘Vacancies’: Additional detail to allow the committee to fill vacated committee positions
  • Section 9 ‘Sub-committees’: New section to allow the committee to create and appoint sub-committees.
  • Section 10 ‘Meetings’: Defined the meetings in more detail
  • Section 15 ‘Life Membership’: New section to define life membership.

At the SABC 2015 AGM the proposed constitution will be discussed and voted on to be accepted by the club members. Please review the proposed amendments and have any questions ready for the meeting.

The proposed document can be viewed by clicking this link.

Coming up… Adelaide Beer & BBQ Festival!

The inaugural Adelaide Beer & BBQ Festival will be held over three days in the historic Brick Cattle Pavilion and lawns at the Adelaide Showground. This event will showcase the best of South Australian, Australian and International Beer & Cider with over 30 exhibitors along with some of South Australia’s best restaurants and chef’s cooking up a BBQ storm in the beer garden.

Local brewers
Barossa Valley Brewing, Big Shed Brewing Concern, Birbecks Brewing Company, Clare Valley Brewing, Coopers Brewery, Gulf Brewery, Little Bang Brewing, Lobethal Bierhaus, Mismatch Brewing Co, Pikes Beer Company, Pirate Life Brewing, Prancing Pony Brewery, Rehn Bier, Smiling Samoyed Brewery, Steam Exchange Brewery, Swell Beer, Vale Brewing Company

Kangaroo Island Ciders, Lobo Cider, Sidewood Estate, The Hills Cider Company

National Brewers
Stone & Wood (Byron Bay), Two Birds (Melbourne), Young & Henry’s (Sydney)

Overseas Brewers
Brooklyn Brewery (USA), Fuller’s Ales (UK), Hofbrau (Germany), Sierra Nevada Brewing Company (USA), Weihenstephan (Germany)

Head to for more information and to get your ticket.

Hope to see many SABC members there to try some fantastic beers!

SABC is not associated with this event or its organisation.

SABC AGM Announcement – Sat July 18th!

We’ve booked in the date for the 2015 AGM at The Wheaty – it will be at 2pm on Saturday July 18th.

We have finalised a special guest speaker at the event which will be very interesting for anyone with an interest in the history of Brewing in South Australia. Alison Painter has researched and documented the history of Brewing in South Australia, and will have copies of her book available for purchase.

There will also be the usual formalities, so if you’re interested in driving the direction of the club, please nominate for the Committee.

Agenda will follow shortly.

SABSOSA Entry Form is live!

Are you planning on entering SABSOSA this year?

The entry form is now live over on on the Entry Form page


Entries Close – Saturday 29th August 2015

Entry Fees – $5.00 per bottle, still one of the best value comps in Oz!

Judging – 12th & 13th September 2015 (a.m. judging sessions) at the Holdfast Bay Bowls & Croquet Club

Presentation – Sunday 20th September @ 12:30pm, Wheatsheaf Hotel, George St, Thebarton

If you are interested in being a judge, a steward or just generally helping the competition then please contact us at

June Members Meeting – Rehn Bier Barossa – From Home brewer to AIBA Gold!

The June SABC meeting will feature Brenton Rehn from the Barossa Valley’s Rehn Bier. Having recently won a stack of awards (AIBA Gold. Rehn Bier Extra Stout; Bronze. Rehn Bier Triple. Bronze Rehn Bier XSBt) Brenton will be presenting Rehn Bier beers and telling their story from homebrewer to award winner.

Based in the beautiful Barossa Valley, the Rehn Bier nano-brewery uses traditional brewing principles to hand-craft every single bottle of beer. There’s no rush. Brewing, bottling, hand labeling and conditioning each small batch of our craft beers takes six weeks, giving the aromas and flavours the optimal amount of time and love to develop. Unlike the larger players, each beer we brew is all natural with no additives. We’re also strong believers in low beer miles. Every bottle contains local and Australian ingredients wherever possible because we think they are as good as or better than any you’ll find in the world. At Rehn Bier, you’ll discover and enjoy all the aromas, flavours and passion that come with a well-made artisan beer. We’ll provide you the perfect complement to the delicious wine, food and produce that this region is globally renowned for.

7pm, June 17th @ the Wheaty.

SABC @ Good Beer Wheaty!

Don’t forget folks, starting this Thursday is Good Beer Wheaty!

There is an awesome selection of events happening, but if you’ll indulge us for a moment, we’re involved in an event on Saturday the 16th 3pm-5pm:

Home Brewer Vs Pro Brewer Vs Hops
Ticketed Tasting with HopCo (TAS), SABC (SA), Pirate Life (SA), Young Henrys (AUS) & Wheaty Brewing Corps (SA) $20+bf Tickets HERE

We’ll have some members beers for tasting during the event!

Click here for the full program as provided by The Wheaty

This is not a subsidised member event, however we would like to encourage everyone to grab a ticket and come along. Bring a friend!

May Members Meeting – Pint of Science – Next Week!

The previous version of this post mentioned the meeting was in August. This was incorrect. The meeting is on May 20th.

Our May meeting will be something a little different to the usual members meeting. We’ve teamed up with Pint of Science for this meeting and, as outlined below, the program will be of interest to our members. There’s a $5 charge to attend this meeting, but members will receive a free beer in return for their attendance.

What is Pint of Science?
New scientific discoveries are happening all the time, fascinating developments which will change the future of the human race. But how often are you given the chance to really understand how these discoveries are made and what they mean?

