Summer Competition – focus on wheat

East Torrens Kensington Gardens Tennis Club East Tce, Kensington Gardens, Australia

Competition details at a glance: Date: Sunday, 9th February 2024 Time: 11:00 AM Venue: East Torrent Kensington Gardens Tennis Club Cost: $5 per entry   Categories: This competition will feature […]

February meeting – RO Water

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

A side-by-side comparison of R1 filters and how RO works.


Brightstar Brewing 35-37 Stirling St, Thebarton, SA, Australia

With the Wheaty unavailable, we're meeting on away grounds just around the corner at Brightstar Brewing, Thebarton. 

Franken Chiller… !

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

What's a freakin; Franken Chiller... we'll find out from Jules.

Brewing low and no alcohol beer

Wheatsheaf Hotel 39 George Street, Thebarton, SA, Australia

Darren Williams has done a lot of experimenting with low/no alc brewing and he'll present what he has learnt and have 'brewed' items to taste.