SABC Winter Competition
East Torrens Kensington Gardens Tennis Club East Tce, Kensington Gardens, AustraliaSABC Winter comp. Categories to be judged announced soon. Note the 1pm start. Judges and stewards encouraged to register.
Since its inception in 2012, the South Australian Brewing Club (SABC) has swiftly grown to become the largest and most successful brewing club in Adelaide and the country. The club embodies a diverse membership of individuals with a broad range of brewing expertise, all coming together to share knowledge and enhance their homebrewing skills. Central to the club’s calenda is the popular monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of each month, regularly attended by over 30 participants, thanks to the generous support of The Wheatsheaf Hotel. In addition to these gatherings, the club also hosts special events and brewery visits in Adelaide and the surrounding region. Find out more on our About SABC page.
SABC Winter comp. Categories to be judged announced soon. Note the 1pm start. Judges and stewards encouraged to register.
Helpers welcome or drop your entry off. Time TBC.
Two days of beer judging for ABCSA. Entries close a week prior.