Oktoberfest has come to the SABC


We are excited to announce that the next SABC function has been locked in.  Get your lederhosen on for an Oktoberfest lunch at the German Club! The details are:

Saturday October 24, starting at 12:30pm
German Club of South Australia
223 Flinders Street, Adelaide

Lunch comprising main course and dessert, plus one complimentary beer will be provided by the club for financial members.  Guests and partners are most welcome, with the cost per head being $40 with a pint, or $32 for those not wishing to drink beer.  Of course, any guests signing up as new members on the day (it’s only $60) will avoid having to pay for this function, as well as benefitting from all the other perks our members enjoy.

We will be presenting the brewer of the year award at this event, and will hopefully also have someone to give a brief talk on the history of Oktoberfest (If you consider yourself an expert, get in touch with us.  You may score an extra beer…).

Please RSVP, along with any payments for guests, by October 10th by emailing events@sabrew.com.  Payments can be made in cash on the day or directly to the club account:

South Australian Brewing Club
BSB: 065004
Account: 1073 8025


Disclaimer:  You may not have this much fun (or beer)

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