Hello Members! We are aiming to grow this newsletter to be published monthly. Along with keeping our members that are not on Facebook or unable to attend meetings informed, we would like your input! This could be anything brewing related recipes, tech tips etc. Email submissions to info@sabrew.com and mark it attention Mark Woods. Cheers Mark
April Meeting – The Wheaty
This Wednesday 19th of April at 7pm we head back to The Wheaty for our monthly meeting. Award winning hazy brewer Lachlan will deliver a presentation focusing on this style. If you have a hazy on tap at the moment please bring it to share.
Bottle bingo has dropped off slightly – Please bring a bottle to swap and sample other brewers beers.
Anyone that attended the mead workshop please bring the mead for sampling, Raf will be available for feedback. Same for anyone that is brewing no or ultra low alcohol beers. Nick M
BeerBBQ May 6th 2023
SABCs annual BeerBQ is back in just 3 weeks! Once again, ETKG Tennis Club will host us in their club hall and outdoor deck in Kensington Gardens. For those unfamiliar, the annual BeerBQ sees SABC members put on a huge spread of delicious BBQ – think pulled pork, chicken wings, kranskies etc – and pair it with our finest selection of homebrew.
This years BeerBQ will also see teams present their clone beers for the Shapeshifter challenge.
With around 35 members expected from each club (SABC & ETKG) there is going to be a lot of thirsty/hungry mouths to feed, so we need as many brewers as possible to bring along a keg/growler or bottles of their finest.
We also need members to help with catering whether its smoking meats, tossing salads or baking pretzels. If you’re able to help on the catering side, drop us an email or contact a committee member to offer your support! If you’d like to bring a keg but need help dispensing it on the night, drop us an email or post in the Facebook group. There a many members with multi-tap miracle boxes who can help!
Date: Saturday May 6th
Time: 6PM – 10PM
Cost: FREE for members, $30 for guests
Location: East Torrens-Kensington Gardens Tennis Club
Address: East Terrace & South Terrace, Kensington Gardens SA 5068
TICKETS: https://shop.sabrew.com/product-category/events/
Brewers Shout – Pirate Life

After the success of the barrel brew day, Pirate Life reached out to expand the Brewers Shout at The District to incorporate our club. Starting Thursday 4th of May it will run monthly alongside our normal monthly meeting however will be a more technical format. Pirate Life brewers will present a brewing topic each month (May is Non Alc), take questions and provide free beer. Anyone that attended the barrel brew day will confirm not only the generosity of Pirate Life but this promises to be informative and interesting evenings. Big ups to Gary and Luke for locking this in with PL.
Winter Competition 2023
Locked in for Sunday 9th July, Location and portal details to follow but get brewing or judging 🙂 ! This year we look to tread the path less travelled with some styles that may not be brewed as often.In preparation for the newly formed ABCSA, Amateur Brewing Championship of South Australia (formerly SABSOSA), and to cover more of the bases of lesser entered categories in AABC, this year we will focus on some interesting and challenging categories, including for the first time, meads! Clinton.
- 1 LOW ALCOHOL (≤ 4% ABV)
- 23A. Berliner Weisse
- 14A. Scottish Light
- 14B. Scottish Heavy
- 1A. American Light Lager
- 27. Historical Beer: London Brown Ale
- 13A. Dark Mild
- 5A. German Leichtbier
- 3A. Czech Pale Lager
- 11A. Ordinary Bitter
- 27. Historical Beer: Piwo Grodziskie
- 25B. Saison
- 24C. Bière de Garde
- 26B. Belgian Dubbel
- 26A. Belgian Single
- 26C. Belgian Tripel
- 25C. Belgian Golden Strong Ale
- 26D. Belgian Dark Strong Ale
- 4C. Helles Bock
- 6C. Dunkles Bock
- 9A. Doppelbock
- 9B. Eisbock
- 17C. Wee Heavy
- 17A. British Strong Ale
- 17B. Old Ale
- 17D. English Barley Wine
- 22B. American Strong Ale
- 22C. American Barleywine
- 27. Historical Beer: Sahti
- 32A. Classic Style Smoked Beer
- 32B. Specialty Smoked Beer
- 33A. Wood-Aged Beer
- 33B. Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
- 31A. Alternative Grain Beer
- 31B. Alternative Sugar Beer
- 34C. Experimental Beer
- 34A. Commercial Specialty Beer
- 34B. Mixed-Style Beer
- 19 MEAD
- M1A. Dry Mead
- M1B. Semi-Sweet Mead
- M1C. Sweet Mead
- M2A. Cyser
- M2B. Pyment
- M2C. Berry Mead
- M2D. Stone Fruit Mead
- M2E. Melomel
- M3A. Fruit and Spice Mead
- M3B. Spice, Herb or Vegetable Mead
- M4A. Braggot
- M4B. Historical Mead
- M4C. Experimental Mead
ABCSA 2023 (formally SABSOSA)
Judging is locked in for the weekend of 26th- 27th of August 2023 at The Irish Club again. Bottle sort will be Saturday the 19th of August, other details TBC. As normal we will need judges and stewards and there is no experience needed (maybe practice at the winter comp?). Note the earlier dates than normal to make way for the National competition AABC. The top three in each category are eligible for entry in the AABC 2023. We lost the best state at the AABC 2022 by count back to Victoria… As a group lets take it this year! Gary and Mark. (and Kam)
AABC 2023
AABC , SA hits a big step, nationals get judges here. We will need your support. The venue is not your normal go to , but a spot light on what Adelaide has to offer. We have secured the mezzanine floor of the District Pirate Life Brewery Adelaide Casino. (Thanks to PL again! Mark) This will also be launching pad for the Inner West Adelaide crafty trail….. details pending.So please help, date is Saturday 21st October 2023. Keep it free! Gary
Brewginners Program
A new member or not 100% confident with your all grain brewing? You are welcome to jump on a one on one all grain brew day. This will be offered on an ad-hoc basis at no cost initially in the inner western suburbs (Torrensville). Retaining and attracting new members has been a topic of discussion with the committee group so these brew days will be flexible and much less intimidating than the group challenge. Contact Mark Woods via Facebook or bagsey@hotmail.com for details. Mark
Yearly Calendar
Why are kangaroos good at brewing beer?
They have hops!