November club meeting

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

The best way. Save your beer for later, enter in competitions or free up keg space, bottling beer correctly is a skill all brewers need to know.

Christmas Case Swap and brew day

SA Brewing Supplies Maria Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

The SA Brewing Club end of year brewday and case swap — 'System Wars'II, the Chillers Strike Back' (because we did one years ago...) From 12pm at SA Brewing Supplies, […]

Club meeting

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

Kick off the 2025 club year with a meeting at the Wheaty where we'll be A/B tasting a certain beer.

Summer Competition – focus on wheat

East Torrens Kensington Gardens Tennis Club East Tce, Kensington Gardens, Australia

Competition details at a glance: Date: Sunday, 9th February 2024 Time: 11:00 AM Venue: East Torrent Kensington Gardens Tennis Club Cost: $5 per entry   Categories: This competition will feature […]

February meeting – RO Water

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

A side-by-side comparison of R1 filters and how RO works.


Brightstar Brewing 35-37 Stirling St, Thebarton, SA, Australia

With the Wheaty unavailable, we're meeting on away grounds just around the corner at Brightstar Brewing, Thebarton. 

Brewing low and no alcohol beer

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

Darren Williams has done a lot of experimenting with low/no alc brewing, and he'll present what he has learned and taste some he has 'brewed'.

Franken Chiller… !

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

What’s a freakin; Franken Chiller… we’ll find out from Jules.