The Pint of Science festival will have some of world’s best scientific researchers go to pubs across Australia to discuss their latest findings with you. This is your chance to get face-to-face with the people involved in carrying out current research. You can listen to them talk, or just enjoy a chat over a pint.

The festival will have two fixtures in Adelaide  on the 19th and  the 20th May 2015. These fixtures will be part of a wider program occurring in 40 cities and across 8 countries. Tickets and details available from 

From the hop to the drop: the science of brewing
Wed 20th May 6 – 9 pm @ The Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George St Thebarton
Enjoy the ride while our expert speakers take you through the brewing process and the tasting experience of bespoke beers at an iconic Adelaide microbrewery

Dr. Peter Speck:  a microbiological feast with barley, water, hops and yeast

Briony Liebich:  some olfactory insights and the sensory delights of beer

Jeff Goodieson:  beauty is in the eye of the beer holder, a brewers perspective

April Members Meeting – Tomorrow night!

Don’t forget – tomorrow night, 15th of April, is the monthly Members Meeting at the Wheaty from 7pm.

This months topic is SMASH beers – we will have a few members who have brewed beers for tasting during this meeting.

SMASH is a style of brewing where a single malt and single hop is used to showcase those specific ingredients. It’s a great way to get familar with the flavour contributions of a specific malt or hop, and despite the simple sounding recipe – some of the greatest beers in the world – German and Czech Pils for example – are single malt and single hop.

There will be a range of brewing techniques and styles on display and discussed on the night to get the most our of these basic ingredients.

It’ll be a great night!

SABC and Good Beer Wheaty

SABC Involvement for Wheatsheaf Event Sat 16th May

3pm-5pm: Home Brewer Vs Pro Brewer Vs Hops –  Ticketed Tasting with HopCo (TAS), SABC (SA), Pirate Life (SA), Young Henrys (AUS) & Wheaty Brewing Corps (SA)

SABC are seeking volunteers to brew (and possibly present) a beer for the above event in just over 5 weeks time.

We are seeking beers in the following categories:
A Malt driven beer (eg stout/porter or similar)
A Yeast/fermentation driven beer (eg saison, wild/funk?)
A Hop driven beer (eg APA/IPA)
A water profiled driven beer (eg pilsner)

If you are interested in brewing a beer for this event, please email the club outlining your planned beer for one of the categories above.

We will need a couple of beers in each category, with the most suitable to be incorporated into the Wheaty’s tasting for the event. Beer selection will be at the discretion of the Wheaty and the SABC committee.

You will need to provide at least 8 Litres of ready to drink beer (bottles or kegs is acceptable) if your beer is selected for the event. Kegs can be made available for loan if required.

We are now only 5 weeks away from this event – so please email us with your interest asap. Closing date for email interest is Monday 13th April.

SABC Summer Competition – Results announcement!

The SABC Summer Competition has been run and won!

On Saturday the 21st of March judges and stewards headed to the Wheaty nice and early to get stuck into some steam beer.

With a total of 20 entries, the California Commons beers were split across two tables with three judges each. After each table had scored their beers, the top three beers from each table faced off in a best of show style round with Jade, Laura and Brad selecting a 1, 2 and 3 overall placing.

The decision between the top two beers was a tough one, with both beers being well brewed but having some characteristics that were on the edge of the style definition. In the end, the top three placings were as follows:

1. Simon Rofe
2. Craig Milnes
3. James Forrest

Simon will now have the chance to work with Jade and Laura to brew a batch on the Wheaty Brewing Corps rig later in the year. It sounds like he may have to throw a few extra hops on the day to keep them happy though. 🙂

While the California Common beers were being judged, the current BJCP study group took on the Other category. With beers ranging from a blonde ale, through dry stout to a caramelised fig and coffee imperial oatmeal stout they had quite a challenge adjusting their palette with each beer, bet eventually decided on a standout.

Matt Kennedy took out the category with an American IPA which by all accounts was a very good example of the style.

SABC would like to thank Jade and Laura from the Wheaty for providing us with this opportunity and their support of the competition. Also the other judges, Brad, Dan and Dave from the Wheaty, Ian for stewarding, and the BJCP group, Gary, Jules and anyone we’ve likely forgotten!

Scoresheets and the remaining unopened beers will be available at the May SABC meeting for collection.
Don’t forget the SABC Spring Competition categories have been announced and with a lager in the mix you’ll need to start thinking about brewing soon to have your been in top condition for judging.

SABC – Spring Competition Announcement!

SABC’s Spring competition is being announced early this year with 3 categories, all will be eligible for Brewer of the Year points. Oktoberfest is traditionally brewed as a lager so extra time is being given for this category.

Categories are:
4.1 Oktoberfest / Marzen
12.1 Australian Stout / Foreign Extra Stout
Other (Beers from any other style category).

AABC Style Guidelines:

Entries will close in early AUGUST (date TBA) – so get brewing! We’ve intentionally aligned this competition date to be close to SABSOSA as there is generally some crossover in entries between these competitions; additionally the ANAWBS ‘Mash Paddle’ award style this year is Oktoberfest – we’d love to see an SABC member take out the honours!

ANAWBS entries close:
Friday 18th Sept at Winequip Products
or can be delivered to Waite Campus on
Monday 21st Sept 10am – 4pm and Tuesday 23nd Sept 10am – 12 noon.
No BOTY points are on offer for ANAWBS.

We’re also planning a subsidised Members Event for later in the year which will tie in with the Oktoberfest / Marzen style – you probably don’t need to be a genius to figure out what that event will be based on these styles!